The Pronk Pops Show 458, May 1, 2015, Story 1: Six Baltimore Police Officers Charged — Obama’s National Police Force For The 21st Century! — Videos

Posted on May 1, 2015. Filed under: American History, Blogroll, Breaking News, City, Communications, Congress, Consitutional Law, Corruption, Crime, Employment, Federal Government, Gangs, Government, History, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Law, Legal Immigration, Obama, Philosophy, Photos, Politics, President Barack Obama, Public Sector Unions, Radio, Raymond Thomas Pronk, Scandals, Security, Social Science, Taxation, Taxes, Terror, Terrorism, Unemployment, Unions, United States Constitution, Videos, Violence, Wealth, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


The Pronk Pops Show Podcasts

Pronk Pops Show 458 May 1, 2015 

Pronk Pops Show 457 April 30, 2015 

Pronk Pops Show 456: April 29, 2015 

Pronk Pops Show 455: April 28, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 454: April 27, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 453: April 24, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 452: April 23, 2015 

Pronk Pops Show 451: April 22, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 450: April 21, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 449: April 20, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 448: April 17, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 447: April 16, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 446: April 15, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 445: April 14, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 444: April 13, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 443: April 9, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 442: April 8, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 441: April 6, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 440: April 2, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 439: April 1, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 438: March 31, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 437: March 30, 2015 

Pronk Pops Show 436: March 27, 2015 

Pronk Pops Show 435: March 26, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 434: March 25, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 433: March 24, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 432: March 23, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 431: March 20, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 430: March 19, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 429: March 18, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 428: March 17, 2015 

Pronk Pops Show 427: March 16, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 426: March 6, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 425: March 4, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 424: March 2, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 423: February 26, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 422: February 25, 2015 

Pronk Pops Show 421: February 20, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 420: February 19, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 419: February 18, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 418: February 16, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 417: February 13, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 416: February 12, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 415: February 11, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 414: February 10, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 413: February 9, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 412: February 6, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 411: February 5, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 410: February 4, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 409: February 3, 2015

Pronk Pops Show 408: February 2, 2015

Story 1: Six Baltimore Police Officers Charged — Obama’s National Police Force For The 21st Century! —  Videos

We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

~Barack Obama

Baltimore state attorney Marilyn Mosby speaks on recent violence in Baltimore


Breaking News – Specific charges, profiles of Freddie Gray officers

6 Baltimore Cops Charged In Freddie Gray’s Death

Fox’s Jeanine Pirro Praises Baltimore State’s Attorney Mosby for Charging Officers

Judge Napolitano: Baltimore is burning

Sheriff Clarke: Baltimore is “George Zimmerman, Duke Lacross all over again..”


Judge Nap: Gov’t Cannot Be Confronted By Blue Wall of Silence in Freddie Gray Case

Napolitano: There’s a ‘Serious Absence of Leadership’ in Baltimore

Judge Nap: Arrest of Black Man Who Died From Spinal Injury ‘Unconstitutional’

DOJ Targets Racism in Police Forces –

Will Police Departments Face Scrutiny After DOJ Ferguson Report?

Al Sharpton called to Baltimore by Mayor

Al Sharpton Calls For Nationalization Of Police In Wake Of Baltimore Riots (Limbaugh responds)

OBAMA RIPS US POLICE: Target Poor, African Americans

What They Won’t Tell You About Baltimore Riots

BALTIMORE RIOTS – Maryland Governor Activates 5,000 National Guard Troops. Martial Law Coming?

Bishop Jackson to Rev. Sharpton: ‘March Right Back to N.Y. & MSNBC’

Sheriff David Clarke: Al Sharpton Should ‘Go Back into the Gutter He Came From’

Baltimore Mayor Hand Picked by Obama for Task Force, Plan to Nationalize Police


Obama Civilian Security

Obama National Police Force

Congressman: DHS Civil Unrest With Obamacare’s “commissioned/non-commissioned officer corps,”

Michael Savage – Barack Obama’s National Civilian Security Force is now LAW and is Funded

Heads Up! Obama Just Federalized Police Forces In 6 US Cities

Glenn Beck Digs into Obama’s Civilian National Police Force

President Obama Meets with the Task Force on 21st Century Policing

Radley Balko on the Militarization of America’s Police Force: VICE Meets

Gestapo Hitler’s Secret Police

To win convictions, prosecutors must get inside heads of Baltimore officers


Prosecutors have a tough road ahead to win convictions against six Baltimore officers in Freddie Gray death
Prosecutors seeking to convict six Baltimore officers in the death of a young black man severely injured while in police custody will focus not on what the officers did but on what they allegedly failed to do: provide medical attention to 25-year-old Freddie Gray inside a police van on April 12.

That will require prosecutors and jurors to get inside the heads of the officers to determine whether they willfully ignored what a prosecutor said was Gray’s increasingly frantic pleas for medical help during a 44-minute ride in the van.

Unlike police abuse cases in which officers are charged with a physical act, such as beating or shooting a suspect, the Gray case involves evaluating the subjective performance of police duties. Prosecutors will have to convince jurors that the officers showed a conscious disregard for human life, said Laurie Levenson, a former federal prosecutor.

Marilyn Mosby charges officers involved in Freddie Gray’s death (Complete statement)
Baltimore curfew in place for third night
“It’s not enough to show officers were bad officers, bad policing,’’ said Levenson, a Loyola Law School professor. “You’re not in the officer’s head. Even if they are wrong, even if they made a mistake, it doesn’t make it criminal.’’

The most serious charge, against the driver of the van, Officer Ceasar Goodson, is second-degree “depraved heart’’ murder, which involves a special degree of reckless indifference. But proving that charge beyond a reasonable doubt is a significant challenge, according to defense lawyers and former prosecutors.

They said it will also be difficult to persuade jurors to vote guilty on other serious charges against the officers, including manslaughter and assault.
“Jurors just don’t want to believe these are the bad guys,’’ Levenson said. “It’s almost too scary to think that we’ve given criminals the power of law enforcement. The burden of proof is so high because police officers come in with what I call an extra presumption of innocence.’’

Whether the officers recognized Gray’s medical condition “will be the million-dollar question,’’ said John A. Wilson, a retired FBI agent and use-of-force consultant who has testified as an expert witness in police brutality cases. Unless prosecutors can show the officers were fully aware of how their actions — or inactions — affected Gray’s condition, jurors are likely to side with the cops, he said.

Baltimore State’s Atty. Marilyn J. Mosby said Friday that Gray “suffered a critical neck injury as a result of being handcuffed, shackled by his feet and restrained’’ inside the police van.

Baltimore enforces 10 p.m. curfew after day of peaceful rallies
Baltimore enforces 10 p.m. curfew after day of peaceful rallies
Mosby accused Goodson, the driver, of ignoring Gray’s pleas for medical assistance “in a grossly negligent manner.’’ She said Sgt. Alicia D. White, who is charged with manslaughter, assault and misconduct, “made no effort to look, or assess, or determine his condition.’’

To refute those allegations, defense lawyers will probably ask jurors to view the events of April 12 from the point of view of officers confronted with a difficult and rapidly evolving situation. For instance, Wilson said, officers often deal with suspects who claim to be in pain. Determining which complaints are legitimate could be viewed by jurors as the purview of a doctor, not a police officer.

John D. Barnett, an Orange County defense attorney who has represented police officers in excessive-force cases, said defense lawyers should request every scrap of communication between the officers and dispatchers, between officers and paramedics, and among the officers’ themselves in order to establish the officers’ states of mind.

“You want to have all those voices so you know what’s in the head of each of the officers,’’ Barnett said. “You view the information that is available from the view of a peace officer, not a plumber or a pastor. They look at things differently because their experiences are different.’’

Barnett, who represented an officer involved in the Rodney King beating in Los Angeles in 1991, said prosecutions of law enforcement officers are frequently unsuccessful because charges are hastily filed without a thorough investigation, for political of public relations reasons.

“When there’s been rioting or demonstrations, the decision to indict is not based on the evidence of whether they can get a conviction, but for political concerns,’’ Barnett said. “The expectations are raised by these quick indictments. Later on, the officers are acquitted [and] the public doesn’t understand why.’’

In Baltimore and other cities, police have used ‘rough rides’ as payback in the past
In Baltimore and other cities, police have used ‘rough rides’ as payback in the past
Mosby brought the charges against the six officers just one day after receiving a report on the police investigation of Gray’s death and just hours after a medical examiner ruled the April 19 death a homicide. Critics said she was attempting to tamp down rising public indignation that spilled over into a night of violence, looting and arson on Monday.

“It’s pretty disconcerting what she is doing, bringing charges after having the case just one day,’’ said former federal prosecutor Steven H. Levin of Baltimore.

Mosby said her office had conducted a “comprehensive, thorough and independent investigation.’’

More than three months passed from the Aug. 9 shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., before a prosecutor announced on Nov. 24, that a grand jury decided not to indict officer Darren Wilson. Nearly five months elapsed after Eric Garner died during a police arrest in Staten Island before a grand jury declined to indict the officers involved.
Rochelle Ritchie, a spokeswoman for Mosby, said prosecutors have 30 days from the filing of the charges to seek an indictment from a grand jury. Preliminary hearings for the officers are scheduled for May 27.

The Baltimore chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police has accused Mobsy of “an egregious rush to judgment.’’

Early defense comments appeared to portray the officers as dedicated public servants performing a thankless job. Michael E. Davey, a police union lawyer, said Friday, “We believe that these officers will be vindicated, as they have done nothing wrong.’’

In a letter sent to Mosby before the charges were announced, union President Gene Ryan wrote, “At all times, each of the officers diligently balanced their obligations to protect Mr. Gray and discharge their duties to protect the public.’’

Ryan alluded to the officers’ state of mind, adding, “Not one of the officers involved in this tragic situation left home in the morning with the anticipation that someone with whom they interacted would not go home that night.’’

Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the law school at UC Irvine and an expert on civil rights law, said charges against the six officers may represent a shift in official and public opinion about prosecuting police officers in the wake of recent, highly publicized deaths of unarmed black man at the hands of police.

‘The Wire’ in real life: the Baltimore neighborhood Freddie Gray called home
‘The Wire’ in real life: the Baltimore neighborhood Freddie Gray called home
“Would these officers have been indicted if not for Ferguson and Staten Island?’’ Chemerinsky asked. “The enormous publicity surrounding the deaths of African American men in the hands of police really could make a difference at trial.’’

Also significant in the Gray prosecution are the lesser charges: misconduct in office and false imprisonment. Mosby said officers did not have probable cause to to arrest Gray. She said a knife found in Gray’s clothing was a legal pocketknife and not an illegal switchblade, as police had claimed. Gray had not committed a crime when he was arrested and was handcuffed after he had made eye contact with an officer and fled, Mosby said. She also said the officers had failed to secure Gray with a seat belt inside the van, in violation of police policy.

The lesser charges give jurors a fallback option, Levenson said.

“It gives jurors room to compromise,’’ she said. “It can better tailor the case to the individual actions of the individual officers.’’



Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) declared the charges brought against six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray “George Zimmerman and the Duke Lacrosse case all over again” and said “these cops are political prisoners,” offered up as human sacrifices, thrown like red meat to an angry mob” on Friday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel.

Clarke said of the charges, “it’s a miscarriage of justice. This neophyte prosecutor stood up there and made a political statement, Neil, and I say that because she’s chanting or voicing some of the chants from this angry mob. Her job is to tune that out. She said, I hear the voices. She’s not supposed to hear anything as she reviews this case that is not consistent with the rule of law and our system of justice. Look, I’m an experienced and a veteran homicide detective. I’ve had — I’ve participated in charging conferences. There is no way I have ever gotten a criminal charge within 24 hours after taking over all the reports and evidence to a prosecutor. A prosecutor who is thorough needs several days to sift through hundreds of pages of reports. They usually want to interview some of the witnesses themselves, in person, and they have to sift through all of the evidence, piece by piece, and they have to wait for some of the forensics evidence to conclude, to come back and that’s why I say on a minimum, three to four days. She just got this case yesterday. This is political activism. She’ll never prove this beyond a reasonable doubt, and I’m not going to silently stand by and watch my brother officers, offered up as human sacrifices, thrown like red meat to an angry mob, just to appease this angry mob.” And that “she rushed this thing through.”

After his interview was cut off to carry a Fraternal Order of Police press conference live, he continued, “she knows she’s not going to be able to prove these charges beyond a reasonable doubt. This is George Zimmerman and the Duke Lacrosse case all over again. A politically active district attorney or state’s attorney, you can tell the emotion in her voice, she almost did this with glee. And that’s why I believe, like they [the FOP] do…she needs to remove herself from the case. I hope the state’s attorney general gets involved in this, and sees the error of her ways. The smart thing for her to do is recuse herself and name a special prosecutor.”

He added that “there may be and probably are, some civil torts here, but what little I know, and I don’t know all the facts, but I’m listening to the emotion in their voice, and listening to those political statements that she made at the end of that news conference, that’s political activism, it’s wrong, it’s probably in violation of her code of ethics as a lawyer. And again, I’m going to take my time with this, but I’m not going to sit idly by, and I want to call out to every law enforcement officer in the country to pay attention to this. Because, I see a pattern, at least demands from an angry mob, that we be offered up as human sacrifices. We don’t do that in our system of justice in the United States just to please an angry mob. And I sense from what I heard her say, Neil, that that’s what is going on here.”

Clarke concluded, “there are some things I find in this case — what little I know — that are problematic from a procedural standpoint, but Neil, it doesn’t make it criminal. These cops are political prisoners. I’m calling them political prisoners because this state’s attorney, stood up there and made a political statement at the end, talking about she hears the voices, and no justice and no peace.”

Remember Obama’s Civilian National Security Force?

By Doug Mainwaring

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Candidate Obama sent red flags up all over the country when he strongly proposed “Civilian security force.”

Is Obama planning to have a Civilian Security Force in addition to the military? “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set,” Obama said.  “We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

That plank in the future president’s platform was quickly removed, but evidently not discarded.  It seems that it was merely safely tucked away until a more opportune time.

Now we see, perhaps, then-Candidate Obama’s intent re-emerging — not through the creation of a voluntary service program, but through the co-opting of various government agencies to suppress those whom this administration perceives as enemies.

Evidence is not lacking:

– The IRS has been used to target Tea Party groups and has leaked private information about other conservative organizations, such as the National Organization for Marriage.

-The EPA has been heaping monstrous regulations upon the U.S. coal industry in order to, essentially, kill it.

– When Tea Partiers organized a small protest/press conference in front of the IRS in Washington, D.C. last May, Homeland Security vehicles outnumbered the Tea Partier attendees.  Homeland Security’s overbearing, disproportionate presence was intimidating, as intended.

Homeland Security Vehicles at May 2013 Tea Party press conference in front of IRS Washington, D.C. Headquarters.

-In recent weeks, U.S. Park Service employees have been deployed to treat their fellow Americans with contempt and disdain.  Uniformed Park Service guards have intimidated and bullied senior citizens at Yellowstone Park, ostensibly holding them hostage until they could be escorted off National Park property.  A tour guide described the actions of the Park Service employees as “Gestapo tactics.”

Washington, D.C.’s open-air war memorials on the National Mall have been shut down and walled off by the Park Service to prevent WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam Vets in their sixties to nineties, often in wheelchairs, from paying homage to their fallen comrades.  And when private citizens, aghast at the inhumane treatment of our aging veterans, pitched in to provide porta-potties for the vets because the Park Service had chosen to lock the public restrooms, denying access to this most basic human need to our Vets, the delivery of those porta-potties was denied.  Human dignity be damned.  Care and compassion be damned.  Let elderly vets soil themselves.

Don’s Johns delivered Port-A-John’s to the World War II Memorial.  National Park Service Ranger refused to accept the delivery.  (Photo courtesy Michele Tennery.)

In yesterday’s Fiscal Times, Ed Morrissey explained “How Federal Workers Became Obama’s Private Army.”

… and it’s part of a disturbing pattern emerging in the second term of Barack Obama. When law enforcement and tax enforcement become rankly political, Americans can no longer trust in their federal government, even when it’s not shut down – and that won’t stop after Obama leaves office, either. We are getting a clear lesson on the risks of larger government and regulatory overreach, and those risks go far beyond incompetence. Let’s hope this serves as a wake-up call – and let’s demand that Congress hold those accountable in the IRS and National Parks Service for their uncivil service.

One wonders if this is a test, to see just how far the far left ideologues in the administration can go until the American people push back against their increasingly heavy-handed command-and-control tactics.

Even more disturbing is this: what we are now witnessing may also be a test to see if U.S. civil servants are willing to suppress their consciences and falsify their beliefs in order to continue to “fit in” at work.  After all, IRS, EPA, Homeland Security, and U.S Park Service employees can reassure themselves, saying, “I’m only doing my job.”

Obama’s Push For That National Police Force

Marilyn Mosby Charges 6 Baltimore Police Officers in Death of Freddie Gray

Maryland State Attorney for the city of Baltimore Marilyn Mosby announced on Friday morning that Freddie Gray‘s death in police custody was ruled a homicide by the medical examiner, and that there is sufficient probable cause to file criminal charges against the six officers involved.

The six Baltimore police officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray will now face criminal charges ranging from murder to manslaughter to assault. The driver of the police van was charged with second-degree murder, while three officers were charged with involuntary manslaughter. Other officers were also charged with assault in connection with the murder.

Officers Charged In Freddie Gray’s Death, State’s Attorney Said Arrest Was Illegal

Derek Valcourt

City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby says Freddie Gray received his critical injuries in Baltimore police custody and has charged all six officers involved in his death.

The city state’s attorney outlined where they say the officers went wrong from the moment they arrested Gray all the way to the time they took him out of the van and realized he wasn’t breathing.

On April 12, when 25-year-old Freddie Gray first made eye contact with a city police officer and ran away, officers chased him down and arrested him at 1700 Pressbury Street.

Bystanders then began recording the arrest, watching as Gray was placed in the police van. The prosecutor faults the three arresting officers for not properly restraining or seatbelting Gray in the van, calling his arrest illegal to begin with.

“Lt. Rice, Officer Nero and Officer Miller failed to establish probable cause for Mr. Gray’s arrest, as no crime had been committed by Mr. Gray,” Mosby said.

The van made its first stop at Baker Street, where Gray was removed, put in flex cuffs and leg shackles and, again, not properly restrained. It is here prosecutors believe he was injured.

