Archive for May 18th, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 28, May 18, 2011: Segment 4: Ron Paul Is Running For President of The United States In 2012!–The Third Time Is The Charm–A Man Of Integrity–A Candidate For Peace and Prosperity–Neither A Big Government Warfare Republican Nor A Massive Government Welfare Democrat–A Man Of And For The American People–A Tea Party Patriot–Ron Paul–Videos

Posted on May 18, 2011. Filed under: American History, Budgetary Policy, Economics, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Government, Government Spending, History, Labor Economics, Monetary Policy, Philosophy, Politics, Radio, Tax Policy, Videos, Violence, War, Wisdom | Tags: , |

Pronk Pops Show 28:May 18, 2011


Pronk Pops Show 27:May 9, 2011


Pronk Pops Show 26:May 5, 2011


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 27-28


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 22 (Part 2)-26


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 16-22 (Part 1)


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 10-15


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 1-9

Segment 4: Ron Paul Is Running For President of The United States In 2012!–The Third Time Is The Charm–A Man Of Integrity–A Candidate For Peace and Prosperity–Neither A Big Government Warfare Republican Nor A Massive Government Welfare Democrat–A Man Of And For The American People–A Tea Party Patriot–Ron Paul–Videos

“Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.”

‘Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent Alliances, with any portion of the foreign world.”

~George Washington


Four Years Ago

Ron Paul Releases Presidential Exploratory Committee

Barry Goldwater, Jr. Endorses Ron Paul


Ron Paul Why I Want To Be President

Ron Paul for President

Ron Paul 2012: “Freedom Is Popular” – 6 Year Old Homeschooler Knows What Liberty Means

Ron Paul To Form Presidential Exploratory Committee

Ron Paul interviewed by Stephen Colbert 4/25/2011

Ron Paul to Announce 2012 Bid

Ron Paul on The View 04/25/11

American’s Takeoff To Peace And Prosperity vs. America’s Road To Serfdom

Ron Paul vs. Barack Obama for President – Rasmussen Poll 1% Difference

CNN Downplays Ron Paul’s Electability… This Is So 2008

Thomas Woods interviews Ron Paul on Peter Schiff Show 4/20/11

My political philosophy is classical liberalism.

In America a classical liberal is commonly identified as a libertarian and occasionally a conservative.

Classical liberals or libertarians favor a government that is limited in both size and scope and takes the form of a constitutional republic.

I became a classical liberal when Senator Barry Goldwater ran for President in 1964 when I read his book, the Conscience of A Conservative.

Mr. Conservative: Goldwater On Goldwater


Barry Goldwater, A True Conservative

The Conscience Of A Conservative

Freedom is the Only Solution

Ever since I have considered myself a member of the conservative movement and a traditional libertarian.

Today I am an independent and support the tea party movement and their candidates for public office.

Senator Barry Goldwater lost to President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 for the office of President of The United States.

President Johnson was largely responsible for America’s war in Vietnam, the war on poverty and socialized medicine, namely Medicare.

The Democrats lost both the war in Vietnam and the war on poverty.

Socialized medicine in the form of Medicare while still popular is running massive deficits that will only become larger as the baby boom generation turn age 65 and becomes eligible for Medicare starting in 2011.

Today Medicare is actually costing more than ten times the estimated cost when it was originally passed in 1965.

Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid must be reformed and controlled and owned by the individual and not by the Federal Government.

Otherwise Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will become insolvent and the promises made to the American people broken.

I.O.U.S.A. Bonus Reel: Social Security+Medicare Projections

The Real Fiscal Cancer that will Bankrupt the United States

I.O.U.S.A. Bonus Reel: A $53 Trillion Federal Financial Hole


Baby boomers and Medicare spell rationing

Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan opposed socialized medicine and warned of its cost in 1964.

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine

The Very Best of Ronald Reagan

The only Presidential candidate that I trust to do the right thing in addressing the above issues is Ron Paul.

The only Presidential candidate that has consistently supported a constitutional republic is Ron Paul.

The only Presidential candidate that has consistently voted for limited government in both size and scope is Ron Paul.

The only Presidential candidate that has consistently opposed government interventionism in the economy at home and nation building abroad is Ron Paul.

If you want to return the United States of America to a peace and prosperity economy with a constitutional republic, support and vote for Ron Paul.