“Following transport from Baker’s Street, Mr. Gray suffered a severe and critical neck injury as a result of being restrained, handcuffed, shackled by his feet and unrestrained by his feet inside the Baltimore Police Department wagon,” she said.

That van stopped again at the intersection of Mosher and Freemont Street. The driver got out and observed Gray, but gave him no medical aid—and Gray still wasn’t in a seatbelt. The van made a third stop at Dolphin and Druid Hill Street, where Gray said he couldn’t breathe and asked twice for medical attention.

“However, despite Mr. Gray’s request for a medic, both officers assessed Mr. Gray’s condition. At no point did they restrain Mr. Gray per BPD general order, nor did they render or request medical attention,” she said.

The van then headed to North Avenue and Pennsylvania, where it stops to pick up Donta Allen. At that time, Gray was already unresponsive, according to Mosby. The officers did not get him medical help; he was still not properly secured in the van. Finally, the van drove to the Western District Police Station, where officers first removed the other prisoner from the van, before realizing that Gray had stopped breathing and was now in cardiac arrest.

“The findings of our comprehensive, thorough, and independent investigation coupled with the ME’s determination that Mr. Gray’s death was a homicide which we received today, has led us to believe that we have probable cause to file criminal charges,” Mosby said.

She charged all six officers in the death of Gray and said his arrest was illegal.

Mosby described the morning’s event:

She said Lt. Brian W. Rice along with Officer Garret Miller & Officer Edward M. Nero were on bike patrol when they made eye contact with Gray. Gray ran from Rice and Rice dispatched he was involved in a foot pursuit. Other officers got involved.

Gray surrendered to Miller and Nero and the officer handcuffed him behind his back, Mosby said. Gray asked for an inhaler because he “could not breathe,” but the officers did not get him medical attention.

They found a knife clipped inside his pants packet — the knife was not a switchblade and is lawful under Maryland law, she said.

The officers then restrained Gray in a “leg lace,” and held him down until the transport van arrived, while he “flailed and screamed.”

The officers failed to find probable cause for Gray’s arrest, Mosby said. When the police transport van arrived, he was placed into the wagon driven by Officer Caesar B. Goodson, but without a seatbelt.

“At no point was he secured by a seatbelt while in the wagon contrary to a BPD general order,” she added. “Despite stopping for the purpose of checking on Mr. Gray’s condition, at no point did he seek nor render any medical assistance for Mr. Gray.”

Gray was then removed from the wagon at Baker Street, places flex cuffs on his wrists and leg shackles on his ankles — while they completed paperwork. He was then placed back into the wagon’s floor head first and stomach down — without a seatbelt.

“Following transport from Baker Street, Mr. Gray suffered a severe and critical neck injury as a result of being handcuffed, shackled by his feet and unrestrained inside of the BPD wagon,” Mosby said.

After leaving Baker Street, the officers stopped again to check on Gray’s condition, but they did not seek medical attention for Gray. Again, Goodson drove off without buckling Gray into the van.

The van stopped once again, this time Officer William G. Porter met up with Goodson and checked on gray. Gray asked for medical attention stating he couldn’t breathe. Porter asked Gray if he needed a medic and although Gray insisted he did, the officers allegedly placed him back on the bench and decided he did not need a medic.

Then Porter left to assist with another arrest on West North avenue and Goodson shortly followed with Gray in the back of the police van to help transport another suspect. When they arrived at that located they Sgt. Alicia White, Goodson and Porter saw Gray was unresponsive on the floor of the back of the wagon.

White spoke to the back of Gray’s head and was advised he needed a medic, but Mosby said she made no effort to determine his condition.

The officer did not get Gray medical attention until they returned to the Western District station.

Mosby said the officers are being charged with a number of counts of manslaughter, assault and misconduct. One officer will even be charged with a count of murder.

  • Officer Caeser B. Goodson, Jr. was charged with second-degree depraved heart murder, involuntary manslaughter, second-degree assault, two counts of manslaughter by vehicle and misconduct in office.
  • Officer William G. Porter was charged with involuntary manslaughter, second-degree assault and misconduct in office.
  • Lt. Brian W. Rice was charged with involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree assault, two counts of misconduct in office and false imprisonment.
  • Officer Edward M. Nero charged with two counts of second-degree assault, two counts of misconduct in office and false imprisonment.
  • Officer Garret Miller charged with two counts of second-degree assault, two counts of misconduct in office and false imprisonment.
  • Sgt. Alicia White involuntary manslaughter, second-degree assault and misconduct in office.

Warrants have been issued for the arrest of the officers.

“To the people of Baltimore and the demonstrators across America, I heard your call for ‘No Justice, No Peace,’ your peace is sincerely needed as I work to deliver justice on behalf of this young man,” Mosby added.

The officers could face up to 20 years in prison for the charges. The driver — Goodson — could face up to 63 years in prison. They are expected to turn themselves in later today.

As groups take to the streets of Baltimore to celebrate the news, several officials reacted to the findings.

The Baltimore Police Fraternal Order of Police No. 3 issued a letter to Mosby Friday morning on behalf of the officers involved saying that the death was not the officers’ faults and they also requested a special prosecutor citing conflicts of interest with Mosby’s office.

“Each of the officers involved is sincerely saddened by Gray’s passing. They are all committed police officers who have dedicated their careers to the Baltimore City Police Department,” the letter states, “And that has been lost in all the publicity.”

“All death is tragic,” the FOP states. “And death associated with interaction with police is both shocking and frightening to the public.”

Rep. Elijah Cummings reacted to the charges filed against the officers in a press conference Friday afternoon.

“Let the wheels of justice roll, and it’s good that they are rolling, instead of standing still,” Cummings said. “”One of things that I’m determined to do and I’m hoping we’re able to do is make Baltimore a model for the nation.”

Gov. Larry Hogan who has been working from Baltimore this week due to the state of emergency also commented on Mosby’s findings:

“We finally get the process moving forward, but it’s a process. The criminal justice system is gonna work it’s way through, we believe in the criminal justice system. It’s just one component of what’s going on down here. There’s the Freddie Gray case, there’s the safety of the people of Baltimore, and then there’s the longer term issues,” Hogan said. “My role in the process is to try to keep folks safe.” … “I know emotions are running high. We want to keep the peace, keep the calm. We’ve got a lot folks out there demonstrating tonight and tomorrow and we want to continue to have the kind of success we’ve had over the past three days of keeping people calm.”

Hogan said he doesn’t have a timeline for when curfew will be lifted.

Death of Freddie Gray

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the death of Freddie Gray. For the protests that followed, see 2015 Baltimore civil unrest.
Death of Freddie Gray
Freddie Gray.jpg

Freddie Carlos Gray, Jr.
August 16, 1989 – April 19, 2015
Date Incident April 12, 2015
Location Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.
Type Death while in police custody
Cause Spinal cord injury
Filmed by Two witnesses to Gray’s arrest
Participants Freddie C. Gray, six Baltimore police officers
Outcome Death of Freddie Gray on April 19, 2015
Burial April 27, 2015
Inquiries U.S. Department of Justice
Baltimore Police Department
Accused Caesar R. Goodson Jr., William G. Porter, Brian W. Rice, Edward M. Nero, Garrett Miller, Alicia D. White[1]
Charges Goodson: Second-degree murder
Others: involuntary manslaughter, second-degree assault, manslaughter by vehicle, misconduct in office, false imprisonment[1]

On April 12, 2015, Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old African-American man, was taken into custody by the Baltimore Police Department for allegedly possessing a switchblade; however, Baltimore state’s attorney Marilyn J. Mosby subsequently stated “The knife was not a switchblade and is lawful under Maryland law”.[2] While being transported in a police van, Gray fell into a coma and was taken to a trauma center.[3][4][5] Gray died on April 19, 2015. His death was ascribed to injuries to his spinal cord.[5] On April 21, 2015, pending an investigation of the incident, six Baltimore police officers were temporarily suspended with pay.[4]

The circumstances of the injuries were initially unclear; eyewitness accounts suggested that the officers involved had partaken in unnecessary use of force against Gray while arresting him—a claim denied by an officer involved.[4][5][6][7]Commissioner Anthony Batts reported that the officers did not buckle him inside the van when being transported to the police station—a report supported by a medical investigation which found that Gray had sustained the injuries while in transport.[8][9]

On May 1, 2015, Baltimore prosecutors ruled that Gray’s death was a homicide, and that his arrest was illegal because the alleged switchblade was a legal-sized pocket knife. The prosecutors stated that they had probable cause to file criminal charges against the six police officers who were believed to be involved in his death.[2] One officer was charged with second degree depraved-heart murder, and others were charged with crimes ranging from manslaughter to illegal arrest.[2]

Gray’s death resulted in an ongoing series of protests and civil disorder, in the spirit of the reaction to the 2014shooting of Michael Brown. A major protest in downtown Baltimore on April 25, 2015, turned violent, resulting in 34 arrests and injuries to 15 police officers.[10] After Gray’s funeral on April 27, civil unrest intensified with looting and burning of local businesses and a CVS drug store, culminating with a state of emergency declaration by GovernorLarry Hogan and Maryland National Guard deployment to Baltimore.


Personal life

Freddie C. Gray was the 25-year-old son of Gloria Darden. He had a twin sister, Fredericka, as well as another sister, Carolina.[11] At the time of his death, Gray lived in the home owned by his sisters in the Gilmor Homes neighborhood.[11] He stood 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 m) and weighed 145 pounds (66 kg).[12]

Criminal record

Gray had a criminal record, mainly for misdemeanors and drug-related offenses.[12] He had been arrested a total of 22 times in Maryland, primarily for possession and distribution of illegal narcotics.[13] Gray had been involved in 20 criminal court cases, five of which were still active at the time of his death.[14][12]

Arrest and death

Police encountered Freddie Gray on the morning of April 12, 2015,[7] in the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood of Baltimore, an area known to have high levels of home foreclosures, poverty, drug deals and violent crimes.[3][15] According to the charging documents submitted by the Baltimore police,[16] Gray attempted to flee “unprovoked” on foot, but police on bicycles chased and tackled Gray, found what they claimed was a switchblade in his pocket, and took him into custody at 8:40 a.m.[7][17] Two bystanders captured Gray’s arrest with video recordings, showing Gray being dragged into the van by officers. A bystander with connections to Gray stated that the officers were “folding” Gray—with one officer bending Gray’s legs backwards, and another holding Gray down by pressing a knee into Gray’s neck. Another witness told the Baltimore Sun that they had witnessed Gray being beaten with batons.[7][18]

According to the police timeline, Gray was placed in a transport van within 11 minutes of his arrest, and within 30 minutes, paramedics were summoned to take Gray to a hospital.[3] The van made four confirmed stops while Gray was detained. At 8:46 a.m., Gray was unloaded in order to be placed in leg irons because police said he was “irate.” A later stop, recorded by a private camera, shows the van stopped at a grocery store. At 8:59 a.m., a second prisoner was placed in the vehicle while officers checked on Gray’s condition, and 27 minutes later the van made its final stop so paramedics could transport an unconscious Gray to the hospital.[19] He was taken to the University of Maryland R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center in a coma.[3][20] The statement of charges filed by Officer Garrett Miller against Gray accused him of possessing a switchblade. Miller wrote, “The defendant was arrested without force or incident.”[6] Officers also reported “that he suffered a medical emergency during transport”.[7][21] The media has suggested the possibility of a so-called “rough ride“—where a handcuffed prisoner is placed without a seatbelt in an erratically driven vehicle—as a contributing factor in Gray’s injury.[22][23]

In the following week, according to the Gray family attorney, Gray suffered from total cardiopulmonary arrest at least once but was resuscitated without ever regaining consciousness. He remained in a coma, and underwent extensive surgery in an effort to save his life.[3] According to his family, he lapsed into a coma with three fractured vertebrae, injuries to his “voice box”, and his spine “80% severed” at his neck. Police confirmed that the spinal injury led to Gray’s death.[4][5] The attorney also disputed the claim that Gray had been in possession of a switchblade, and stated that it was actually a “pocketknife of legal size”.[24] He died on April 19, 2015, a week after his arrest.[17]



The Baltimore Police Department suspended six officers with pay pending an investigation of Gray’s death.[17] The six officers involved in the arrest were identified as Lieutenant Brian Rice, 41 (18 years on the force), Sergeant Alicia White, 30 (5 years on the force), Officer William Porter, 25 (5 years on the force), Officer Garrett Miller, 26 (3 years on the force), Officer Edward Nero, 29 (3 years on force), and Officer Caesar Goodson, 45 (16 years on the force).[25] On April 24, 2015, Police Commissioner Anthony Batts said, “We know our police employees failed to get him medical attention in a timely manner multiple times.”[8] Batts also acknowledged police did not follow procedure when they failed to buckle Gray in the van while he was being transported to the police station.[8] The U.S. Department of Justice also opened an investigation into the case.[26]

On April 30, 2015, Kevin Moore, the man who filmed Gray’s arrest, was arrested at gunpoint following “harassment and intimidation” by police. Moore stated to have cooperated with police and gave over his video of Gray’s arrest for investigation. He claimed, despite aiding in the investigation, his photo was made public by police for further questioning.[27] The same day, medical examiners reported Gray sustained more injuries as a result of him slamming into the inside of the transport van, “apparently breaking his neck; a head injury he sustained matches a bolt in the back of the van”. [9]


On May 1, 2015, the Baltimore State’s Attorney’s office ruled that Freddie Gray’s death was a homicide, and that they had probable cause to file criminal charges against the six officers involved. Marilyn Mosby, the state’s attorney for Baltimore City, said that the Baltimore police had acted illegally and that “No crime had been committed” (by Freddie Gray).[28] Mosby said that Gray “suffered a critical neck injury as a result of being handcuffed, shackled by his feet and unrestrained inside the BPD wagon.”[29][30] It was also ruled that the arrest of Gray was false imprisonment, because he was carrying a pocket knife of legal size, and not the switchblade police claimed he had possessed at the time of his arrest.[31]

Three of the officers are facing manslaughter charges and one faces an additional count of second degree depraved-heart murder. The murder charge carries a possible penalty of 30 years in prison; the manslaughter and assault offenses carry a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. [32]

  • Officer Caesar R. Goodson, Jr.: Second degree depraved heart murder; involuntary manslaughter; second-degree assault; manslaughter by vehicle (gross negligence); manslaughter by vehicle (criminal negligence); misconduct in office[32]
  • Officer William G. Porter: Involuntary manslaughter; second degree assault; misconduct in office[32]
  • Lt. Brian W. Rice: Involuntary manslaughter; two counts of second degree assault; manslaughter by vehicle (gross negligence); two counts of misconduct in office; false imprisonment[32]
  • Officer Edward M. Nero: Two counts of second degree assault; manslaughter by vehicle (gross negligence); two counts of misconduct in office; false imprisonment[32]
  • Officer Garrett E. Miller: Two counts of second degree assault; two counts of misconduct in office; false imprisonment[32]
  • Sgt. Alicia D. White: Involuntary manslaughter; second degree assault; misconduct [32]

As of May 1st, five of the six officers were in custody.[33]

Response to charges

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said there was no place in the Baltimore Police department for those police officers who “choose to engage in violence, brutality, racism and brutality.[34] Gene Ryan, president of the police union chapter said that despite the tragic situation, “none of the officers involved are responsible for the death of Mr. Gray.”[34]

Public response

Protesters at a police station near the site of Gray’s arrest on April 25

Public reaction to the death has drawn parallels to the response to the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown, as part of a larger string of controversial uses of force by police officers in the United States.[35][36] As of April 30, 2015, 22 demonstrations had been held nationwide in direct response to Gray’s death or in solidarity with Baltimore.[37]

On April 18, 2015, hundreds of people participated in a protest outside the Baltimore Police Department.[38] Three days later, on April 21, 2015, according to Reuters, “[h]undreds of demonstrators gathered in Baltimore”, protesting Gray’s death.[18]The next day, Gene Ryan, the president of the local lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police, expressed sympathy for the Gray family, but criticized the “rhetoric of protests” and suggested that “the images seen on television look and sound much like a lynch mob.” William Murphy, attorney for the Gray family, demanded an “immediate apology and a retraction”.[39] Ryan defended his statement two days later, while admitting that the wording was poor.[40] Charles M. Blow of The New York Times, reminded of a column he wrote several years ago, said that comparing protests to lynch mobs was too extreme because it inflames racial tensions by belittling the significance of the history of lynching in the United States.[41]

On April 25, 2015, protests were organized in downtown Baltimore, and the protests turned violent as protesters threw rocks and set fires.[42] At least 34 people were arrested, and 15 officers were injured.[10][43][44] On April 27, rioting and looting began after the funeral of Gray,[45] with two patrol cars destroyed and 15 officers reported injured.[10] Protesters looted and burned down a CVS Pharmacy location in downtown Baltimore.[46]

In reaction to the unrest, the Maryland State Police sent 82 troopers to protect the city.[47] A Baltimore Orioles baseball game against the Chicago White Soxscheduled for the evening was postponed due to the unrest.[48] The next game commenced as scheduled but, as a precautionary measure, fans were barred from attending.[49] Maryland Governor Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency, and activated the Maryland National Guard.[50][51] Hogan also activated 500 state troopers for duty in Baltimore and requested an additional 5,000 police officers from other locales.[52][53]

At a press conference, Baltimore’s mayor announced there would be a citywide curfew from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.[54][55][56] School trips were canceled until mid-May,[57][58] and Baltimore’s city schools were closed on April 28.[59] In addition, both the University of Maryland campus in downtown Baltimore and the Mondawmin Mall were closed early.[60]

Protests outside Baltimore also took place in other U.S. cities. In New York City, 143 people at Union Square were arrested on April 29, 2015 for blocking traffic and refusing to relocate. On the same day, outside the White House in Washington, D.C., nearly 500 protesters converged without an incident. In Denver, eleven people were arrested as protesters were involved in physical altercations with officers. Other protests in response to Gray’s death took place in cities including Philadelphia,Minneapolis, and Portland.[61]

See also

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The Pronk Pops Show 392, December 19, 2014, Story 1: Race Racketeers Shakedown SONY — Reverend Rat Al Sharpton of The Alinsky A Team On The Case — National Action Network Payday — Remember What Happened To Al Capone Reverend Rat — Obama Says SONY Made A Mistake — SONY Responds — Cyber Warfare Is An Act of War Not A Criminal Act — CIA Take Out Anyone? — Lights Out — Videos

Posted on December 19, 2014. Filed under: American History, Blogroll, Business, Communications, Crime, Disasters, Economics, Education, Empires, Employment, Federal Government, Government, Government Spending, History, Law, Media, Politics, Radio, Regulation, Scandals, Social Science, Taxes, Technology, Terror, Unemployment, Videos, Violence, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


The Pronk Pops Show Podcasts

Pronk Pops Show 392: December 19, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 391: December 18, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 390: December 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 389: December 16, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 388: December 15, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 387: December 12, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 386: December 11, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 385: December 9, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 384: December 8, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 383: December 5, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 382: December 4, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 381: December 3, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 380: December 1, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 379: November 26, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 378: November 25, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 377: November 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 376: November 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 375: November 20, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 374: November 19, 2014

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Pronk Pops Show 352: October 20, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 351: October 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 350: October 16, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 349: October 15, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 348: October 14, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 347: October 13, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 346: October 9, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 345: October 8, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 344: October 6, 2014

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Pronk Pops Show 340: September 30, 2014

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Pronk Pops Show 330: September 16, 2014

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Pronk Pops Show 324: September 8, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 323: September 5, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 322: September 4, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 321: September 3, 2014

Story 1: Race Racketeers Shakedown SONY —  Reverend Rat Al Sharpton of The Alinsky A Team On The Case  — National Action Network Payday —  Remember What Happened To Al Capone Reverend Rat — Obama Says SONY Made A Mistake — SONY Responds — Cyber Warfare Is An Act of War Not A Criminal Act — CIA Take Out Anyone? — Lights Out — Videos



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Sony Responds To President Obama’s Criticism: “We Had No Choice,” Still Hope To Release ‘The Interview’

by Jen Yamato


Following a public rebuke from President Obama for caving to terrorist demands, Sony Pictures restated their commitment to getting The Interviewseen by audiences. Here’s the studio’s official statement, on the heels of CEO Michael Lynton’s defensive appearance on CNN:

Obama: Sony Made Mistake Pulling ‘The Interview’

“Sony Pictures Entertainment is and always has been strongly committed to the First Amendment. For more than three weeks, despite brutal intrusions into our company and our employees’ personal lives, we maintained our focus on one goal: getting the film The Interview released. Free expression should never be suppressed by threats and extortion.