If you want the continuation of the United States of America’s warfare and welfare economy with a collectivist tyrannical state, you will have many choices from both the Democratic and Republican parties.

I plan to support and vote for Ron Paul in 2012.

I hope and pray he gets the Republican nomination as their candidate for President of the United States of America.

I hope and pray that Ron Paul and the Republican Party choose Michele Backmann as his running mate for Vice-President of the United States.

Ron Paul / Michele Bachmann Student Town Hall @ UofMN – Sponsored by YAL – 2 of 9

The third time is the charm.

Obama and Congress to Murder More American Soldiers and Tax You for the Wars

Message for Democrats and Republicans from the Late Senator Barry Goldwater

Government is Oppression

Barry Goldwater Jr. Introduces Ron Paul

Join the second American Revolution and campaign for liberty.

“Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”
“The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon”

~George Washington


Background Articles and Videos

Ron Paul : The Drug War Has Killed More People Than The Drugs! (Part 1/6)

Ron Paul : The Drug War Has Killed More People Than The Drugs! (Part 2/6)


Ron Paul : The Drug War Has Killed More People Than The Drugs! (Part 3/6)

Ron Paul : The Drug War Has Killed More People Than The Drugs! (Part 4/6)

Ron Paul : The Drug War Has Killed More People Than The Drugs! (Part 5/6)

Ron Paul : The Drug War Has Killed More People Than The Drugs! (Part 6/6)


Ron Paul Will Rock You

Money Bomb May 5, 2011


Ron Paul Launches Presidential Campaign

“…Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, whose outspoken libertarian views and folksy style made him a cult hero during two previous presidential campaigns, will announce on Tuesday that he’s going to try a third time.

Sources close to Paul, who is in his 12th term in the House, said he will unveil an exploratory presidential committee, a key step in gearing up for a White House race. He will also unveil the campaign’s leadership team in Iowa, where the first votes of the presidential election will be cast in caucuses next year.

Paul, 75, ran as the Libertarian Party candidate in 1988, finishing with less than one half a percent of the vote. After more than a decade as a Republican congressman, Paul gave it another shot in the 2008 presidential election, gaining attention for being the only Republican candidate calling for the end to the war in Iraq and for his “money bomb” fundraising strategy, which brought in millions of dollars from online donors in single-day pushes.

Paul took 10 percent of the vote in the Iowa caucuses and 8 percent in New Hampshire’s primary. He finished second, with 14 percent of the vote, in the Nevada caucuses, and eventually finished fourth in the Republican nominating process with 5.6 percent of the total vote. Paul’s campaign book, The Revolution: A Manifesto also reached No. 1 on The New York Times best-seller list in 2008. …”

2012 Presidential bid: Third time could be the charm for Ron Paul

“…Republican Congressman Ron Paul is expected to announce the formation of a presidential exploratory committee on Tuesday, a key step in any bid for the White House and a third attempt for the White House from the congressman.

They say the third time is the charm, and one likely does not need to tell that to Republican congressman Ron Paul. However, on Tuesday Mr. Paul intends to announce the formation of his presidential exploratory committee, according to a National Journalreport.

Congressman Paul, active in his twelfth term as a House legislator and known for his decidedly Libertarian views, will make a third run for the White House in what appears to be shaping up to be a considerably crowded Republican presidential contest.

“Paul, 75, ran as the Libertarian Party candidate in 1988, finishing with less than one half a percent of the vote,” Cameron Joseph reported for the National Journal. “After more than a decade as a Republican congressman, Paul gave it another shot in the 2008 presidential election, gaining attention for being the only Republican candidate calling for the end to the war in Iraq and for his ‘money bomb’ fundraising strategy, which brought in millions of dollars from online donors in single-day pushes.”

Mr. Paul has been an influential voice for a new generation of Republicans in Congress, and many of his positions have been attributed to Tea Party sentiments that have managed to make their way into mainstream Republican discourse and have posed a considerable challenge to the Obama administration and the remaining Democratic majority in the Senate following the 2010 mid-term elections this past November.

Read more:


“…Medicare is a social insurance program administered by the United States government, providing health insurance coverage to people who are aged 65 and over, or who meet other special criteria. Medicare operates similarly to a single-payer health care system.[1]

The program also funds residency training programs for the vast majority of physicians in the United States.