The decision not to move forward with the December 25 theatrical release of The Interview was made as a result of the majority of the nation’s theater owners choosing not to screen the film. This was their decision.

Let us be clear – the only decision that we have made with respect to release of the film was not to release it on Christmas Day in theaters, after the theater owners declined to show it. Without theaters, we could not release it in the theaters on Christmas Day. We had no choice.

After that decision, we immediately began actively surveying alternatives to enable us to release the movie on a different platform. It is still our hope that anyone who wants to see this movie will get the opportunity to do so.”

Related: George Clooney On Hollywood’s Failure To Back Sony In Cyberterror Attack

LyntonPREVIOUS, 12:44 PM: “We have notcaved,” Sony CEO Michael Lynton said today, defending his company from President Obama’s comment that the studio had “made a mistake” in bowing to terrorist demands over the North Korea-skewering The Interview. “We have not caved. We have not given in. We have persevered, and we have not backed down. We have always had every desire to have the American public see this movie.”

The Interview featuredLynton today explained that when theaters started dropping out, “we had no alternative but to not proceed with the theatrical release on the 25th of December. And that’s all we did.” After the top five exhibitor chains bowed out this week, the studio said on Wednesday they would not be releasing the film.

“The unfortunate part is… The President, the press, and the public are mistaken as to what actually happened. We do not own movie theaters. We cannot decide what will be played in movie theaters,” Lynton told CNN.

“I think (Sony) made a mistake,” President Obama said earlier on Friday in a press conference addressing the Sony hacking attack, which the FBI said the North Korean government was responsible for. “That’s not what America is about… I wish they’d spoken to me first. I would have told them, ‘Do not get into a pattern in which you’re intimidated by these kinds of criminal attacks’.”

Related: Everything On The Sony Hack So Far

In his CNN interview set to air in full on Anderson Cooper’s AC360 at 5PM PT/8PM ET, Lynton made a point of contradicting Obama’s statement that Sony had not asked for his help.

“I did reach out,” said Lynton, who said Sony indeed sought assistance from the President. “We definitely spoke to a senior advisor in the White House to talk about the situation. The White House was certainly aware of the situation.”

Interview premiere posterIn less than four weeks the Sony hacking has devastated the studio, exposing embarrassing and damaging emails, trade secrets, and the personal information of thousands of current and former employees – all supposedly over the political comedy, in which two bumbling journalists are asked to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Would Lynton make the movie again if he had the chance to do this all over?

“Yeah, I would make the movie again,” he said. “I think, you know, for the same reasons we made it in the first place – it was a funny comedy, it served as political satire. I think we would have made the movie again. Knowing what I know now, we might have, uh, done some things slightly differently, but I think a lot of events have overtaken us in a way that we had no control over the facts.”

Related: Sony Has “No Further Release Plans” For ‘The Interview’ On VOD Or Elsewhere

Lynton says Sony still wants The Interview to be seen and is considering their options. Those include DVD and Blu-ray home video, YouTube, VOD, and other digital platforms but “there has not been one major VOD distributor, one major e-commerce site that has stepped forward and said they are willing to distribute this movie for us,” he said.

“We would still like the public to see this movie, absolutely.”


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The Pronk Pops Show 380, December 1, 2014, Story 1: Reverend Rat Al Sharpton Wants Body-Worn Cameras Costing $263 Million Plus On Cops — 50,000 body-worn cameras in U.S. police departments — Too Bad Darren Wilson Did Not Have One Showing Michael Brown Attacking Him And Charging Him Similar To Videos of Brown Shoplifting and Attacking Store Owner — What is Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander — Citizens Video Cops — Cops Don’t Like It — Read The Constitution and State Laws — Videos

Posted on December 1, 2014. Filed under: American History, Assault, Blogroll, Business, Communications, Computers, Constitutional Law, Crime, Culture, Employment, Federal Government, Government, Government Dependency, Government Spending, History, Homicide, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Law, Media, Obama, Philosophy, Photos, Pistols, Politics, Radio, Rifles, Scandals, Science, Security, Social Science, Unemployment, United States Constitution, Videos, Violence, War, Wealth, Weapons, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


The Pronk Pops Show Podcasts

Pronk Pops Show 380: December 1, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 379: November 26, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 378: November 25, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 377: November 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 376: November 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 375: November 20, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 374: November 19, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 373: November 18, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 372: November 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 371: November 14, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 370: November 13, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 369: November 12, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 368: November 11, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 367: November 10, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 366: November 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 365: November 6, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 364: November 5, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 363: November 4, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 362: November 3, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 361: October 31, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 360: October 30, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 359: October 29, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 358: October 28, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 357: October 27, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 356: October 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 355: October 23, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 354: October 22, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 353: October 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 352: October 20, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 351: October 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 350: October 16, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 349: October 15, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 348: October 14, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 347: October 13, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 346: October 9, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 345: October 8, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 344: October 6, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 343: October 3, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 342: October 2, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 341: October 1, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 340: September 30, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 339: September 29, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 338: September 26, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 337: September 25, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 336: September 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 335: September 23 2014

Pronk Pops Show 334: September 22 2014

Pronk Pops Show 333: September 19 2014

Pronk Pops Show 332: September 18 2014

Pronk Pops Show 331: September 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 330: September 16, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 329: September 15, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 328: September 12, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 327: September 11, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 326: September 10, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 325: September 9, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 324: September 8, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 323: September 5, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 322: September 4, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 321: September 3, 2014

Story 1: Reverend Rat Al Sharpton Wants Body-Worn Cameras Costing $263 Million Plus On Cops — 50,000 body-worn cameras in U.S. police departments — Too Bad Darren Wilson Did Not Have One Showing Michael Brown Attacking Him And Charging Him Similar To Videos of Brown Shoplifting and Attacking Store Owner — What is Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander — Citizens Video Cops — Cops Don’t Like It — Read The Constitution and State Laws — Videos

police-body-cameradc-police-body-cameraspolice-body-camera-ap_ferguson_police_body_camerawolfcom-policebody-camerabodyworncamerasNEWS_PoliceCameras2Modesto-body-cameras-imNicole Hemsey

Rudy Giuliani On Darren Wilson Breaking His Silence

Brown’s Attorney Proposes Police Body Camera Law

Ferguson Police Officers Begin Wearing Body Cameras

Police Body Cameras

Two Illinois lawmakers are pushing for a hike in traffic and other fines to raise money for police body cameras and dashboard cameras.

The White House is backing up that push saying requiring police officers to wear cameras is one potential solution to end the mistrust between police and communities.

News Watch’s Margaret Langevin spent the day talking to one local police department about the issue.

One state representative says the proposal would be funded by an additional six dollar surcharge on fines for criminal or traffic offense convictions, which she estimates to bring in four million to six million dollars every year.

This proposal comes after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

Demands for police body cameras have increased around the country since the shooting.


Darren Wilson Interview With George Stephanopoulos – Exclusive Interview | FULL

Michael Brown’s parents respond to grand jury’s decision in death of their son

SURVEILLANCE VIDEO: Police say Michael Brown was suspect in Ferguson store robbery

Do you know your constitutional rights?

5 Rules for Recording Police: Steve Silverman of

Police are terrified of video cameras.

5 Police Officers vs A law knowing Citizen

Police body cameras in full effect

Oakland Police MisUsing their Video Cameras

Body worn police cameras in Southern California cut complaints

Can Body Cameras End Police Brutality?

Body camera video of a confrontation and deadly police shooting in Idaho released.

Coeur d’Alene Police Officer Spencer Mortensen ordered Eric Byron Johnston eight times to drop two knives before fatally shooting him in a small apartment near downtown last summer, the officer’s body camera recording shows.

VIEVU – Officer Worn Body Camera Use of Force Video

Police Dashcam: Cops Gone Wild

Cops open fire on a minivan with kids as young a six over a speeding citation dispute.

How to make the police leave you alone

Police Demand Video Camera.. Owner says NO

Wife Didn’t Know She Was Filming The Cops Killing Her Husband [VIDEO]

Cops Harass Citizen for Filming Police in Public

Cop Intimidates Citizen For Videotaping Police Vehicle Search

Harassment Backfires on Officers

Handcuffed Man Murdered By Police Officer (Disturbing Video)


Police Across the Country Testing New Tool: Body Cameras

Tucson police testing body-worn cameras

Bellingham Washington Police body camera: foot chase

Body Cam – Daytona Police Shooting – Two Body Cams / Two Angles

Police One Body Camera Videos From Wolfcom Cameras

Cops Body Cam Captures Violent Arrest

Celina, TX – Celina’s police chief says after using body cameras for nine months, the investment has been a success

Police Caught by Their Own Dash Cam Framing Citizens For Another Cop’s Crimes

BUSTED: The Citizen’s Guide to Surviving Police Encounters

Al Sharpton will attend Monday White House civil rights meeting as White House proposes $263 million plan that puts body-worn cameras in police departments and reviews police ‘militarization’

  • Slain 18-year-old Michael Brown’s parents have demanded the use of more body-cams by police forces to document violent encounters with suspects 
  • President will meet with ‘young … civil rights leaders’ and law enforcement officials after he holds a cabinet meeting about the Ferguson unrest
  • Civil rights meeting will focus on challenges posed by ‘mistrust between law enforcement and communities of color’
  • Speculation ran rampant that Al Sharpton would be in the White House Monday, and his representatives confirmed it before lunch
  • Cabinet meeting will concern the militarization of local law enforcement with equipment provided by the federal government
  • Task force will have four months to make recommendations to Obama about how to change the program that has moved $5.1 billion in gear

President Barack Obama will meet with controversial black pastor and MSNBC host Al Sharpton on Monday at the White House, and plans to demand 263 million from Congress to put 50,000 body-worn cameras in U.S. police departments in response to the August police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

Brown’s parents have pushed the cameras as one solution to the distrust between police and criminal suspects following physical encounters. The White House said in August that it agreed with the idea in principle.

‘We support the use of cameras and video technology by law enforcement officers, and the Department of Justice continues to research best practices for implementation,’ the administration wrote in response to a public petition that attracted more than 154,000 supporters on the White House website.

The new initiative will provide 50 per cent of the funding for cameras, but will not pay for them entirely, at a cost of $75 million.

It will also provide new training resources and funds to study how to reform police practices.

It’s unclear why Officer Darren Wilson didn’t wear a camera during his fateful encounter with Brown. Members of the Ferguson Police Department were photographed wearing body cameras later that month during an August 30 rally.


Rev. Al Sharpton spoke Sunday during a church service in the parking lot at The Flood Christian Church, a house of worship that rioters burned last week in the wake of a grand jury’s decision not to indict a white police officer in the shooting death of a black man

President Barack Obama has a full plate on Monday with three separate Ferguson-related meetings

President Barack Obama has a full plate on Monday with three separate Ferguson-related meetings

ALREADY THERE? Members of the Ferguson, MIssouri Police Department wore body cameras during an August 30 rally

Obama has a jam-packed day with three separate meetings to discuss the deteriorating situation.

He will also announce Monday that he wants the Pentagon and Congress to review the program that puts surplus military hardware in the hands of state and local law enforcement.

The White House is pushing a new torrent of public messages about the death of Brown, a young black man, at the hands of Wilson, a white officer.

Meetings with cabinet officials, with a group of ‘young local and national civil rights leaders,’ and with top law enforcement officials are on the president’s official Monday schedule.

Speculation ran rampant on Twitter that Sharpton would attend the civil rights meeting, and his representatives confirmed it just before lunch.

Sharpton, a community-organizer-turned-minister-turned-TV-host, is a frequent White House visitor and has appeared in Ferguson. On Sunday he preached at the St. Louis church where Michael Brown’s funeral service was held.

‘The fight ain’t over,’ he told a capacity crowd.

Alicia Garza, a special projects director at the National Domestic Workers Alliance and a co-founder of the emblematic ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement, tweeted a cautionary note.

‘Obama – meeting with Al Sharpton isn’t what’s going to change conditions. Those days are LONG GONE,’ she wrote.

Missouri Lt. Gov Peter Kinder said Monday morning on the Fox News Channel that Sharpton ‘is an inciter of mobs and he demands mob justice.’

The Pentagon program that supplies military equipment to police forces has moved more than $5.1 billion in gear – including guns, tactical vehicles and even aircraft – since its inception. About $500 million in hardware was passed out this year alone.

But White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explained during a briefing Monday that ‘the ‘majority of the funds’ spent through those programs ‘has not been used to purchase law enforcement specific equipment.’

He characterized it instead as largely a source for office supplies and other materials that can help a police department run smoothly.

Earnest told reporters that the program should be tweaked to ‘enhance crime prevention while at the same time strengthening the bonds with the communities they are sworn to protect.’

He said the president had no plans to visit Ferguson personally but hadn’t ruled it out.

Paramilitary: Police in the war-torn Missouri suburb of Ferguson , like many local forces large and small, participates in a federal program that arms them with surplus battlefield weapons, armor and combat vehicles

Paramilitary: Police in the war-torn Missouri suburb of Ferguson , like many local forces large and small, participates in a federal program that arms them with surplus battlefield weapons, armor and combat vehicles

Obama: We should reexamine militarization of police

Black communities, especially in Ferguson, have complained that the federal government is arming their local police to the point where they more resemble paramilitary armies than law enforcement agencies.

But on the nights following a grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Wilson, rioters burned buildings and looted stores while shots rang out. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon was criticized later for not deploying the Missouri National Guard, a fully militarized force, in downtown Ferguson.

Obama said during an August 18 press conference that it would be ‘useful for us to review how the funding was done, how local law enforcement has used grant dollars, to make sure that what they’re purchasing is stuff that they actually need.’

‘There is a big difference between our military and our local law enforcement, and we don’t want those lines blurred. That would be contrary to our tradition,’ he said then.

Earnest said Monday that the president will appoint a new task force, led by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey and former assistant Attorney General Laurie Robinson, to study what the White House has called ‘best practices’ in policing.

That task force will have 120 days to report back to the White House. Its work is expected to focus on alleged disparities between the treatment of blacks and whites at the hands of sworn officers.

Rioters in Ferguson set police car ablaze during protests

The White House said in a statement that the president’s cabinet meeting would concern ‘federal programs and funding that provide equipment to state and local law enforcement agencies.’

But it did not respond to a request for information about who else, other than Sharpton, would attend its civil rights meeting.

The Associated Press reported that Obama’s meeting with the civil rights community would focus on challenges posed by ‘mistrust between law enforcement and communities of color.’

That topic was a major point of emphasis when the president addressed the nation one week ago as Ferguson burned.

‘The fact is, in too many parts of this country, a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and communities of color,’ Obama said on Nov. 24.

‘Some of this is the result of the legacy of racial discrimination in this country. And this is tragic, because nobody needs good policing more than poor communities with higher crime rates.’

‘The good news is we know there are things we can do to help,’ he added. ‘And I’ve instructed Attorney General [Eric] Holder to work with cities across the country to help build better relations between communities and law enforcement.’

Earnest said Monday that it’s ‘an unfortunate irony that in those communities where the crime rate is the highest, sometimes the trust is lowest between the members of the community and the police force.’

Military weapons and armor have crossed over from Army bases to police barracks tens of thousands of times in the last seven years, including firearms and anti-ambush vehicles

Military weapons and armor have crossed over from Army bases to police barracks tens of thousands of times in the last seven years, including firearms and anti-ambush vehicles

Michael Brown Sr., left, and his wife, Calvina Brown, right, attended a Flood Christian Church service on Sunday in a tent. The church was torched during riots last week. Sharpton preached at the service.

Sharpton: We lost the first round in Ferguson but the fight isn’t…

Protests have continued in Ferguson, but have been more muted than the violence sparked last week by a grand jury’s decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown after he held up a convenience store.

Wilson resigned his post over the weekend.

Obama’s cabinet meeting will concern ‘federal programs and funding that provide equipment to state and local law enforcement agencies,’ according to the White House.