The Social Security Act of 1965 was signed into law on July 30, 1965, by President Lyndon B. Johnson as amendments to existing Social Security legislation. At the bill-signing ceremony, Johnson enrolled former President Harry S. Truman as the first Medicare beneficiary and presented him with the first Medicare card, and Truman’s wife Bess, the second.[2] …”

“…Costs and funding challenges

The costs of Medicare doubled every four years between 1966 and 1980.[47] According to the 2004 “Green Book” of the House Ways and Means Committee, Medicare expenditures from the American government were $256.8 billion in fiscal year 2002. Beneficiary premiums are highly subsidized, and net outlays for the program, accounting for the premiums paid by subscribers, were $230.9 billion.

Medicare spending is growing steadily in both absolute terms and as a percentage of the federal budget. Total Medicare spending reached $440 billion for fiscal year 2007 or 16% of all federal spending and grew to $599 billion in 2008 which was 20% of federal spending.[48] The only larger categories of federal spending are Social Security and defense. Given the current pattern of spending growth, maintaining Medicare’s financing over the long-term may well require significant changes.[49]

According to the 2008 report by the board of trustees for Medicare and Social Security, Medicare will spend more than it brings in from taxes this year (2008). The Medicare hospital insurance trust fund will become insolvent by 2019.[49][50][51][52] Shortly after the release of the report, the Chief Actuary testified that the insolvency of the system could be pushed back by 18 months if Medicare Advantage plans that provide more health care services than traditional Medicare and pass savings onto beneficiaries were paid at the same rate as the traditional fee-for-service program. He also testified that the 10-year cost of Medicare drug benefit is 37% lower than originally projected in 2003, and 17% percent lower than last year’s projections.[53] The New York Times wrote in January 2009 that Social Security and Medicare “have proved almost sacrosanct in political terms, even as they threaten to grow so large as to be unsustainable in the long run.”[54]

Spending on Medicare and Medicaid is projected to grow dramatically in coming decades. While the same demographic trends that affect Social Security also affect Medicare, rapidly rising medical prices appear a more important cause of projected spending increases. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has indicated that: “Future growth in spending per beneficiary for Medicare and Medicaid—the federal government’s major health care programs—will be the most important determinant of long-term trends in federal spending. Changing those programs in ways that reduce the growth of costs—which will be difficult, in part because of the complexity of health policy choices—is ultimately the nation’s central long-term challenge in setting federal fiscal policy.” Further, the CBO also projects that “total federal Medicare and Medicaid outlays will rise from 4 percent of GDP in 2007 to 12 percent in 2050 and 19 percent in 2082—which, as a share of the economy, is roughly equivalent to the total amount that the federal government spends today. The bulk of that projected increase in health care spending reflects higher costs per beneficiary rather than an increase in the number of beneficiaries associated with an aging population.”[55]


The Conscience of a Conservative

“…The Conscience of a Conservative is a book published under the name of Arizona Senator and 1964 Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater in 1960. The book reignited the American conservative movement and made Barry Goldwater a political star. The book has influenced countless conservatives in the United States, helping to lay the foundation for the Reagan Revolution in 1980.[1]

The book was ghostwritten by L. Brent Bozell Jr., brother-in-law of William F. Buckley.[1] Bozell and Buckley had been members of Yale’s debate team. They had co-authored the controversial book, McCarthy and His Enemies, in 1955. Bozell had been Goldwater’s speechwriter in the 1950s, and was familiar with many of his ideals. The first edition, 1960, is 123 pages in length and was published in the United States. The book covers such topics as education, labor unions and policies, civil rights, agricultural policy and farm subsidies, social welfare programs, and income taxation. The book is considered to be a significant statement of politically and economically American conservative ideas which were to gain influence during the following decades.[1] …”

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Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann And Rand Paul–Stop Spending Money You Don’t Have!–Balance The Budget–Tea Party Budget Gets It Right–Videos

Ron Paul Tells The Truth–The Political Elites Are Not Serious About Cutting The Budget–The Coming Collapse Of The Dollar And Inflation–Videos

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Prescient Congressman Ron Paul On Government Interventionism–July 10, 2003 On Floor Of The House of Representatives–Videos