That has been a front-burner issue since the Ferguson shooting in August, when police showed up in force in military-style vehicles that the Obama and Bush administrations provided through programs that distribute surplus Pentagon equipment

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Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 01-09

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Reverend Al Says He is a cat, not a rat, but once was fat — I am a Victim — Race Racketeer Hustler? Or Cat On A Hot Tin Roof? — “Mendacity is the system we live in.” — Videos

Posted on April 9, 2014. Filed under: Abortion, Addiction, American History, Blogroll, Business, Communications, Constitutional Law, Crime, Culture, Disasters, Drugs, Education, Employment, Federal Government, Gangs, Government, Government Spending, History, Law, Media, Networking, Philosophy, Photos, Politics, Public Sector Unions, Security, Social Networking, Unemployment, Unions, United States Constitution, Videos, Violence, Weapons, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


The Pronk Pops Show Podcasts

Pronk Pops Show 239: April 8, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 238: April 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 237: April 4, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 236: April 3, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 235: March 31, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 234: March 28, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 233: March 27, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 232: March 26, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 231: March 25, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 230: March 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 229: March 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 228: March 20, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 227: March 19, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 226: March 18, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 225: March 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 224: March 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 223: March 6, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 222: March 3, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 221: February 28, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 220: February 27, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 219: February 26, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 218: February 25, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 217: February 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 216: February 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 215: February 20, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 214: February 19, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 213: February 18, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 212: February 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 211: February 14, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 210: February 13, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 209: February 12, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 208: February 11, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 207: February 10, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 206: February 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 205: February 5, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 204: February 4, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 203: February 3, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 202: January 31, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 201: January 30, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 200: January 29, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 199: January 28, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 198: January 27, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 197: January 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 196: January 22, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 195: January 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 194: January 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 193: January 16, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 192: January 14, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 191: January 13, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 190: January 10, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 189: January 9, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 188: January 8, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 187: January 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 186: January 6, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 185: January 3, 2014

Story 1: Reverend Al Says He is a cat, not a rat, but once was fat — I am a Victim — Race Racketeer Hustler? Or Cat On A Hot Tin Roof? — “Mendacity is the system we live in.” — Videos



Cat on a Hot Tin Roof – Brick and Big Daddy

Al Sharpton: “I’m a Cat Not a Rat”

The Five Piles on Sharpton: He Has ‘Ruined More Lives than E. Coli’

Al Sharpton The Snitch – Report: Reverend Wore Wire For FBI Vs The Mob

Bill O’Reilly Obama Believes Ends Justify the Means on Health Care ‘Deceit’

Obama Mocks Republicans – There Are Still No Death Panels Armageddon Has Not Arrived – 4-1-14

Bill O’Reilly to Al Sharpton You Have Failed You Are Done

Al Sharpton taped mob conversations for FBI, report says

Al Sharpton Explained (it’s the snitch mentality)

Al Sharpton Responds To Bill OReilly 25,000 Donation Comment Man Up, Grow Up – World News


GLENN BECK,Bill O’Reilly catches Al Sharpton in massive lie

Exposing The Grievance Industry – Bill O’Reilly Talking Points – NAACP Hilary Shelton – 7-31-13



Al Sharpton

Alfred Charles “Al” Sharpton, Jr. (born October 3, 1954) is an American Baptist minister, civil rights activist, and television/radio talk show host.[1][2] In 2004, he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. presidential election. He hosts his own radio talk show, Keepin’ It Real,[3] and he makes regular guest appearances on Fox News(such as on The O’Reilly Factor),[4][5][6] CNN, and MSNBC. In 2011, he was named the host of MSNBC’s PoliticsNation, a nightly talk show.[7]

Sharpton’s supporters praise “his ability and willingness to defy the power structure that is seen as the cause of their suffering”[8] and consider him “a man who is willing to tell it like it is”.[8] Former Mayor of New York City Ed Koch, a one-time foe, said that Sharpton deserves the respect he enjoys among Black Americans: “He is willing to go to jail for them, and he is there when they need him.”[9]

His critics describe him as “a political radical who is to blame, in part, for the deterioration of race relations”.[10]Sociologist Orlando Patterson has referred to him as a racial arsonist,[11] while liberal columnist Derrick Z. Jackson has called him the black equivalent of Richard Nixon and Pat Robertson.[11] Sharpton sees much of the criticism as a sign of his effectiveness. “In many ways, what they consider criticism is complimenting my job,” he said. “An activist’s job is to make public civil rights issues until there can be a climate for change.”[12]

Early life

What I do functionally is what Dr. King, Reverend Jackson and the movement are all about; but I learned manhood fromJames Brown. I always say that James Brown taught me how to be a man.
—Sharpton on Brown as a father figure.[12]

Alfred Charles Sharpton Jr. was born in the Brownsville neighborhood of BrooklynNew York City, to Ada (née Richards) and Alfred Charles Sharpton, Sr.[13][14] He preached his first sermon at the age of four and toured with gospel singer Mahalia Jackson.[15]

In 1963 Sharpton’s father left his wife to have a relationship with Al Sharpton’s half-sister. Ada Sharpton took a job as a maid, but her income was so low that the family qualified for welfare and had to move frommiddle class HollisQueens, to the public housing projects in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn.[16]

Sharpton graduated from Samuel J. Tilden High School in Brooklyn, and attended Brooklyn College, dropping out after two years in 1975.[17] In 1972, he accepted the position of youth director for the presidential campaign of African-American CongresswomanShirley Chisholm.[18] He became a tour manager for James Brown in 1973.[19]


In 1969, Sharpton was appointed by Jesse Jackson as youth director of Operation Breadbasket, a group that focused on the promotion of new and better jobs for African-Americans.[20]

In 1971 Sharpton founded the National Youth Movement to raise resources for impoverished youth.[21]

Bernhard Goetz

Bernhard Goetz shot four African-American men on a New York City Subway 2 train in Manhattan on December 22, 1984, when they approached him and allegedly tried to rob him. At his trial Goetz was cleared of all charges except criminal possession of a weapon. Sharpton led several marches protesting what he saw as the weak prosecution of the case.[22]

Sharpton and other civil rights leaders said Goetz’s actions were racist and requested a federal civil rights investigation.[23] A federal investigation concluded the shooting was due to an attempted robbery and not race.[24]

Howard Beach

On December 20, 1986 three African-American men were assaulted in the Howard Beach neighborhood of Queens by a mob of white men. The three men were chased by their attackers onto the Belt Parkway, where one of them, Michael Griffith, was struck and killed by a passing motorist.[25]

A week later, on December 27, Sharpton led 1,200 demonstrators on a march through the streets of Howard Beach. Residents of the neighborhood, who were overwhelmingly white, screamed racial epithets at the protesters, who were largely black.[26] A special prosecutor was appointed by New York Governor Mario Cuomoafter the two surviving victims refused to co-operate with the Queens district attorney. Sharpton’s role in the case helped propel him to national prominence.


Sharpton leading the first protest march over the death of Yusef Hawkins in Bensonhurst, 1989

On August 23, 1989, four African-American teenagers were beaten by a group of 10 to 30 white Italian-American youths in Bensonhurst, a Brooklyn neighborhood. One Bensonhurst resident, armed with a handgun, shot and killed sixteen-year-old Yusef Hawkins.

In the weeks following the assault and murder, Sharpton led several marches through Bensonhurst. The first protest, just days after the incident, was greeted by neighborhood residents shouting “Niggers go home” and holding watermelons to mock the demonstrators.[27]

Sharpton also threatened that Hawkins’s three companions would not cooperate with prosecutor Elizabeth Holtzmanunless her office agreed to hire more black attorneys. In the end, they cooperated.[28]

In May 1990 when one of the two leaders of the mob was acquitted of the most serious charges brought against him, Sharpton led another protest through Bensonhurst. In January 1991, when other members of the gang were given light sentences, Sharpton planned another march for January 12, 1991. Before that demonstration began, neighborhood resident Michael Riccardi tried to kill Sharpton by stabbing him in the chest.[29] Sharpton recovered from his wounds, and later asked the judge for leniency when Riccardi was sentenced.[30]

National Action Network

Al Sharpton at National Action Network’s headquarters.

In 1991, Sharpton founded the National Action Network, an organization designed to increase voter education, to provide services to those in poverty, and to support small community businesses.[31]

Crown Heights Riot

The Crown Heights riot began on August 19, 1991 after a car driven by a Jewish man, and part of a procession led by an unmarked police car, went through an intersection and was struck by another vehicle causing it to veer onto the sidewalk where it accidentally struck and killed a seven-year-old Guyanese boy named Gavin Cato and severely injured his cousin Angela. Witnesses could not agree upon the speed and could not agree whether the light was yellow or red. One of the factors that sparked the riot was the arrival of a private ambulance, which was later discovered to be on the orders of a police officer who was worried for the Jewish driver’s safety, removed him from the scene while Cato lay pinned under his car.[32]After being removed from under the car, Cato and his cousin were treated soon after by a city ambulance (without visibly Jewish EMTs). Caribbean-American and African-American residents of the neighborhood rioted for four consecutive days fueled by rumors that the private ambulance had refused to treat Cato.[32][33] During the riot black youths looted stores,[32]beat Jews in the street,[32] and clashed with groups of Jews, hurling rocks and bottles at one another[34] after Yankel Rosenbaum, a visiting student from Australia, was stabbed and killed by a member of a mob while some chanted “Kill the Jew”, and “get the Jews out”.[35]

Sharpton marched through Crown Heights and in front of “770”, shortly after the riot, with about 400 protesters (who chanted “Whose streets? Our streets!” and “No justice, no peace!”), in spite of Mayor David Dinkins‘s attempts to keep the march from happening.[36]

Freddie’s Fashion Mart

In 1995 a black Pentecostal Church, the United House of Prayer, which owned a retail property on 125th Street, asked Fred Harari, a Jewish tenant who operated Freddie’s Fashion Mart, to evict his longtime subtenant, a black-owned record store called The Record Shack. Sharpton led a protest in Harlem against the planned eviction of The Record Shack.[37][38][39] Sharpton told the protesters, “We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.”[40]

On December 8, 1995 Roland J. Smith Jr., one of the protesters, entered Harari’s store with a gun and flammable liquid, shot several customers and set the store on fire. The gunman fatally shot himself, and seven store employees died of smoke inhalation.[41][42] Fire Department officials discovered that the store’s sprinkler had been shut down, in violation of the local fire code.[43] Sharpton claimed that the perpetrator was an open critic of himself and his nonviolent tactics. Sharpton later expressed regret for making the racial remark, “white interloper,” and denied responsibility for inflaming or provoking the violence.[15][44]

Amadou Diallo

In 1999, Sharpton led a protest to raise awareness about the death of Amadou Diallo, an immigrant from Guinea who was shot to death by NYPD officers. Sharpton claimed that Diallo’s death was the result of police brutality and racial profiling. Diallo’s family was later awarded $3 million in a wrongful death suit filed against the city.[45]

Tyisha Miller

In May 1999, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and other activists protested the December 1998 fatal police shooting of Tyisha Miller in central Riverside, California. Miller, a 19 year old African-American woman, had sat unconscious in a locked car with a flat tire and the engine left running, parked at a local gas station. After her relatives had called 9-1-1Riverside Police Department officers who responded to the scene observed a gun in the young woman’s lap, and according to their accounts, she was shaking and foaming at the mouth, and in need of medical attention. When officers decided to break her window to reach her, as one officer reached for the weapon, she allegedly awoke and clutched her firearm, prompting several officers to open fire, hitting her 23 times and killing her. When the Riverside County district attorney stated that the officers involved had erred in judgement but committed no crime, declining to file criminal charges against them, Sharpton participated in protests which reached their zenith when protestors spilled onto the busy SR 91, completely stopping traffic. Sharpton was arrested for his participation and leadership in these protests.[46][47]


Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn, where Sharpton was imprisoned

In 2001 Sharpton was jailed for 90 days on trespassing charges while protesting against U.S. military target practice exercises in Puerto Rico near a United States Navy bombing site.[48] Sharpton, held in a Puerto Rican lockup for two days and then imprisoned at Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn on May 25, 2001,[49] has the Federal Bureau of Prisons ID# 21458-069. He was released on August 17, 2001.[50]

Ousmane Zongo

In 2002 Sharpton was involved in protests following the death of West African immigrant Ousmane Zongo. Zongo, who was unarmed, was shot by an undercover police officer during a raid on a warehouse in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan. Sharpton met with the family and also provided some legal services.[51]

Sean Bell

Talk show host Michael Baisdenand Al Sharpton, at the front of the September 20, 2007 march in Jena, Louisiana.

On November 25, 2006, Sean Bell was shot and killed in the Jamaica section of Queens, New York by plainclothes detectives from the New York Police Department in a hail of 50 bullets. The incident sparked fierce criticism of the police from the public and drew comparisons to the 1999 killing of Amadou Diallo. Three of the five detectives involved in the shooting went to trial in 2008 on charges ranging from manslaughter to reckless endangerment but were found not guilty.

On May 7, 2008, in response to the acquittals of the officers, Sharpton coordinated peaceful protests at major river crossings in New York City, including the Brooklyn Bridge, the Queensboro Bridge, the Triborough Bridge, the Manhattan Bridge, theHolland Tunnel, and the Queens–Midtown Tunnel. Sharpton and about 200 others were arrested.[52]

Dunbar Village

On March 11, 2007 Sharpton held a press conference to highlight what he said was unequal treatment of four suspected rapists in a high-profile crime in the Dunbar Village Housing Projects in West Palm Beach, Florida. The suspects, who were young black men, were arrested for allegedly raping and beating a black Haitian woman at gunpoint. The crime also involved forcing the woman to perform oral sex on her 12-year-old son.[53]

At his press conference Sharpton said that any violent act toward a woman is inexcusable but he felt that the accused youths were being treated unfairly because they were black. Sharpton contrasted the treatment of the suspects, who remain in jail, with white suspects involved in a gang rape—which he claimed was equivalent to the Dunbar Village attack—who were released after posting bond.[53]

Reclaim the Dream commemorative march

Sharpton at the October 15, 2011National Action Network American Jobs Act March

On August 28, 2010 Sharpton and other civil rights leaders led a march to commemorate the 47th anniversary of the historicMarch on Washington. After gathering at Dunbar High School in Washington, D.C., thousands of people marched five miles to the National Mall.[54]

Tanya McDowell

In June 2011 Sharpton spoke at a rally in support of Tanya McDowell, a Bridgeport, Connecticut, woman who was arrested and charged with larceny for registering her son for kindergarten in neighboring Norwalk.[55]

George Zimmerman

Following the 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman, Sharpton issued a statement of concern that there had not been a thorough investigation.[citation needed] Sean Hannity accused Sharpton and MSNBC of “rush[ing] to judgment” in the case. MSNBC issued a statement in which they said Sharpton “repeatedly called for calm” and further investigation.[56] Following the acquittal of Zimmerman, Sharpton called the not guilty verdict an “atrocity” and “a slap in the face to those that believe in justice.” [57]

Political views

2008 presidential race

In September 2007 when he was asked whether he thought it was important for the US to have a black president, Sharpton said, “It would be a great moment as long as the black candidate was supporting the interest that would inevitably help our people. A lot of my friends went with Clarence Thomas and regret it to this day. I don’t assume that just because somebody’s my color, they’re my kind. But I’m warming up to Obama, but I’m not there yet.”[58]

Animal rights

Sharpton has spoken out against cruelty to animals in a video recorded for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).[59]

Gay rights

Sharpton is a supporter of equal rights for gays and lesbians, including same-sex marriage. During his presidential campaign in 2003, Sharpton said he thought it was insulting to be asked to discuss the issue of gay marriage. “It’s like asking do I support black marriage or white marriage…. The inference of the question is that gays are not like other human beings.”[60]

Sharpton is leading a grassroots movement to eliminate homophobia within the Black church.[61]


Comments on Jews

During the Crown Heights Riot, Sharpton (who arranged a rally in Crown Heights after Cato’s death[32]) has been seen by some commentators as inflaming tensions by making remarks that included “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house”.[62]

Comments on homosexuals

Sharpton was quoted as saying to an audience at Kean College in 1994 that, “White folks was [sic] in caves while we was building empires…. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”[63] Sharpton defended his comments by noting that the term “homo” was not homophobic but added that he no longer uses the term.[64] Sharpton has since called for an end to homophobia in the African-American community.[65]

Comments on Mormons

During 2007 Sharpton was accused of bigotry for comments he made on May 7, 2007, concerning presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his religion, Mormonism:

“As for the one Mormon running for office, those who really believe in God will defeat him anyways, so don’t worry about that; that’s a temporary situation.”[66]

In response, a representative for Romney told reporters that “bigotry toward anyone because of their beliefs is unacceptable.”[67] The Catholic League compared Sharpton to Don Imus, and said that his remarks “should finish his career”.[68]

On May 9 during an interview on Paula Zahn NOW, Sharpton said that his views on Mormonism were based on the “Mormon Church’s traditionally racist views regarding blacks” and its interpretation of the so-called “Curse of Ham“.[69] On May 10, Sharpton called two apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and apologized to them for his remarks and asked to meet with them.[70] A spokesman for the Church confirmed that Sharpton had called and said that “we appreciate it very much, Rev. Sharpton’s call, and we consider the matter closed.”[71] He also apologized to “any member of the Mormon church” who was offended by his comments.[71] Later that month, Sharpton went to Salt Lake CityUtah, where he met with Elder M. Russell Ballard, a leader of the Church, and Elder Robert C. Oaks of the Church’s Presidency of the Seventy.[72][73]

Tawana Brawley controversy


Al Sharpton interviewed in 2007 on whether he is tired of hearing about Tawana Brawley twenty years later.

On November 28, 1987, Tawana Brawley, a 15-year-old African-American girl, was found smeared with feces, lying in a garbage bag, her clothing torn and burned and with various slurs and epithets written on her body in charcoal. Brawley claimed she had been assaulted and raped by six white men, some of them police officers, in the town of Wappinger, New York.