The Real Newt Gingrich–Outting The Radical Progressive Republican–Videos

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Pronk Pops Show 28, May 28, 2011: Segment 3: Ron Paul Running For President Of The United States in 2012–It Is Official–The Third Time Is The Charm!–Videos

Posted on May 18, 2011. Filed under: American History, Budgetary Policy, Economics, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Government, Government Spending, History, Labor Economics, Monetary Policy, Philosophy, Politics, Radio, Tax Policy, Unions, Videos, Violence, War, Wisdom | Tags: , |

Pronk Pops Show 28:May 18, 2011


Pronk Pops Show 27:May 9, 2011


Pronk Pops Show 26:May 5, 2011


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 27-28


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 22 (Part 2)-26


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 16-22 (Part 1)


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 10-15


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 1-9


Segment 3: Ron Paul Running For President Of The United States in 2012–It Is Official–The Third Time Is The Charm!–Videos

Imagine – John Lennon


Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Announcement In New Hampshire (Full Length)


Ron Paul is Running in 2012

Ron Paul Announces 2012 Presidential Run

Rep. Ron Paul on His 2012 Presidential Bid

Since I am a classical liberal or libertarian, I fully support Ron Paul and hope he will chose Michele Backmann as his running mate.

Join the Second American Revolution and Campaign for Liberty!


Ron Paul is running for PRESIDENT in 2012!!!


The Beatles – Revolution (Live)

Related Posts On Pronk Palisades

John Stossel Interview With Ron Paul–Videos

Ron Paul On The Consequences of Undeclared Wars–Video

Ron Paul Is Running For President of The United States In 2012!–The Third Time Is The Charm–A Man Of Integrity–A Candidate For Peace and Prosperity–Neither A Big Government Warfare Republican Nor A Massive Government Welfare Democrat–A Man Of And For The American People–A Tea Party Patriot–Ron Paul–Videos

Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann And Rand Paul–Stop Spending Money You Don’t Have!–Balance The Budget–Tea Party Budget Gets It Right–Videos

Ron Paul Tells The Truth–The Political Elites Are Not Serious About Cutting The Budget–The Coming Collapse Of The Dollar And Inflation–Videos

The Real Newt Gingrich–Outting The Radical Progressive Republican–Videos

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Pronk Pops Show 28, May 18, 2011: Segment 2:Leave It To Beaver–Newt Gingrich–The Beaver Puppet of The Republican Washington D.C. Establishment Political Class With It Social Engineered Warfare and Welfare Economy with A $3,500 Billion Unbalanced Budget For Fiscal Year 2012 with Nearly $1,000 Billion In Deficit Spending!–Videos

Posted on May 18, 2011. Filed under: American History, Budgetary Policy, Business, Economics, Education, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Government, Government Spending, History, Labor Economics, Monetary Policy, Philosophy, Politics, Tax Policy, Videos, Violence, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , |

Pronk Pops Show 28:May 18, 2011


Pronk Pops Show 27:May 9, 2011


Pronk Pops Show 26:May 5, 2011


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 27-28


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 22 (Part 2)-26


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 16-22 (Part 1)


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 10-15


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 1-9


Segment 2: Leave It To Beaver–Newt Gingrich–The Beaver Puppet of The Republican Washington D.C. Establishment Political Class With It Social Engineered Warfare and Welfare Economy with A $3,500 Billion Unbalanced Budget For Fiscal Year 2012 with Nearly $1,000 Billion In Deficit Spending!–Videos

THE BEAVER – Trailer

“…One other trend is that Americans are becoming more averse to partisan labels. While Republican affiliation has fallen by four points since 2005 to 25, and Democratic affiliation dropped by a point to 32 percent, the number of independents rose 7 point to 37 percent. (These numbers do not square with the ones in the chart because they reflect polling in the first quarter of 2011, and not annual averages used in the typology studies).

On the pivotal issue of the role of government, 96 percent of Staunch Conservatives and 74 percent of Main Street Republicans want a smaller government providing fewer services. Among Democrats, 53 percent of the Hard Pressed, 65 percent of New Coalitioners and 74 percent of Solid Liberals favor bigger government providing more services.

The majority of independents want smaller government, with 84 percent of Libertarians holding that view, far higher than the other independent “types.” …”


Gingrich: GOP Budget Plan Is “Right-Wing Social Engineering”

Newt Gingrich’s scathing criticism of Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) budget has House Republicans peeved

Paul Ryan Defends Against Newt Gingrich Attack

Paul Ryan and Newt Gingrich Square Off

Bill Bennett Interviews Newt Gingrich about His Paul Ryan Comments

Newt Gingrich Tries to Rehabilitate Himself on the Mark Levin Show in Wake of Ryan Disaster

Rush Limbaugh – Newt Gingrich Trying To Carve Himself Out A Place In The Campaign

The Real Newt Gingrich (complete film)

The Real Newt Gingrich Part 1

The Real Newt Gingrich Part 2

The Real Newt Gingrich Part 3

The Real Newt Gingrich Part 4

Larry McDonald – John Birch Society Chairman – CFR NWO 1983 1/2

Larry McDonald – John Birch Society Chairman – CFR NWO 1983 2/2

“A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned – this is the sum of good government.”
~Thomas Jefferson

The Republican Party establishment or political class in Washington D.C. is out of touch with the American people.

Many long time members of the conservative movement who in the past voted Republican, now consider themselves independents and support the tea party movement.

After twelve years of the Bushes with their wars, unbalanced budgets, deficit spending, growing national debt and low economic growth rates, conservatives and libertarians concluded that the Republican Party was deeply penetrated by big government interventionist who in the past were called progressives and/or Rockefeller Republicans–and are now called country club Republicans or Republicans In Name Only–RINOS.

Smart and wise conservatives and libertarians recognized that the two-party system in the United States made it difficult if not impossible to win as a third-party candidate.

If you wanted to run for public office such as for Congress, the Senate or for President of the United States, you had no choice but to run on the Republican ticket.

This meant fighting the Republican establishment progressives or big government interventions in primaries just to get on the ballot.

After the elections of 2006 and 2008, the Republican Party brand was damaged as both conservatives and libertarians left the Republican Party having concluded they were betrayed by the Republican Party establishment in Washington D.C.

Dan Mitchell, Cato Institute, Debt Ceiling

Rand Paul “Republicans & Democrats Have Been On A Drunken Spending Spree Up Here”

The tea party movement became the new home of both former Republicans and Democrats who strongly felt that their political parties had left them.

George Wallace, who was elected Governor of Alabama four times and ran for President of the United States four times, once said “There’s not a dimes worth of difference” between the Democratic and Republican Parties.

Wallace was echoing Huey Long who was a one-term Governor and one term Senator of Louisiana before he was assassinated in September 1935:

With inflation the difference between the Republican Party proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2012 and the Democratic Party or President Obama’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2012 has grown to about $200 billion.

Both the Republican and Democratic Party Fiscal Year 2012 budgets are massively unbalanced.

Both the Republican and Democratic Party Fiscal Year 2012 budgets run deficits of about $1,000 and $1,200 billion respectively and which in turn increases the National Debt by the same amount.

Both the Republican and Democratic Party Fiscal Year 2012 budgets are living beyond the means of the American people to pay for in taxes and are fiscally irresponsible.

Which Budgets Are Balanced And Living Within The Means of The American People?

Republican Party Budget Proposals

S-1 FY2012 Chairman’s Markup

(Nominal Dollars in Billions)

Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Deficits Debt Held By Public
2011 3,618 2,230 -1,388 10,351
2012 3,529 2,533 -995 11,418
2013 3,559 2,860 -699 12,217
2014 3,586 3,094 -492 12,801
2015 3,671 3,237 -434 13,326
2016 3,858 3,377 -481 13,886
2017 3,998 3,589 -408 14,363
2018 4,123 3,745 -379 14,800
2019 4,352 3,939 -414 15,254
2020 4,544 4,142 -402 15,681
2021 4,739 4,354 -385 16,071
2012-2021 39,958 34,870 -5,088 n.a.

Democratic Party Budget Proposals

S-1 FY2012 President’s Budget(Nominal Dollars in Billions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Deficits Debt Held By Public
2011 3,819 2,174 -1,645 10,856
2012 3,729 2,627 -1,101 11,881
2013 3,771 3,003 -768 12,784
2014 3,977 3,333 -646 13,562
2015 4,190 3,583 -607 14,301
2016 4,468 3,819 -649 15,064
2017 4,669 4,042 -627 15,795
2018 4,876 4,257 -619 16,513
2019 5,154 4,473 -681 17,284
2020 5,442 4,686 -735 18,103
2021 5,697 4,923 -774 18,967
2012-2021 45,952 38,747 -7,205 n.a.