Attorneys Alton H. Maddox and C. Vernon Mason joined Sharpton in support of Brawley. A grand jury was convened; after seven months of examining police and medical records, the jury found “overwhelming evidence” that Brawley had fabricated her story.[74] Sharpton, Maddox, and Mason had accused the Dutchess County prosecutor, Steven Pagones, of racism and of being one of the perpetrators of the alleged abduction and rape. The three were successfully sued for defamation, and were ordered to pay $345,000 in damages, with the jury finding Sharpton liable for making seven defamatory statements about Pagones, Maddox for two, and Mason for one.[75] Sharpton refused to pay his share of the damages; it was later paid by a number of black business leaders including Johnnie Cochran.[33]

In 2007 Sharpton said he would have taken the case the same as he would today, with the only difference being that he would not have made it so personal against Pagones. He said that he still felt Brawley had a good case to go to trial. “I disagreed with the grand jury on Brawley,” said Sharpton in an interview. “I believed there was enough evidence to go to trial. Grand jury said there wasn’t. Okay, fine. Do I have a right to disagree with the grand jury? Many Americans believe O.J. Simpsonwas guilty. A jury said he wasn’t. So I have as much right to question a jury as they do. Does it make somebody a racist? No! They just disagreed with the jury. So did I.”[12]

Work as a U.S. government informant

Sharpton said in 1988 that he informed for the government in order stem the flow of crack cocaine into black neighborhoods. He denied informing on civil rights leaders.[76][77][78]

In 2002, HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel aired a 19-year-old FBI videotape of an undercover sting operation showing Sharpton with an undercover FBI agent posing as a Latin American businessman and a reputed Colombo crime family captain. During the discussion, the undercover agent offered Sharpton a 10% commission for arranging drug sales. On the videotape, Sharpton mostly nods and allows the FBI agent to do most of the talking. No drug deal was ever consummated, and no charges were brought against Sharpton as a result of the tape.[79]

In April 2014, The Smoking Gun obtained documents indicating that Sharpton became an FBI informant in 1983 following Sharpton’s role in a drug sting involvingColombo crime family captain Michael Franzese. Sharpton allegedly recorded incriminating conversations with Genovese and Gambino family mobsters, contributing to the indictments of several underworld figures. Sharpton is referred to in FBI documents as “CI-7.”[80] Sharpton disputes portions of the allegations.[81]

Summarizing the evidence supporting that Sharpton was an active FBI informant in the 1980s, William Bastone, the Smoking Gun’s founder, stated: “If he (Sharpton) didn’t think he was an informant, the ‘Genovese squad’ of the FBI and NYPD officials sure knew him to be an informant. He was paid to be an informant, he carried a briefcase with a recording device in it, and he made surreptitious tape recordings of a Gambino crime family member 10 separate times as an informant. He did it at the direction of the FBI, he was prepped by the FBI, was handed the briefcase by the FBI and was debriefed after the meetings. That’s an informant.”[82]


In 2005, Sharpton appeared in three television commercials for LoanMax, an automobile title loan company. He was criticized for his appearance because LoanMax reportedly charges fees which are the equivalent of 300% APR loans.[83]

Personal life

In 1971 while touring with James Brown, he met future wife Kathy Jordan, who was a backup singer.[84] Sharpton and Jordan married in 1980.[85] The couple separated in 2004.[86] In July 2013, the New York Daily News reported that Sharpton, while still married to his second wife (the first being Marsha Tinsley[87]), now had a self-described “girlfriend,” Aisha McShaw,[88] aged 35, and that the couple had “been an item for months…. photographed at elegant bashes all over the country.” McShaw, the Daily News reported, referred to herself professionally as both a “personal stylist” and “personal banker.”

Sharpton is an honorary member of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity.[89]


Sharpton was licensed and ordained a Pentecostal minister by Bishop F.D. Washington at the age of nine[90] or ten.[91] After Bishop Washington’s death in the late 1980s, Sharpton became a Baptist. He was re-baptized as a member of the Bethany Baptist Church in 1994 by the Reverend William Jones[31] and became a Baptist minister.[90][92]

During 2007 Sharpton participated in a public debate with atheist writer Christopher Hitchens, defending his religious faith and his belief in the existence of God.[93][94]

Assassination attempt

The schoolyard of P.S. 205 in Brooklyn, c. 1991

On January 12, 1991, Sharpton escaped serious injury when he was stabbed in the chest in the schoolyard at P.S. 205[95] by Michael Riccardi while Sharpton was preparing to lead a protest through Bensonhurst in Brooklyn, New York. The intoxicated attacker was apprehended by Sharpton’s aides and handed over to police, who were present for the planned protest. Sharpton, although forgiving his attacker and pleading for leniency on his behalf, filed suit against New York City alleging that the many police present had failed to protect him from his attacker. In December 2003, he finally reached a $200,000 settlement with the city just as jury selection was about to start.[96]

In 1992, Riccardi was convicted of first-degree assault. Sharpton asked the judge for leniency when sentencing Riccardi.[96]The judge sentenced Riccardi to five to 15 years in jail,[97] and he served ten years in prison[96] being released on parole on January 8, 2001.

Indirect familial relation to Strom Thurmond

In February 2007 genealogist Megan Smolenyak discovered that Sharpton’s great-grandfather, Coleman Sharpton, was a slave owned by Julia Thurmond, whose grandfather was Strom Thurmond‘s great-great-grandfather.[98] Coleman Sharpton was later freed.[99]

Thurmond was notable as the longest serving Senator (at the time of his death) who was a major advocate of racial segregation during the middle of the 20th century.[100] Thurmond’s illegitimate daughter, Essie Mae Washington-Williams, stated she would welcome Sharpton to the family if a DNA test shows he is a relative.[101] In an interview, Sharpton said he has no plans for the DNA test to see if he is related.[12]

The Sharpton family name originated with Coleman Sharpton’s previous slave-owner, who was named Alexander Sharpton.[102]

Tax issues

On May 9, 2008 the Associated Press reported that Sharpton and his businesses owed almost $1.5 million in unpaid taxes and penalties. Sharpton owed $931,000 in federal income tax and $366,000 to New York, and his for-profit company, Rev. Al Communications, owed another $176,000 to the state.[9]

On June 19, 2008 the New York Post reported that the Internal Revenue Service had sent subpoenas to several corporations that had donated to Sharpton’sNational Action Network. In 2007 New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo began investigating the National Action Network, because it failed to make proper financial reports, as required for non-profits.[103] According to the Post, several major corporations, including Anheuser-Busch and Colgate-Palmolive, have donated thousands of dollars to the National Action Network. The Post asserted that the donations were made to prevent boycotts or rallies by the National Action Network.[104]

Sharpton countered the investigative actions with a charge that they reflected a political agenda by United States agencies.[105]

On September 29, 2010 Robert Snell of The Detroit News reported that the Internal Revenue Service had filed a notice of federal tax lien against Sharpton in New York City in the amount of over $538,000.[106] Sharpton’s lawyer asserts that the notice of federal tax lien relates to Sharpton’s year 2009 federal income tax return, the due date of which has been extended to October 15, 2010, according to the lawyer. However, the Snell report states that the lien relates to taxes assessed during 2009.[107]

Weight loss

Beginning in 2009 he went through dramatic life-style changes to lose weight. He got arrested in a protest at the Vieques Island of Puerto Rico, challenging U.S. bombing exercises there. Imprisoned for 90 days, he went on a hunger strike for much of the period, losing 30 pounds. Liking what he saw in his physical changes, he continued to make changes after his release. He became a vegan, eliminating animal protein from his diet.[108][109]

Political campaigns

Sharpton has run unsuccessfully for elected office on multiple occasions. Of his unsuccessful runs, he said that winning office may not have been his goal. “Much of the media criticism of me assumes their goals and they impose them on me,” said Sharpton in an interview. “Well, those might not be my goals. So they will say, ‘Well, Sharpton has not won a political office.’ But that might not be my goal! Maybe I ran for political office to change the debate, or to raise the social justice question.”[12]Sharpton ran for a United States Senate seat from New York in 1988, 1992, and 1994. In 1997, he ran for Mayor of New York City. During his 1992 bid, he and his wife lived in a home in Englewood, New Jersey, though he said his residence was an apartment in Brooklyn.[110]

On December 15, 2005 Sharpton agreed to repay $100,000 in public funds he received from the federal government for his 2004 Presidential campaign. The repayment was required because Sharpton had exceeded federal limits on personal expenditures for his campaign. At that time his most recent Federal Election Commission filings (from January 1, 2005) stated that Sharpton’s campaign still had debts of $479,050 and owed Sharpton himself $145,146 for an item listed as “Fundraising Letter Preparation — Kinko’s.”[111]

In 2009 the Federal Election Commission announced it had levied a fine of $285,000 against Sharpton’s 2004 presidential campaign for breaking campaign finance rules during his presidential campaign.[112][113]

On April 2, 2007 Sharpton announced that he would not enter the 2008 presidential race. “I am not going to run,” he said.[20]

Sharpton at a book signing in Harlem

Television appearances

Sharpton has made cameo appearances in the movies Cold FeetBamboozledMr. Deeds, and Malcolm X.[114] He also has appeared in episodes of the television shows New York UndercoverLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitGirlfriendsMy Wife and KidsRescue Me and Boston Legal. He hosted the original Spike TV reality television show I Hate My Job, and an episode of Saturday Night Live. He was a guest on Weekends at the DL on Comedy Central and has been featured in television ads for the Fernando Ferrer campaign for the New York City mayoral election, 2005.[115] He also made a cameo appearance by telephone on the Food Network series, The Secret Life Of . . ., when host Jim O’Connor expressed disbelief that a restaurant owner who’d named a dish after Sharpton actually knew him.

In 1988, during an appearance on The Morton Downey, Jr. Show, Sharpton and Congress of Racial Equality National Chairman Roy Innis got into a heated argument about the Tawana Brawley case and Innis shoved Sharpton to the floor.[116]

During the 2005 Tony Awards, Sharpton appeared in a number put on by the cast of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.[117] In 2009 he hosted WWE Raw.[118]

Broadcast hosting

In June 2005 Sharpton signed a contract with Matrix Media to produce and host a live two-hour daily talk program, but it never aired.[119] In November 2005, Sharpton signed with Radio One to host a daily national talk radio program, which began airing on January 30, 2006, entitled Keepin It Real with Al Sharpton.[119][120]

On August 29, 2011, Sharpton became the host of PoliticsNation, the MSNBC show which airs weeknights during the 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time hour.[7]


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The Pronk Pops Show 239, April 8, 2014, Story 1: Reverend Al Says He is a cat, not a rat, but once was fat — I am a Victim — Race Racketeer Hustler? Or Cat On A Hot Tin Roof? — “Mendacity is the system we live in.” — Videos

Posted on April 8, 2014. Filed under: American History, Banking System, Blogroll, Budgetary Policy, Business, College, Communications, Constitutional Law, Crime, Culture, Drugs, Economics, Education, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, Gangs, Government, Government Spending, Health Care, Health Care Insurance, History, Homicide, Labor Economics, Law, Monetary Policy, Networking, Philosophy, Photos, Politics, Public Sector Unions, Radio, Religion, Scandals, Security, Tax Policy, Taxes, Technology, Terror, Terrorism, Unemployment, Unions, United States Constitution, Videos, Violence, War, Wealth | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


The Pronk Pops Show Podcasts

Pronk Pops Show 239: April 8, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 238: April 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 237: April 4, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 236: April 3, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 235: March 31, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 234: March 28, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 233: March 27, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 232: March 26, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 231: March 25, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 230: March 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 229: March 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 228: March 20, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 227: March 19, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 226: March 18, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 225: March 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 224: March 7, 2014

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Pronk Pops Show 221: February 28, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 220: February 27, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 219: February 26, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 218: February 25, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 217: February 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 216: February 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 215: February 20, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 214: February 19, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 213: February 18, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 212: February 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 211: February 14, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 210: February 13, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 209: February 12, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 208: February 11, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 207: February 10, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 206: February 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 205: February 5, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 204: February 4, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 203: February 3, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 202: January 31, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 201: January 30, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 200: January 29, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 199: January 28, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 198: January 27, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 197: January 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 196: January 22, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 195: January 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 194: January 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 193: January 16, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 192: January 14, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 191: January 13, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 190: January 10, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 189: January 9, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 188: January 8, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 187: January 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 186: January 6, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 185: January 3, 2014

Story 1: Reverend Al Says He is a cat, not a rat, but once was fat — I am a Victim — Race Racketeer Hustler? Or Cat On A Hot Tin Roof? — “Mendacity is the system we live in.” — Videos



Cat on a Hot Tin Roof – Brick and Big Daddy

Al Sharpton: “I’m a Cat Not a Rat”

The Five Piles on Sharpton: He Has ‘Ruined More Lives than E. Coli’

Al Sharpton The Snitch – Report: Reverend Wore Wire For FBI Vs The Mob

Bill O’Reilly Obama Believes Ends Justify the Means on Health Care ‘Deceit’

Obama Mocks Republicans – There Are Still No Death Panels Armageddon Has Not Arrived – 4-1-14

Bill O’Reilly to Al Sharpton You Have Failed You Are Done

Al Sharpton taped mob conversations for FBI, report says

Al Sharpton Explained (it’s the snitch mentality)

Al Sharpton Responds To Bill OReilly 25,000 Donation Comment Man Up, Grow Up – World News


GLENN BECK,Bill O’Reilly catches Al Sharpton in massive lie

Exposing The Grievance Industry – Bill O’Reilly Talking Points – NAACP Hilary Shelton – 7-31-13



Al Sharpton

Alfred Charles “Al” Sharpton, Jr. (born October 3, 1954) is an American Baptist minister, civil rights activist, and television/radio talk show host.[1][2] In 2004, he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. presidential election. He hosts his own radio talk show, Keepin’ It Real,[3] and he makes regular guest appearances on Fox News(such as on The O’Reilly Factor),[4][5][6] CNN, and MSNBC. In 2011, he was named the host of MSNBC’s PoliticsNation, a nightly talk show.[7]

Sharpton’s supporters praise “his ability and willingness to defy the power structure that is seen as the cause of their suffering”[8] and consider him “a man who is willing to tell it like it is”.[8] Former Mayor of New York City Ed Koch, a one-time foe, said that Sharpton deserves the respect he enjoys among Black Americans: “He is willing to go to jail for them, and he is there when they need him.”[9]

His critics describe him as “a political radical who is to blame, in part, for the deterioration of race relations”.[10]Sociologist Orlando Patterson has referred to him as a racial arsonist,[11] while liberal columnist Derrick Z. Jackson has called him the black equivalent of Richard Nixon and Pat Robertson.[11] Sharpton sees much of the criticism as a sign of his effectiveness. “In many ways, what they consider criticism is complimenting my job,” he said. “An activist’s job is to make public civil rights issues until there can be a climate for change.”[12]

Early life

What I do functionally is what Dr. King, Reverend Jackson and the movement are all about; but I learned manhood fromJames Brown. I always say that James Brown taught me how to be a man.
—Sharpton on Brown as a father figure.[12]

Alfred Charles Sharpton Jr. was born in the Brownsville neighborhood of BrooklynNew York City, to Ada (née Richards) and Alfred Charles Sharpton, Sr.[13][14] He preached his first sermon at the age of four and toured with gospel singer Mahalia Jackson.[15]

In 1963 Sharpton’s father left his wife to have a relationship with Al Sharpton’s half-sister. Ada Sharpton took a job as a maid, but her income was so low that the family qualified for welfare and had to move frommiddle class HollisQueens, to the public housing projects in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn.[16]

Sharpton graduated from Samuel J. Tilden High School in Brooklyn, and attended Brooklyn College, dropping out after two years in 1975.[17] In 1972, he accepted the position of youth director for the presidential campaign of African-American CongresswomanShirley Chisholm.[18] He became a tour manager for James Brown in 1973.[19]


In 1969, Sharpton was appointed by Jesse Jackson as youth director of Operation Breadbasket, a group that focused on the promotion of new and better jobs for African-Americans.[20]

In 1971 Sharpton founded the National Youth Movement to raise resources for impoverished youth.[21]

Bernhard Goetz

Bernhard Goetz shot four African-American men on a New York City Subway 2 train in Manhattan on December 22, 1984, when they approached him and allegedly tried to rob him. At his trial Goetz was cleared of all charges except criminal possession of a weapon. Sharpton led several marches protesting what he saw as the weak prosecution of the case.[22]

Sharpton and other civil rights leaders said Goetz’s actions were racist and requested a federal civil rights investigation.[23] A federal investigation concluded the shooting was due to an attempted robbery and not race.[24]

Howard Beach

On December 20, 1986 three African-American men were assaulted in the Howard Beach neighborhood of Queens by a mob of white men. The three men were chased by their attackers onto the Belt Parkway, where one of them, Michael Griffith, was struck and killed by a passing motorist.[25]

A week later, on December 27, Sharpton led 1,200 demonstrators on a march through the streets of Howard Beach. Residents of the neighborhood, who were overwhelmingly white, screamed racial epithets at the protesters, who were largely black.[26] A special prosecutor was appointed by New York Governor Mario Cuomoafter the two surviving victims refused to co-operate with the Queens district attorney. Sharpton’s role in the case helped propel him to national prominence.


Sharpton leading the first protest march over the death of Yusef Hawkins in Bensonhurst, 1989

On August 23, 1989, four African-American teenagers were beaten by a group of 10 to 30 white Italian-American youths in Bensonhurst, a Brooklyn neighborhood. One Bensonhurst resident, armed with a handgun, shot and killed sixteen-year-old Yusef Hawkins.

In the weeks following the assault and murder, Sharpton led several marches through Bensonhurst. The first protest, just days after the incident, was greeted by neighborhood residents shouting “Niggers go home” and holding watermelons to mock the demonstrators.[27]

Sharpton also threatened that Hawkins’s three companions would not cooperate with prosecutor Elizabeth Holtzmanunless her office agreed to hire more black attorneys. In the end, they cooperated.[28]

In May 1990 when one of the two leaders of the mob was acquitted of the most serious charges brought against him, Sharpton led another protest through Bensonhurst. In January 1991, when other members of the gang were given light sentences, Sharpton planned another march for January 12, 1991. Before that demonstration began, neighborhood resident Michael Riccardi tried to kill Sharpton by stabbing him in the chest.[29] Sharpton recovered from his wounds, and later asked the judge for leniency when Riccardi was sentenced.[30]

National Action Network

Al Sharpton at National Action Network’s headquarters.