Tea Party Budget Proposals

S-1 FY2012 Tea Party’s Balanced/Surplus Budget(Nominal Dollars in Billions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Surpluses Debt Held By Public
2012 2,500 2,500 0 10,900
2013 2,800 2,800 0 10,900
2014 3,000 3,000 0 10,900
2015 3,200 3,200 0 10,900
2016 3,300 3,300 0 10,900
2017 3,400 3,500 100 10,800
2018 3,500 3,700 200 10,600
2019 3,600 3,900 300 10,300
2020 3,700 4,000 300 10,000
2021 3,800 4,300 500 9,500
2012-2021 32,800 34,200 1,400 n.a.

Newt Gingrich, the Republican Party’s beaver puppet, to the tea party movement and American people was wrong when he labelled the Republican Party’s Fiscal Year 2012 budget of Paul Ryan “right-wing social engineering”.

The Paul Ryan and Republican Party budget is the social engineering of the Republican Party establishment in that the budget protects the massively bloated bureaucracy and budget baseline.

Cutting the rate of growth in the budget baseline by over $6,000 billion sounds impressive but it really is only business as usual.

These so-called cuts are not real cuts or lower year to year budget outlays.

It’s Simple to Balance The Budget Without Higher Taxes

Tea party conservatives and libertarians are not asking, they are demanding massive cuts in the budget baseline or Federal Government spending and balanced budgets starting in Fiscal Year 2012.

Tea party conservatives and libertarians are insisting that eight to ten Federal Departments be closed permanently.

Tea party conservatives and libertarians are demanding these changes before the Republican establishment even mentions entitlement reforms to Social Security and Medicare.

If the tea party conservatives and libertarians do not get them, they will vote out of office any Republican or Democratic Representative and Senator who votes for an increase in the National Debt ceiling and the massively bloated Fiscal Year 2012 unbalanced budget.

The tea party movement is not falling for either Newt Gingrich, The Beaver puppet of the Republican establishment, nor Paul Ryan’s twenty-five years to a balanced budget pathway to prosperity.

If the Republican Party establishment cannot balance the budget in Fiscal Year 2012 then the tea party movement will find people who will in future years.

Both the Democratic and Republican parties still do not get.

Both Senator Rand Paul and Ron Paul do get it as well as the urgency of the situation.

Rand Paul ‘It’s Amazing To Me To Be Lectured To Hear About How Awful The Tea Party Is’ 4/15/11

Neither Bill Bennet nor Mark Levin nor Rush Limbaugh are pointing out to the audiences that the Republican Party or Paul Ryan’s proposed budgets are massively out of balance and would not balance for over twenty-five years.

May I suggest these talk show hosts do their homework before singing the praises of Paul Ryan or criticising Newt Gingrich, who at least got it half right.

Ryan’s or the Republican Party’s proposed budgets are not courageous, serious or balanced–these budget are fiscally irresponsible and living way beyond the means of the American people.

The days or wine and roses are over.

Stop spending and start balancing the budget or you will be replaced.

The tea party movement will be replacing the current puppet in the White House in 2012 with a person who talks the talk and walks the walk–a fiscally responsible conservative or libertarian.

“If the practice persists of covering government deficits with the issue of notes, then the day will come without fail, sooner or later, when the monetary systems of those nations pursuing this course will break down completely. The purchasing power of the monetary unit will decline more and more, until finally it disappears completely.”