In 1991, Sharpton founded the National Action Network, an organization designed to increase voter education, to provide services to those in poverty, and to support small community businesses.[31]

Crown Heights Riot

The Crown Heights riot began on August 19, 1991 after a car driven by a Jewish man, and part of a procession led by an unmarked police car, went through an intersection and was struck by another vehicle causing it to veer onto the sidewalk where it accidentally struck and killed a seven-year-old Guyanese boy named Gavin Cato and severely injured his cousin Angela. Witnesses could not agree upon the speed and could not agree whether the light was yellow or red. One of the factors that sparked the riot was the arrival of a private ambulance, which was later discovered to be on the orders of a police officer who was worried for the Jewish driver’s safety, removed him from the scene while Cato lay pinned under his car.[32]After being removed from under the car, Cato and his cousin were treated soon after by a city ambulance (without visibly Jewish EMTs). Caribbean-American and African-American residents of the neighborhood rioted for four consecutive days fueled by rumors that the private ambulance had refused to treat Cato.[32][33] During the riot black youths looted stores,[32]beat Jews in the street,[32] and clashed with groups of Jews, hurling rocks and bottles at one another[34] after Yankel Rosenbaum, a visiting student from Australia, was stabbed and killed by a member of a mob while some chanted “Kill the Jew”, and “get the Jews out”.[35]

Sharpton marched through Crown Heights and in front of “770”, shortly after the riot, with about 400 protesters (who chanted “Whose streets? Our streets!” and “No justice, no peace!”), in spite of Mayor David Dinkins‘s attempts to keep the march from happening.[36]

Freddie’s Fashion Mart

In 1995 a black Pentecostal Church, the United House of Prayer, which owned a retail property on 125th Street, asked Fred Harari, a Jewish tenant who operated Freddie’s Fashion Mart, to evict his longtime subtenant, a black-owned record store called The Record Shack. Sharpton led a protest in Harlem against the planned eviction of The Record Shack.[37][38][39] Sharpton told the protesters, “We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.”[40]

On December 8, 1995 Roland J. Smith Jr., one of the protesters, entered Harari’s store with a gun and flammable liquid, shot several customers and set the store on fire. The gunman fatally shot himself, and seven store employees died of smoke inhalation.[41][42] Fire Department officials discovered that the store’s sprinkler had been shut down, in violation of the local fire code.[43] Sharpton claimed that the perpetrator was an open critic of himself and his nonviolent tactics. Sharpton later expressed regret for making the racial remark, “white interloper,” and denied responsibility for inflaming or provoking the violence.[15][44]

Amadou Diallo

In 1999, Sharpton led a protest to raise awareness about the death of Amadou Diallo, an immigrant from Guinea who was shot to death by NYPD officers. Sharpton claimed that Diallo’s death was the result of police brutality and racial profiling. Diallo’s family was later awarded $3 million in a wrongful death suit filed against the city.[45]

Tyisha Miller

In May 1999, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and other activists protested the December 1998 fatal police shooting of Tyisha Miller in central Riverside, California. Miller, a 19 year old African-American woman, had sat unconscious in a locked car with a flat tire and the engine left running, parked at a local gas station. After her relatives had called 9-1-1Riverside Police Department officers who responded to the scene observed a gun in the young woman’s lap, and according to their accounts, she was shaking and foaming at the mouth, and in need of medical attention. When officers decided to break her window to reach her, as one officer reached for the weapon, she allegedly awoke and clutched her firearm, prompting several officers to open fire, hitting her 23 times and killing her. When the Riverside County district attorney stated that the officers involved had erred in judgement but committed no crime, declining to file criminal charges against them, Sharpton participated in protests which reached their zenith when protestors spilled onto the busy SR 91, completely stopping traffic. Sharpton was arrested for his participation and leadership in these protests.[46][47]


Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn, where Sharpton was imprisoned

In 2001 Sharpton was jailed for 90 days on trespassing charges while protesting against U.S. military target practice exercises in Puerto Rico near a United States Navy bombing site.[48] Sharpton, held in a Puerto Rican lockup for two days and then imprisoned at Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn on May 25, 2001,[49] has the Federal Bureau of Prisons ID# 21458-069. He was released on August 17, 2001.[50]

Ousmane Zongo

In 2002 Sharpton was involved in protests following the death of West African immigrant Ousmane Zongo. Zongo, who was unarmed, was shot by an undercover police officer during a raid on a warehouse in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan. Sharpton met with the family and also provided some legal services.[51]

Sean Bell

Talk show host Michael Baisdenand Al Sharpton, at the front of the September 20, 2007 march in Jena, Louisiana.

On November 25, 2006, Sean Bell was shot and killed in the Jamaica section of Queens, New York by plainclothes detectives from the New York Police Department in a hail of 50 bullets. The incident sparked fierce criticism of the police from the public and drew comparisons to the 1999 killing of Amadou Diallo. Three of the five detectives involved in the shooting went to trial in 2008 on charges ranging from manslaughter to reckless endangerment but were found not guilty.

On May 7, 2008, in response to the acquittals of the officers, Sharpton coordinated peaceful protests at major river crossings in New York City, including the Brooklyn Bridge, the Queensboro Bridge, the Triborough Bridge, the Manhattan Bridge, theHolland Tunnel, and the Queens–Midtown Tunnel. Sharpton and about 200 others were arrested.[52]

Dunbar Village

On March 11, 2007 Sharpton held a press conference to highlight what he said was unequal treatment of four suspected rapists in a high-profile crime in the Dunbar Village Housing Projects in West Palm Beach, Florida. The suspects, who were young black men, were arrested for allegedly raping and beating a black Haitian woman at gunpoint. The crime also involved forcing the woman to perform oral sex on her 12-year-old son.[53]

At his press conference Sharpton said that any violent act toward a woman is inexcusable but he felt that the accused youths were being treated unfairly because they were black. Sharpton contrasted the treatment of the suspects, who remain in jail, with white suspects involved in a gang rape—which he claimed was equivalent to the Dunbar Village attack—who were released after posting bond.[53]

Reclaim the Dream commemorative march

Sharpton at the October 15, 2011National Action Network American Jobs Act March

On August 28, 2010 Sharpton and other civil rights leaders led a march to commemorate the 47th anniversary of the historicMarch on Washington. After gathering at Dunbar High School in Washington, D.C., thousands of people marched five miles to the National Mall.[54]

Tanya McDowell

In June 2011 Sharpton spoke at a rally in support of Tanya McDowell, a Bridgeport, Connecticut, woman who was arrested and charged with larceny for registering her son for kindergarten in neighboring Norwalk.[55]

George Zimmerman

Following the 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman, Sharpton issued a statement of concern that there had not been a thorough investigation.[citation needed] Sean Hannity accused Sharpton and MSNBC of “rush[ing] to judgment” in the case. MSNBC issued a statement in which they said Sharpton “repeatedly called for calm” and further investigation.[56] Following the acquittal of Zimmerman, Sharpton called the not guilty verdict an “atrocity” and “a slap in the face to those that believe in justice.” [57]

Political views

2008 presidential race

In September 2007 when he was asked whether he thought it was important for the US to have a black president, Sharpton said, “It would be a great moment as long as the black candidate was supporting the interest that would inevitably help our people. A lot of my friends went with Clarence Thomas and regret it to this day. I don’t assume that just because somebody’s my color, they’re my kind. But I’m warming up to Obama, but I’m not there yet.”[58]

Animal rights

Sharpton has spoken out against cruelty to animals in a video recorded for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).[59]

Gay rights

Sharpton is a supporter of equal rights for gays and lesbians, including same-sex marriage. During his presidential campaign in 2003, Sharpton said he thought it was insulting to be asked to discuss the issue of gay marriage. “It’s like asking do I support black marriage or white marriage…. The inference of the question is that gays are not like other human beings.”[60]

Sharpton is leading a grassroots movement to eliminate homophobia within the Black church.[61]


Comments on Jews

During the Crown Heights Riot, Sharpton (who arranged a rally in Crown Heights after Cato’s death[32]) has been seen by some commentators as inflaming tensions by making remarks that included “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house”.[62]

Comments on homosexuals

Sharpton was quoted as saying to an audience at Kean College in 1994 that, “White folks was [sic] in caves while we was building empires…. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”[63] Sharpton defended his comments by noting that the term “homo” was not homophobic but added that he no longer uses the term.[64] Sharpton has since called for an end to homophobia in the African-American community.[65]

Comments on Mormons

During 2007 Sharpton was accused of bigotry for comments he made on May 7, 2007, concerning presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his religion, Mormonism:

“As for the one Mormon running for office, those who really believe in God will defeat him anyways, so don’t worry about that; that’s a temporary situation.”[66]

In response, a representative for Romney told reporters that “bigotry toward anyone because of their beliefs is unacceptable.”[67] The Catholic League compared Sharpton to Don Imus, and said that his remarks “should finish his career”.[68]

On May 9 during an interview on Paula Zahn NOW, Sharpton said that his views on Mormonism were based on the “Mormon Church’s traditionally racist views regarding blacks” and its interpretation of the so-called “Curse of Ham“.[69] On May 10, Sharpton called two apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and apologized to them for his remarks and asked to meet with them.[70] A spokesman for the Church confirmed that Sharpton had called and said that “we appreciate it very much, Rev. Sharpton’s call, and we consider the matter closed.”[71] He also apologized to “any member of the Mormon church” who was offended by his comments.[71] Later that month, Sharpton went to Salt Lake CityUtah, where he met with Elder M. Russell Ballard, a leader of the Church, and Elder Robert C. Oaks of the Church’s Presidency of the Seventy.[72][73]

Tawana Brawley controversy


Al Sharpton interviewed in 2007 on whether he is tired of hearing about Tawana Brawley twenty years later.

On November 28, 1987, Tawana Brawley, a 15-year-old African-American girl, was found smeared with feces, lying in a garbage bag, her clothing torn and burned and with various slurs and epithets written on her body in charcoal. Brawley claimed she had been assaulted and raped by six white men, some of them police officers, in the town of Wappinger, New York.

Attorneys Alton H. Maddox and C. Vernon Mason joined Sharpton in support of Brawley. A grand jury was convened; after seven months of examining police and medical records, the jury found “overwhelming evidence” that Brawley had fabricated her story.[74] Sharpton, Maddox, and Mason had accused the Dutchess County prosecutor, Steven Pagones, of racism and of being one of the perpetrators of the alleged abduction and rape. The three were successfully sued for defamation, and were ordered to pay $345,000 in damages, with the jury finding Sharpton liable for making seven defamatory statements about Pagones, Maddox for two, and Mason for one.[75] Sharpton refused to pay his share of the damages; it was later paid by a number of black business leaders including Johnnie Cochran.[33]

In 2007 Sharpton said he would have taken the case the same as he would today, with the only difference being that he would not have made it so personal against Pagones. He said that he still felt Brawley had a good case to go to trial. “I disagreed with the grand jury on Brawley,” said Sharpton in an interview. “I believed there was enough evidence to go to trial. Grand jury said there wasn’t. Okay, fine. Do I have a right to disagree with the grand jury? Many Americans believe O.J. Simpsonwas guilty. A jury said he wasn’t. So I have as much right to question a jury as they do. Does it make somebody a racist? No! They just disagreed with the jury. So did I.”[12]

Work as a U.S. government informant

Sharpton said in 1988 that he informed for the government in order stem the flow of crack cocaine into black neighborhoods. He denied informing on civil rights leaders.[76][77][78]

In 2002, HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel aired a 19-year-old FBI videotape of an undercover sting operation showing Sharpton with an undercover FBI agent posing as a Latin American businessman and a reputed Colombo crime family captain. During the discussion, the undercover agent offered Sharpton a 10% commission for arranging drug sales. On the videotape, Sharpton mostly nods and allows the FBI agent to do most of the talking. No drug deal was ever consummated, and no charges were brought against Sharpton as a result of the tape.[79]

In April 2014, The Smoking Gun obtained documents indicating that Sharpton became an FBI informant in 1983 following Sharpton’s role in a drug sting involvingColombo crime family captain Michael Franzese. Sharpton allegedly recorded incriminating conversations with Genovese and Gambino family mobsters, contributing to the indictments of several underworld figures. Sharpton is referred to in FBI documents as “CI-7.”[80] Sharpton disputes portions of the allegations.[81]

Summarizing the evidence supporting that Sharpton was an active FBI informant in the 1980s, William Bastone, the Smoking Gun’s founder, stated: “If he (Sharpton) didn’t think he was an informant, the ‘Genovese squad’ of the FBI and NYPD officials sure knew him to be an informant. He was paid to be an informant, he carried a briefcase with a recording device in it, and he made surreptitious tape recordings of a Gambino crime family member 10 separate times as an informant. He did it at the direction of the FBI, he was prepped by the FBI, was handed the briefcase by the FBI and was debriefed after the meetings. That’s an informant.”[82]


In 2005, Sharpton appeared in three television commercials for LoanMax, an automobile title loan company. He was criticized for his appearance because LoanMax reportedly charges fees which are the equivalent of 300% APR loans.[83]

Personal life

In 1971 while touring with James Brown, he met future wife Kathy Jordan, who was a backup singer.[84] Sharpton and Jordan married in 1980.[85] The couple separated in 2004.[86] In July 2013, the New York Daily News reported that Sharpton, while still married to his second wife (the first being Marsha Tinsley[87]), now had a self-described “girlfriend,” Aisha McShaw,[88] aged 35, and that the couple had “been an item for months…. photographed at elegant bashes all over the country.” McShaw, the Daily News reported, referred to herself professionally as both a “personal stylist” and “personal banker.”

Sharpton is an honorary member of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity.[89]


Sharpton was licensed and ordained a Pentecostal minister by Bishop F.D. Washington at the age of nine[90] or ten.[91] After Bishop Washington’s death in the late 1980s, Sharpton became a Baptist. He was re-baptized as a member of the Bethany Baptist Church in 1994 by the Reverend William Jones[31] and became a Baptist minister.[90][92]

During 2007 Sharpton participated in a public debate with atheist writer Christopher Hitchens, defending his religious faith and his belief in the existence of God.[93][94]

Assassination attempt

The schoolyard of P.S. 205 in Brooklyn, c. 1991

On January 12, 1991, Sharpton escaped serious injury when he was stabbed in the chest in the schoolyard at P.S. 205[95] by Michael Riccardi while Sharpton was preparing to lead a protest through Bensonhurst in Brooklyn, New York. The intoxicated attacker was apprehended by Sharpton’s aides and handed over to police, who were present for the planned protest. Sharpton, although forgiving his attacker and pleading for leniency on his behalf, filed suit against New York City alleging that the many police present had failed to protect him from his attacker. In December 2003, he finally reached a $200,000 settlement with the city just as jury selection was about to start.[96]

In 1992, Riccardi was convicted of first-degree assault. Sharpton asked the judge for leniency when sentencing Riccardi.[96]The judge sentenced Riccardi to five to 15 years in jail,[97] and he served ten years in prison[96] being released on parole on January 8, 2001.

Indirect familial relation to Strom Thurmond

In February 2007 genealogist Megan Smolenyak discovered that Sharpton’s great-grandfather, Coleman Sharpton, was a slave owned by Julia Thurmond, whose grandfather was Strom Thurmond‘s great-great-grandfather.[98] Coleman Sharpton was later freed.[99]

Thurmond was notable as the longest serving Senator (at the time of his death) who was a major advocate of racial segregation during the middle of the 20th century.[100] Thurmond’s illegitimate daughter, Essie Mae Washington-Williams, stated she would welcome Sharpton to the family if a DNA test shows he is a relative.[101] In an interview, Sharpton said he has no plans for the DNA test to see if he is related.[12]

The Sharpton family name originated with Coleman Sharpton’s previous slave-owner, who was named Alexander Sharpton.[102]

Tax issues

On May 9, 2008 the Associated Press reported that Sharpton and his businesses owed almost $1.5 million in unpaid taxes and penalties. Sharpton owed $931,000 in federal income tax and $366,000 to New York, and his for-profit company, Rev. Al Communications, owed another $176,000 to the state.[9]

On June 19, 2008 the New York Post reported that the Internal Revenue Service had sent subpoenas to several corporations that had donated to Sharpton’sNational Action Network. In 2007 New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo began investigating the National Action Network, because it failed to make proper financial reports, as required for non-profits.[103] According to the Post, several major corporations, including Anheuser-Busch and Colgate-Palmolive, have donated thousands of dollars to the National Action Network. The Post asserted that the donations were made to prevent boycotts or rallies by the National Action Network.[104]

Sharpton countered the investigative actions with a charge that they reflected a political agenda by United States agencies.[105]

On September 29, 2010 Robert Snell of The Detroit News reported that the Internal Revenue Service had filed a notice of federal tax lien against Sharpton in New York City in the amount of over $538,000.[106] Sharpton’s lawyer asserts that the notice of federal tax lien relates to Sharpton’s year 2009 federal income tax return, the due date of which has been extended to October 15, 2010, according to the lawyer. However, the Snell report states that the lien relates to taxes assessed during 2009.[107]

Weight loss

Beginning in 2009 he went through dramatic life-style changes to lose weight. He got arrested in a protest at the Vieques Island of Puerto Rico, challenging U.S. bombing exercises there. Imprisoned for 90 days, he went on a hunger strike for much of the period, losing 30 pounds. Liking what he saw in his physical changes, he continued to make changes after his release. He became a vegan, eliminating animal protein from his diet.[108][109]

Political campaigns

Sharpton has run unsuccessfully for elected office on multiple occasions. Of his unsuccessful runs, he said that winning office may not have been his goal. “Much of the media criticism of me assumes their goals and they impose them on me,” said Sharpton in an interview. “Well, those might not be my goals. So they will say, ‘Well, Sharpton has not won a political office.’ But that might not be my goal! Maybe I ran for political office to change the debate, or to raise the social justice question.”[12]Sharpton ran for a United States Senate seat from New York in 1988, 1992, and 1994. In 1997, he ran for Mayor of New York City. During his 1992 bid, he and his wife lived in a home in Englewood, New Jersey, though he said his residence was an apartment in Brooklyn.[110]

On December 15, 2005 Sharpton agreed to repay $100,000 in public funds he received from the federal government for his 2004 Presidential campaign. The repayment was required because Sharpton had exceeded federal limits on personal expenditures for his campaign. At that time his most recent Federal Election Commission filings (from January 1, 2005) stated that Sharpton’s campaign still had debts of $479,050 and owed Sharpton himself $145,146 for an item listed as “Fundraising Letter Preparation — Kinko’s.”[111]

In 2009 the Federal Election Commission announced it had levied a fine of $285,000 against Sharpton’s 2004 presidential campaign for breaking campaign finance rules during his presidential campaign.[112][113]

On April 2, 2007 Sharpton announced that he would not enter the 2008 presidential race. “I am not going to run,” he said.[20]

Sharpton at a book signing in Harlem

Television appearances

Sharpton has made cameo appearances in the movies Cold FeetBamboozledMr. Deeds, and Malcolm X.[114] He also has appeared in episodes of the television shows New York UndercoverLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitGirlfriendsMy Wife and KidsRescue Me and Boston Legal. He hosted the original Spike TV reality television show I Hate My Job, and an episode of Saturday Night Live. He was a guest on Weekends at the DL on Comedy Central and has been featured in television ads for the Fernando Ferrer campaign for the New York City mayoral election, 2005.[115] He also made a cameo appearance by telephone on the Food Network series, The Secret Life Of . . ., when host Jim O’Connor expressed disbelief that a restaurant owner who’d named a dish after Sharpton actually knew him.

In 1988, during an appearance on The Morton Downey, Jr. Show, Sharpton and Congress of Racial Equality National Chairman Roy Innis got into a heated argument about the Tawana Brawley case and Innis shoved Sharpton to the floor.[116]

During the 2005 Tony Awards, Sharpton appeared in a number put on by the cast of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.[117] In 2009 he hosted WWE Raw.[118]

Broadcast hosting

In June 2005 Sharpton signed a contract with Matrix Media to produce and host a live two-hour daily talk program, but it never aired.[119] In November 2005, Sharpton signed with Radio One to host a daily national talk radio program, which began airing on January 30, 2006, entitled Keepin It Real with Al Sharpton.[119][120]

On August 29, 2011, Sharpton became the host of PoliticsNation, the MSNBC show which airs weeknights during the 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time hour.[7]


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The Pronk Pops Show 238, April 7, 2014, Story 1: Al Sharpton “Forget About It” — FBI Confidential Informant — CI-7 Snitch — On The Mafia — FBI Flipped Him — Sharpton Admits He Informed But Denies He Was Paid — Obamacare Witness Protection Program — Videos

Posted on April 7, 2014. Filed under: American History, Banking System, Blogroll, Budgetary Policy, College, Communications, Computers, Constitutional Law, Economics, Education, Employment, Fiscal Policy, Food, Government, Government Spending, Health Care, Health Care Insurance, History, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Labor Economics, Law, Media, Monetary Policy, Philosophy, Photos, Pistols, Politics, Pro Abortion, Regulation, Religion, Rifles, Security, Success, Tax Policy, Taxes, Terror, Terrorism, Unemployment, Videos, Violence, War, Wealth, Weapons, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


The Pronk Pops Show Podcasts

Pronk Pops Show 238: April 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 237: April 4, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 236: April 3, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 235: March 31, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 234: March 28, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 233: March 27, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 232: March 26, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 231: March 25, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 230: March 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 229: March 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 228: March 20, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 227: March 19, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 226: March 18, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 225: March 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 224: March 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 223: March 6, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 222: March 3, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 221: February 28, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 220: February 27, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 219: February 26, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 218: February 25, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 217: February 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 216: February 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 215: February 20, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 214: February 19, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 213: February 18, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 212: February 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 211: February 14, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 210: February 13, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 209: February 12, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 208: February 11, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 207: February 10, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 206: February 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 205: February 5, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 204: February 4, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 203: February 3, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 202: January 31, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 201: January 30, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 200: January 29, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 199: January 28, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 198: January 27, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 197: January 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 196: January 22, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 195: January 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 194: January 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 193: January 16, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 192: January 14, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 191: January 13, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 190: January 10, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 189: January 9, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 188: January 8, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 187: January 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 186: January 6, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 185: January 3, 2014

Story 1: Al Sharpton “Forget About It” — FBI Confidential Informant — CI-7 Snitch — On The Mafia — FBI Flipped Him — Sharpton Admits He Informed But Denies He Was Paid — Obamacare Witness Protection Program — Videos


al-sharptonJohnny Depp explains “Fuggetaboutit”

Al Sharpton: Secret Agent Thug

Morton Downey Jr. – Al Sharpton

Al Sharpton knocked on his ass by Roy Innis

GATES CASE: Ann Coulter Teaches Al Sharpton & All Racists A Lesson pt1 7/30/09

GATES CASE: Ann Coulter Teaches Al Sharpton & All Racists A Lesson pt2 7/30/09

The Rev. Al Sharpton Defends President Barack Obama – Oprah’s Next Chapter – OWN

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Pimp Slaps Infamous Douche Bag Al Sharpton

Cornel West: Sharpton Sold Soul for Obama


Al Sharpton – “American’s Overwhelmingly Voted for Socialism when they elected President Obama”

Judge Jeanine to Obama: Nobel Peace Prize? Give it Back! – Opening Statement – Fox News –

Tavis Smiley & Cornel West on Election, Why Calling Obama Progressive Ignores His Record 1/2

Tavis Smiley & Cornel West on Election, Why Calling Obama Progressive Ignores His Record 2/2

The men behind Barack Obama part 1

The men behind Barack Obama part 2

Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception

Paul Kengor & Glenn Beck “The Communist” on GBTV Frank Marshall Davis Barack Obama’s Mentor

Paul Kengor on Frank Marshall Davis

O’Reilly Talking Point ▶ Obama Misleading The Country? – The End Justifying The Means

Is Obama dragging down the Democratic party?

Top 5 Mafia Rats in Hiding

Donnie Brasco – Forget About It

I’m Glad It Was Him – Donnie Brasco (8/8) Movie CLIP (1997) HD

Donnie B

Donnie Brasco The Undercover FBI Agent NationalCrimeSyndicate com


Donnie Brasco talking to Benjamin “Lefty” Ruggerio (REAL wiretap): Part 1

Joe Pistone aka Donnie Brasco talking to Benjamin Ruggerio talking about the situation with Anthony Mirra. This conversation happened around 1980. This conversation concerns a meeting concerning Anthony Mirra, Lefty Ruggerio, and other members of the Bonanno Family concerning Pistone. Mirra claimed Pistone cut up $250,000 involving junk money. The other person being mentioned is a man named Rocky, who was also an undercover agent. Pistone attempted to protect Rocky throughout this conversation without showing that he was protecting him.

Donnie Brasco talking to Benjamin “Lefty” Ruggerio (REAL wiretap): Part 2

Donnie Brasco (Joseph Pistone) talking to Benjamin “Lefty” Ruggerio Part 2.

Donnie Brasco talking to Benjamin “Lefty” Ruggerio (REAL wiretap): Part 3

Part 3: Donnie Brasco, aka Joseph Pistone, talking to Benjamin Ruggerio about Anthony Mirra and Rocky

The War Against the Mafia

How the FBI Sabotaged Black America





Al Sharpton’s Secret Work As FBI Informant

Untold story of how activist once aided probes of NYC wiseguys


When friends and family members gathered recently at the White House for a private celebration of Michelle Obama’s 50th birthday, one of the invited partygoers was a former paid FBI Mafia informant.

That same man attended February’s state dinner in honor of French President Francois Hollande. He was seated with his girlfriend at a table adjacent to President Barack Obama, who is likely unaware that, according to federal agents, his guest once interacted with members of four of New York City’s five organized crime families. He even secretly taped some of those wiseguys using a briefcase that FBI technicians outfitted with a recording device.

The high-profile Obama supporter was also on the dais atop the U.S. Capitol steps last year when the president was sworn in for a second term. He was seated in front of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, two rows behind Beyonce and Jay Z, and about 20 feet from Eric Holder, the country’s top law enforcement officer. As head of the Department of Justice, Attorney General Holder leads an agency that once reported that Obama’s inauguration guest also had La Cosa Nostra contacts beyond Gotham, and engaged in “conversations with LCN members from other parts of the United States.”

The former mob snitch has become a regular in the White House, where he has met with the 44th president in the East Room, the Roosevelt Room, and the Oval Office. He has also attended Obama Christmas parties, speeches, policy announcements, and even watched a Super Bowl with the First Family (an evening the man has called “one of the highlights of my life”). During these gatherings, he has mingled with cabinet members, top Obama aides, military leaders, business executives, and members of Congress. His former confederates were a decidedly dicier lot: ex-convicts, extortionists, heroin traffickers, and mob henchmen. The man’s surreptitious recordings, FBI records show, aided his government handlers in the successful targeting of powerful Mafia figures with nicknames like Benny Eggs, Chin, Fritzy, Corky, and Baldy Dom.

Later this week, Obama will travel to New York and appear in a Manhattan hotel ballroom at the side of the man whom FBI agents primarily referred to as “CI-7”–short for confidential informant #7–in secret court filings. In those documents, investigators vouched for him as a reliable, productive, and accurate source of information about underworld figures.

The ex-informant has been one of Obama’s most unwavering backers, a cheerleader who has nightly bludgeoned the president’s Republican opponents in televised broadsides. For his part, Obama has sought the man’s counsel, embraced him publicly, and saluted his “commitment to fight injustice and inequality.” The president has even commented favorably on his friend’s svelte figure, the physical manifestation of a rehabilitation effort that coincided with Obama’s ascension to the White House. This radical makeover has brought the man wealth, a daily TV show, bespoke suits, a luxury Upper West Side apartment, and a spot on best seller lists.

Most importantly, he has the ear of the President of the United States, an equally remarkable and perplexing achievement for the former FBI asset known as “CI-7,” the Rev. Al Sharpton.

A lengthy investigation by The Smoking Gun has uncovered remarkable details about Sharpton’s past work as an informant for a joint organized crime task force comprised of FBI agents and NYPD detectives, as well as his dealings with an assortment of wiseguys.

Beginning in the mid-1980s and spanning several years, Sharpton’s cooperation was fraught with danger since the FBI’s principal targets were leaders of the Genovese crime family, the country’s largest and most feared Mafia outfit. In addition to aiding the FBI/NYPD task force, which was known as the “Genovese squad,” Sharpton’s cooperation extended to several other investigative agencies.

TSG’s account of Sharpton’s secret life as “CI-7” is based on hundreds of pages of confidential FBI affidavits, documents released by the bureau in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, court records, and extensive interviews with six members of the Genovese squad, as well as other law enforcement officials to whom the activist provided assistance.

Like almost every other FBI informant, Sharpton was solely an information source. The parameters of his cooperation did not include Sharpton ever surfacing publicly or testifying on a witness stand.

Genovese squad investigators–representing both the FBI and NYPD–recalled how Sharpton, now 59, deftly extracted information from wiseguys. In fact, one Gambino crime family figure became so comfortable with the protest leader that he spoke openly–during ten wired face-to-face meetings–about a wide range of mob business, from shylocking and extortions to death threats and the sanity of Vincent “Chin” Gigante, the Genovese boss who long feigned mental illness in a bid to deflect law enforcement scrutiny. As the mafioso expounded on these topics, Sharpton’s briefcase–a specially customized Hartman model–recorded his every word.

Task force members, who were interviewed separately, spoke on the condition of anonymity when describing Sharpton’s work as an informant and the Genovese squad’s activities. Some of these investigators provided internal FBI documents to a reporter.

Records obtained by TSG show that information gathered by Sharpton was used by federal investigators to help secure court authorization to bug two Genovese family social clubs, including Gigante’s Greenwich Village headquarters, three autos used by crime family leaders, and more than a dozen phone lines. These listening devices and wiretaps were approved during the course of a major racketeering investigation targeting the Genovese family’s hierarchy.

A total of eight separate U.S. District Court judges–presiding in four federal jurisdictions–signed interception orders that were based on sworn FBI affidavits including information gathered by Sharpton. The phones bugged as a result of these court orders included two lines in Gigante’s Manhattan townhouse, the home phone of Genovese captain Dominick “Baldy Dom” Canterino, and the office lines of music industry power Morris Levy, a longtime Genovese family associate. The resulting surreptitious recordings were eventually used to help convict an assortment of Mafia members and associates.

Investigators also used Sharpton’s information in an application for a wiretap on the telephone in the Queens residence of Federico “Fritzy” Giovanelli, a Genovese soldier. Giovanelli was sentenced to 20 years in prison for racketeering following a trial during which those recordings were played for jurors. In a recent interview, the 82-year-old Giovanelli–now three years removed from his latest stint in federal custody–said that he was unaware that Sharpton contributed in any fashion to his phone’s bugging. He then jokingly chided a reporter for inquiring about the civil rights leader’s past. “Poor Sharpton, he cleaned up his life and you want to ruin him,” Giovanelli laughed.

While Sharpton’s acrimonious history with law enforcement–especially the NYPD–rankled some Genovese squad investigators, they nonetheless grudgingly acknowledged in interviews that the activist produced for those he would go on to frequently pillory.

Genovese squad members, however, did not share with Sharpton specific details about how they were using the information he was gathering for them. This is standard practice since FBI affidavits in support of wiretap applications are filed under seal by Department of Justice prosecutors. Still, Sharpton was briefed in advance of his undercover sorties, so he was well aware of the squad’s investigative interest in Gigante and his Mafia cronies.

Sharpton vehemently denies having worked as an FBI informant. He has alleged that claims of government cooperation were attempts by dark forces to stunt his aggressive brand of civil rights advocacy or, perhaps, get him killed. In his most recent book, “The Rejected Stone,” which hit best seller lists following its October 2013 publication, Sharpton claimed to have once been “set up by the government,” whose agents later leaked “false information” that “could have gotten me killed.” He added, “So I have been seriously tested in what I believe over the years.”

In an interview Saturday, Sharpton again denied working as a confidential informant, claiming that his prior cooperation with FBI agents was limited to efforts to prompt investigations of drug dealing in minority communities, as well as the swindling of black artists in the recording industry. He also repeatedly denied being “flipped” by federal agents in the course of an undercover operation. When asked specifically about his recording of the Gambino crime family member, Sharpton was noncommittal: “I’m not saying yes, I’m not saying no.”

If Sharpton’s account is to be believed, he was simply a concerned citizen who voluntarily (and briefly) joined arm-in-arm with federal agents, perhaps risking peril in the process. The other explanation for Sharpton’s cooperation–one that has uniformly been offered by knowledgeable law enforcement agents–presents the reverend in a less noble light. Worried that he could face criminal charges, Sharpton opted for the path of self-preservation and did what the FBI asked. Which is usually how someone is compelled to repeatedly record a gangster discussing murder, extortion, and loan sharking.

Sharpton spoke for an hour in an office at the House of Justice, his Harlem headquarters, where he had just finished addressing a crowd of about 200 people that included his two adult daughters and his second wife (from whom he hasbeen separated for ten years). A few minutes into the interview, Sharpton asked, “Are you taping this?” A TSG reporter answered that he was not recording their interview, but had a digital recorder and wished to do so. Sharpton declined that request.

In the absence of any real examination/exhumation of Sharpton’s past involvement with the FBI and the Mafia, his denials have served the civil rights leader well. Scores of articles and broadcast reports about the Obama-era “rehabilitation” of Sharpton have mentioned his inflammatory past–Tawana Brawley, Crown Heights, Freddy’s Fashion Mart, and various anti-Semitic and homophobic statements. But his organized crime connections and related informant work have received no such scrutiny.

In a “60 Minutes” profile aired three months before the August 2011 launch of Sharpton’s MSNBC show, correspondent Lesley Stahl reported on the “tame” Sharpton’s metamorphosis from “loud mouth activist” to “trusted White House advisor who’s become the president’s go-to black leader.” As for prior underworld entanglements, those were quickly dispatched: “There were allegations of mob ties, never proved,” Stahl flatly declared.

As host of MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation,” Sharpton now reluctantly identifies himself as a member of the media, if not actually a journalist. He spends his time at 30 Rockefeller Plaza surrounded by reporters, editors, and researchers committed to accuracy and the exposure of those who violate the public trust. In fact, Sharpton himself delights in a daily feature that seeks to expose liars, hypocrites, and others engaged in deceit (his targets tend to be Republican opponents of the Obama administration). As he wraps this segment, Sharpton points his finger at the camera and addresses his quarry: “Nice try, but we gotcha!”

In addition to his MSNBC post, Sharpton heads the National Action Network, which describes itself as a “Christian activist organization.” Obama, who refers to Sharpton as “Rev” or “Reverend Al,” is scheduled to deliver a keynote address Friday at the group’s annual convention in New York City. Mayor Bill DeBlasio will preside Wednesday over the convention’s ribbon cutting ceremony, while Holder and three Obama cabinet secretaries will deliver speeches.

Sharpton has been a leading supporter of Holder, who spoke at the National Action Network’s 2012 convention and saluted the reverend for “your partnership, your friendship, and also for your tireless efforts to speak out for the voiceless, to stand up for the powerless, and to shine a light on the problems we must solve, and the promises we must fulfill.” Last Friday, Sharpton appeared on a panel at a Department of Justice forum led by Tony West, the agency’s third-ranking official. West thanked Sharpton for his “leadership, day in and day out, on issues of reconciliation and community restoration.”

According to its most recent IRS return, which Sharpton signed in mid-November 2013, the National Action Network pays him $241,402 annually for serving as president and CEO. In return for that hefty salary, Sharpton–who hosts a three-hour daily radio show in addition to his nightly cable TV program–reportedly works a 40-hour week for the not-for-profit (which lists unpaid tax liabilities totaling $813,576).

For longtime observers, the “new” Sharpton’s public prominence and West Wing access is bewildering considering that his history, mob ties included, could charitably be described as checkered. In fact, Obama has banished others guilty of lesser transgressions (see: Wright, Jeremiah).

Sharpton now calls himself a “refined agitator,” an activist no longer prone to incendiary language or careless provocations. Indeed, a Google check confirms that it has been years since he labeled a detractor a “faggot,” used the term “homos,” or derisively referred to Jewish diamond merchants.

* * *

As an “informant in development,” as one federal investigator referred to Sharpton, the protest leader was seen as an intriguing prospective source, since he had significant contacts in politics, boxing, and the music industry.

Before he was “flipped” in the course of an FBI sting operation in 1983, Sharpton had established relationships with promoter Don King, various elected officials, and several powerful New York hoodlums involved in concert promotion, record distribution, and talent management. At the time, the music business was “overrun by hustlers, con artists, black and white,” Sharpton recalled in his 1996autobiography. A federal agent who was not part of the Genovese squad–but who also used Sharpton as an informant–recalled that “everyone was trying to mine” his music industry ties.

In fact, by any measure, Sharpton himself was a Mafia “associate,” the law enforcement designation given to mob affiliates who, while not initiated, work with and for crime family members. While occupying the lowest rung on the LCN org chart–which is topped by a boss-underboss-consigliere triumvirate–associates far outnumber “made” men, and play central roles in a crime family’s operation, from money-making pursuits to more violent endeavors.

For more than four years, the fact that Sharpton was working as an informant was known only to members of the Genovese squad and a small number of other law enforcement agents. As with any Mafia informant, protecting Sharpton’s identity was crucial to maintaining the viability of ongoing investigations. Not to mention keeping him alive.

For example, an episode recounted by TSG sources highlighted the sensitive nature of Sharpton’s cooperation with the FBI/NYPD task force.

In advance of seeking court authorization to bug a pair of Genovese family social clubs and a Cadillac used by Gigante and Canterino, a draft version of a wiretap affidavit was circulated for review within the Genovese squad, which operated from the FBI’s lower Manhattan headquarters. The 53-page document, which detailed the “probable cause” to believe that listening devices would yield incriminatingconversations, concerned some investigators due to the degree to which the activities of Sharpton were described in the document.

While the affidavit prepared by FBI Agent Gerald King and a federal prosecutor only referred to Sharpton as “CI-7,” the document included the name of a Gambino mobster whom Sharpton taped, as well as the dates and details of five of their recorded meetings. Such specificity was problematic since the possibility existed that the affidavit’s finalized version could someday be turned over to defense lawyers in the discovery phase of a criminal trial.

Investigators fretted that Sharpton could easily be unmasked by the Gambino member, who, if ever questioned about his meetings with “CI-7,” would surely realize that Sharpton was the wired informant referred to in the FBI affidavit. That discovery, of course, could have placed Sharpton’s life in grave danger. The Gambino wiseguy, too, likely would have faced trouble, since he was recorded speaking about a wide range of Mafia matters, including Gigante’s illegal operations. The Genovese power–rightly paranoid about bugged phones and listening devices–famously forbid fellow gangsters from even speaking his name. In fact, if a wiseguy had to refer to Gigante during an in-person meeting, a quick stroke of the chin was the acceptable means of identification.

In response to concerns about the King affidavit, the draft, which a source provided to TSG, was rewritten to carefully shroud Sharpton’s work with government agents. The affidavit’s final version–which was submitted to two federal judges–no longer included the disclosure that “CI-7” had “consensually recorded his conversations” with a gangster. The wiseguy’s name was also deleted from the document, as was any reference to the Gambino family or the informant’s sex.

Instead, the revamped affidavit simply noted that “CI-7 reported” to the FBI various details of Genovese family rackets. The actual source of that valuable intelligence about Gigante & Co. had been carefully obscured. As were the details of how that information was obtained via Sharpton’s battery-powered valise.

But despite efforts like this to protect Sharpton, some details of his informant work leaked out in January 1988, when New York Newsday reported that the civil rights activist had cooperated with federal investigations targeting organized crime figures and Don King. Though he reportedly made incriminating admissions to the newspaper, Sharpton quickly issued vehement denials that he had snitched on anyone.

While acknowledging contact with law enforcement officials, Sharpton–then involved in the early stages of the Tawana Brawley hoax–said he sought the help of investigators to combat the crack cocaine epidemic ravaging New York’s poorest communities. Sharpton also claimed to have contacted agents (and pledged his assistance) after a Mafia associate allegedly threatened him over a music industry dispute.

Sharpton asserted that a phone installed in his Brooklyn apartment by federal investigators in mid-1987 was there to serve as a “hotline” for the public to report drug dealing. He flatly denied recording phone conversations at the direction of law enforcement agents. In one radio interview, Sharpton even declared, “We have an ethical thing against wiretapping.”

In fact, Sharpton had been cooperating with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn as part of an investigation targeting Don King. According to a source involved with that probe, federal agents “ran him for a couple of months,” during which time Sharpton “did some recordings” via his new home telephone. But the nascent Department of Justice operation was abruptly shuttered in the wake of the New York Newsday story.

The Brooklyn investigators were introduced to Sharpton in late-1987 by Joseph Spinelli, one of the reverend’s former FBI handlers (and one of the agents who initially secured his cooperation with the bureau). While Spinelli had left the FBI for another government post, he still helped facilitate Sharpton’s interaction with other investigators. “Joe was shopping him around,” one source recalled.

For example, in July 1987, Spinelli called a federal prosecutor in Los Angeles and offered Sharpton’s assistance with a matter the lawyer was handling. The case involved Salvatore Pisello, a mobbed-up music industry figure who had just been indicted for tax evasion (and whom Sharpton had previously accused of threatening his life).

Referring to Sharpton, ex-prosecutor Marvin Rudnick said in an interview, “I didn’t know who he was” when Spinelli called. In subsequent conversations with Rudnick, Sharpton provided information about Pisello and a related music industry matter that was being scrutinized by Justice Department investigators.

While Sharpton would not prove particularly helpful to Rudnick, the attorney clearly recalled his brief, unorthodox dealings with the New York activist. “I remember having to go to a pay phone to take the call because he didn’t want it to be traced,” Rudnick laughed.

* * *

So why did Sharpton agree to become an FBI informant? And why was he willing to risk the dangers inherent in such cooperation?

“He thought he didn’t have a choice,” one Genovese squad agent recalled.

In the course of an investigation being run by Spinelli and his partner John Pritchard, Sharpton was secretly recorded in meetings with an FBI undercover agent posing as a wealthy drug dealer seeking to promote boxing matches.

As previously reported, Colombo crime family captain Michael Franzese, who knew Sharpton, enlisted the activist’s help in connecting with Don King. Franzese and Sharpton were later surreptitiously filmed during one meeting with the undercover, while Sharpton and Daniel Pagano, a Genovese soldier, were recorded at another sit-down. Pagano’s father Joseph was a Genovese power deeply involved in the entertainment industry (and who also managed the crime family’s rackets in counties north of New York City).

During one meeting with Sharpton, the undercover agent offered to get him “pure coke” at $35,000 a kilo. As the phony drug kingpin spoke, Sharpton nodded his head and said, “I hear you.” When the undercover promised Sharpton a 10 percent finder’s fee if he could arrange the purchase of several kilos, the reverend referred to an unnamed buyer and said, “If he’s gonna do it, he’ll do it much more than that.” The FBI agent steered the conversation toward the possible procurement of cocaine, sources said, since investigators believed that Sharpton acquaintance Daniel Pagano–who was not present–was looking to consummate drug deals. Joseph Pagano, an East Harlem native who rose through a Genovese crew notorious for narcotics trafficking, spent nearly seven years in federal prison for heroin distribution.

While Sharpton did not explicitly offer to arrange a drug deal, some investigators thought his interaction with the undercover agent could be construed as a violation of federal conspiracy laws. Though an actual prosecution, an ex-FBI agent acknowledged, would have been “a reach,” agents decided to approach Sharpton and attempt to “flip” the activist, who was then shy of his 30th birthday. In light of Sharpton’s relationship with Don King, FBI agents wanted his help in connection with the bureau’s three-year-old boxing investigation, code named “Crown Royal” and headed by Spinelli and Pritchard.

The FBI agents confronted Sharpton with the undercover videos and warned that he could face criminal charges as a result of the secret recordings. Sharpton, of course, could have walked out and ran to King, Franzese, or Pagano and reported the FBI approach (and the fact that drug dealer “Victor Quintana” was actually a federal agent).

In subsequent denials that he had been “flipped,” Sharpton has contended that he stiffened in the face of the FBI agents, meeting their bluff with bluster and bravado. He claimed to have turned away Spinelli & Co., daring them to “Indict me” and “Prosecute.” Sharpton has complained that the seasoned investigators were “trying to sting me, entrap me…a young minister.”

In fact, Sharpton fell for the FBI ruse and agreed to cooperate, a far-reaching decision he made without input from a lawyer, according to sources. “I think there was some fear [of prosecution] on his part,” recalled a former federal agent. In a TSG interview, Sharpton claimed that he rebuffed the FBI agents, who, he added, threatened to serve him with a subpoena to testify before a federal grand jury investigating King. After being confronted by the bureau, Sharpton said he consulted with an attorney (whom he declined to identify).

Following bureau guidelines, agents formally opened a “137” informant file on Sharpton, a move that was approved by FBI supervisors, according to several sources. Agents anticipated using Sharpton in the “Crown Royal” case focusing on King, but during initial debriefings of their new recruit, it became clear that his contacts in the music business were equally appealing.

Sharpton had met James Brown in the mid-70s, and became extremely close to the R&B superstar. He worked for and traveled with the mercurial performer, married one of Brown’s backup singers, and wore the same processed hairdo as the entertainer. Like Brown, Sharpton would sometimes even wear a cowboy hat atop his tribute conk.

It was first through executives at Spring Records, a small Manhattan-based label affiliated with Brown, that Sharpton–who worked from the firm’s office–was introduced to various wiseguys, including Franzese. His circle of mob contacts would grow to include, among others, the Paganos, Carmine DeNoia, an imposing Pagano associate known as “Wassel,” and Joseph “Joe Bana” Buonanno, a Gambino crime family figure involved in record distribution and production.

At one point before he was “flipped,” Sharpton participated in a mob scheme to create a business front that would seek a share of lucrative Con Edison set-asides intended for minority-owned businesses. That deal, which involved garbage collection contracts, cratered when the power company determined that Sharpton’s silent partner was Genovese captain Matthew “Matty the Horse” Ianniello. Details of the Con Ed plot emerged at a federal criminal trial of Ianniello and his business partner Benjamin Cohen. It was Cohen, who worked across the hall from Spring Records, who recruited Sharpton for the mob garbage gambit.


Sharpton secretly worked as FBI mob informant: report

Meet Al Sharpton, “Confidential Informant No. 7.”

The longtime agitator, civil-rights activist and TV host was exposed Monday as an alleged former key FBI informant whose tips helped take down some of the biggest names in New York Mafia history.

The Rev. Al launched his sensational secret life as a paid mob snitch in the mid-1980s, pressured to cooperate after being ensnared in a developing drug sting, according to a bombshell report

As “CI-7,” the then-portly Harlem leader would tote a customized Hartmann briefcase equipped with an FBI bug to hobnob with members of some of the city’s most notorious crime families, the site said.

Sharpton’s main job was to dig dirt on the Genovese crime family, according to sources and court documents.

He was so good at “playing dumb’’ that he wound up helping to bring down such names as Venero “Benny Eggs’’ Mangano, Dominick “Baldy Dom’’ Canterino and even the muttering “oddfather” of Greenwich Village, family boss Vincent “Chin’’ Gigante, the site said.

He was a “very reliable informant, and his information ‘has never been found to be false or inaccurate,’ ” the report said, quoting a 1986 court document.

While it was known that Sharpton had spied for the FBI on music- and sports-promotion figures, the new data said he also extracted juicy information from wiseguys.

The feds later used the dirt to obtain warrants to bug key Genovese spots.

Because of Sharpton’s undercover work, listening devices were surreptitiously installed in two crime-family social clubs, including Gigante’s Village headquarters, three cars used by Mafiosos and more than a dozen phone lines, the site said.

Information gleaned from those bugs then helped nail the mobsters.

One of Sharpton’s main unsuspecting founts of useful information was Joseph “Joe Bana’’ Buonanno.

During 10 face-to-face chats between the pair, “Joe Bana just gave him a whole insight into how ‘Chin’ and [music-industry honcho] Morris [Levy] operated,’’ said an NYPD source with the joint FBI-Police Department “Genovese Squad.”

Before his rapt audience of one, Buonanno expounded on the mob’s past extortions and death threats.

He even allegedly revealed to Sharpton a few not-so-flattering details about his boss, Gigante, who for years pretended he was crazy by shuffling around the West Village in a bathrobe to escape prosecution from the feds.

Buonanno told Sharpton of the godfather’s purported illiteracy and the fact that he “hates everyone not Italian,” the site said.

The mob soldier even detailed how Gigante “was present” at the hit of Genovese captain Thomas “Tommy Ryan’’ Eboli, to “make sure it was done right,” the site said.

Still, while Sharpton had the gift of gab and got Buonanno to unwittingly spill his guts, the mob soldier snottily referred to the preacher as “a nose picker’’ behind his back, an associate told the site.

Both Buonanno and Gigante are now dead.

The revelation of Sharpton’s involvement with the feds couldn’t have come at a more embarrassing time.

Sharpton is set to convene the annual convention of his National Action Network in New York this week — with Mayor de Blasio cutting the opening-ceremony ribbon Wednesday and President Obama flying in to give the keynote address Friday.

Sharpton, in an interview with The Post on Monday, didn’t deny that he cooperated with the FBI — but said the report was the equivalent of a mob hit.

“It’s crazy. If I provided all the information they claimed I provided, I should be given a ticker-tape parade,” said Sharpton, 59, who now regularly rubs elbows with Obama and his wife Michelle, Attorney General Eric Holder and congressmen and other national leaders.

“What did Al Sharpton do wrong? Eliot Spitzer did do something wrong, and he got a TV show,” said the Rev. Al, referring to the hooker-loving former governor.

Sharpton is currently the host of MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation.’’ He regularly wraps up one segment by pointing a finger at the camera and yelling, “Nice try, but we gotcha!”

He denied being paid to snitch and said he never carried a brief case with a listening device.

He insisted that if he did cooperate with the feds, it was because he’d been threatened by a mobster while working with black concert promoters.

“The article is embellished. The real story is I told the FBI about being threatened because I was a civil-rights leader helping black concert promoters,” Sharpton said.

He griped that the report was simply an attempt to “muddy’’ him before this week’s NAN convention.

A Sharpton confidante who’s known him for decades was caught off guard by the extent of the activist’s alleged dealings with the FBI.

“Holy s- -t,’’ the source said. “This comes out of left for me. I’m actually driving off the road.’’

But veteran Democratic political consultant George Arzt said the report is more likely to boost Sharpton’s standing with the public rather than hurt it.

“This is just going to add to his luster of being a character,” Arzt said. “It does raise questions about an anti-establishment guy cooperating with the FBI. But now he is establishment.”

Sharpton was considered prime fodder as a mole for the FBI’s Mafia unit because of his already-existing connections to the underworld, the site said.

For example, he knew Genovese soldier Joseph Pagano, who was involved in entertainment-industry schemes for decades, allegedly controlled “Rat Pack’’ singer Sammy Davis Jr. and once even “lost a big roll [of money] to Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra,’’ FBI sources said.

Sharpton allegedly told the feds he had an in with Pagano because he’d introduced him to boxer Muhammad Ali and his reps.

In trying to nail the Genovese Mafiosos with Sharpton’s help, the feds embarked on their bugging scheme — sometimes producing hilarious results, the report said.

At one point, the Genovese Squad tried to wire mobster Dominick Canterino’s Cadillac in front of his Gravesend, Brooklyn, home.

An agent broke into and hot-wired the car to briefly drive it off to plant the bug before returning it.

“Piece of cake,’’ he radioed to fellow agents down the block.

“You’re burned!” an NYPD detective shouted back a minute later, as he spotted Canterino watching the agent drive away with his car.

“In retrospect, it was like a Keystone comedy,’’ chuckled a former FBI agent who was there that day. “But it wasn’t so funny when it occurred.”

Canterino has since died.



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Pronk Pops Show 117, July 19, 2013, Segment 2: Race Racketeers Running Race Rallies — Black Gangs Kill Blacks By The Thousands and Planned Parenthood Kills Black Babies By The Millions — Race Never Played A Role in Zimmerman Verdict Says Juror #b37!– Videos

Posted on July 19, 2013. Filed under: American History, Business, Communications, Crime, Culture, Disasters, Economics, Federal Government, Government, Government Spending, History, Law, Philosophy, Pistols, Politics, Radio, Resources, Security, Technology, Videos, Violence, Wealth, Weapons, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Pronk Pops Show 117: July 19, 2013

Pronk Pops Show 116: July 12, 2013

Pronk Pops Show 115: June 28, 2013

Pronk Pops Show 114: June 21, 2013

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Pronk Pops Show 112: June 7, 2013

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Segment 2: Race Racketeers Running Race Rallies — Black Gangs Kill Blacks By The Thousands and Planned Parenthood Kills Black Babies By The Millions — Race Never Played A Role in Zimmerman Verdict Says Juror #b37!– Videos





A racket is a service that is fraudulently offered to solve a problem, such as for a problem that does not actually exist, will not be affected, or would not otherwise exist. Conducting a racket is racketeering.[1] Particularly, the potential problem may be caused by the same party that offers to solve it, although that fact may be concealed, with the specific intent to engender continual patronage for this party. A prototype is the protection racket, wherein a person or group indicates that they could protect a store from potential damage, damage that the same person or group would otherwise inflict, while the correlation of threat and protection may be more or less deniably veiled, distinguishing it from the more direct act of extortion.

Racketeering is often associated with organized crime, and the term was coined by the Employers’ Association of Chicago in June 1927 in a statement about the influence of organized crime in the Teamsters union.[2]

What Is Racketeering?

Juror 37B: Race Never a Role in Zimmerman Verdict

George Zimmerman Trial Juror #b37 Does Interview With Her Identity Concealed

TRIFECTA – Trayvon Martin, the Battle Has Just Begun

Reverend Al Sharpton Calls for Rallies in 100 Cities to Protest Zimmerman Trial Verdict

Sharpton ‘Justice for Trayvon’ Marches Saturday

Al Sharpton Reaction To Zimmerman Verdict ‘Slap in the Face to Those Who Believe in Justice’

The Five Hosts Tear Into Al Sharpton: ‘Race-Baiter,’ Pressured Zimmerman Arrest & Trial

RACIST Al Sharpton’s Racial, Homophobic Rants

Cornel West: Sharpton Sold Soul for Obama

Cornel West “We End Up With A Rockefeller Republican In Blackface With Barack Obama”

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Are Cowards

UNNECESSARY Shooting Trayvon to Death, A.G. Eric Holder Addresses Zimmerman Not Guilty Verdict

Attorney Mark O’Mara: ‘If George Zimmerman Was Black, He Would Never Have Been Charged With A Crime’

The Five Puts Media ‘On Trial’ For Injecting Race Into Zimmerman Case: ‘Crap They Put Out’

Judge Napolitano: Allegations of ‘Racial Hatred’ Defy FBI’s Investigation of George Zimmerman

Double Standard: Black Men Named Trayvon Get Killed all the Time, But The Left Doesn’t Care

Bill O’Reilly To Black Minister: Violent Crime In U.S. Overwhelmingly Generated By Young Black Men


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Black Genocide – Maafa 21 Full Length

Background Articles and Videos

Fred on Black Crime Rates

Redd Foxx vs. Midgets

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