~Ludwig von Mises, On the Manipulation of Money and Credit, page 5

NPR on Ron Paul: Why The Young Flock To An Old Idealist

Ron Paul: The ‘Status Quo’ Is My Toughest Competition

Ronald Reagan on Limited Government

Background Articles and Videos

Alex Jones welcomes John Birch Society President John McManus 1/5

Alex Jones welcomes John Birch Society President John McManus 2/5

Alex Jones welcomes John Birch Society President John McManus 3/5

Alex Jones welcomes John Birch Society President John McManus 4/5

Alex Jones welcomes John Birch Society President John McManus 5/5

Summary of Outlays, Revenues (Receipts), Deficits, Surpluses Fiscal Years 1980-2010(Nominal Dollars in Millions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues (Receipts) Deficits (-), Surpluses
1980 590,941 517,112 -73,830
1981 678,241 599,272 -78,968
1982 745,743 617,766 127,977
1983 808,364 600,562 -207,802
1984 851,805 666,488 -185,367
1985 946,344 734,037 -212,308
1986 990,382 769,155 -221,277
1987 1,004,017 854,288 -149,730
1988 1,064,417 854,288 -155,178
1989 1,143,744 991,105 -152,639
1990 1,252,994 1,031,958 -221,036
1991 1,324,226 1,054,988 -269,238
1992 1,381,529 1,091,208 -290,321
1993 1,409,386 1,154,335 -255,051
1994 1,461,753 1,258,566 203,186
1995 1,515,742 1,351,790 -163,392
1996 1,560,484 1,453,053 -107,431
1997 1,601,116 1,579,232 -21,884
1998 1,652,458 1,721,728 69,270
1999 1,701,842 1,827,452 125,610
2000 1,788,950 2,025,191 236,241
2001 1,862,846 1,991,082 128,236
2002 2,010,894 1,853,136 157,758
2003 2,159,899 1,782,314 -377,585
2004 2,292,841 1,880,114 -412,727
2005 2,471,957 2,153,611 -318,346
2006 2,655,050 2,406,869 -248,181
2007 2,728,686 2,567,985 -160,701
2008 2,982,544 2,523,991 -458,553
2009 3,517,677 2,104,989 -1,412,688
2010 3,456,213 2,162,724 -1,293,489

For a history of the Federal Government’s Receipts (Revenues), Outlays, and Deficits and Surpluses

Ryan Unveils Much Anticipated 2012 Budget Plan


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Just One More Thing Congressman Ryan: When Does The Republican’s Path To Prosperity Balance The Budget?–The Twelth of Never!

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Pronk Pops Show 28, May 18, 2011: Segment 1: Newt Gingrich Running For President As A Big Government Interventionist Republican Progressive aka Green “Compassionate” Conservative?–Favors Individual Health Care Mandates While Attacking Paul Ryan As A Right Wing Radical Social Engineer For Proposing A Premium Support or $15,000 Voucher System To Save Medicare From Bankruptcy!–Videos

Posted on May 18, 2011. Filed under: American History, Budgetary Policy, Business, Economics, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Government, Government Spending, History, Labor Economics, Monetary Policy, Philosophy, Politics, Radio, Tax Policy, Videos, Violence, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , |

Pronk Pops Show 28:May 18, 2011


Pronk Pops Show 27:May 9, 2011



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Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 10-15


Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 1-9

Segment 1: Segment 1: Newt Gingrich Running For President As A Big Government Interventionist Republican Progressive aka Green “Compassionate”  Conservative?–Favors Individual Health Care Mandates While Attacking Paul Ryan As A Right Wing Radical Social Engineer For Proposing A Premium Support or $15,000 Voucher System To Save Medicare From Bankruptcy!–Videos



Newt Gingrich 2012 Presidential Campaign Launches

Damage Control

Newt: I oppose the Obamacare mandate. Period.

Judge Napolitano  On Newt Gingrich


Krauthammer on Gingrich Medicare Plan Comments: “This Makes Him a Marginal Candidate”

Coming Up On The John Gibson Radio Show 05/17/11

Green Conservatism — Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich – Man vs Nature on Global Warming

The Precautionary Principle Who Benefits?

Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich Commercial on Climate Change

Gingrich: I’d Do a Commercial With Al Gore

Fox News Disses Newt Gingrich

Buchanan: Newt ‘Out On Left Wing Of Republican Party’


Newt Gingrich “1 Out Of Every 6 Americans Is On Food Stamps & To Hide Behind Charges Of Racism!” p.1

Newt Gingrich “1 Out Of Every 6 Americans Is On Food Stamps & To Hide Behind Charges Of Racism!” p.2

The Laura Ingraham Show – Paul Ryan responds to Newt Gingrich’s criticism of Ryan’s Medicare plan

Paul Ryan on the Urgent Need to Save and Strengthen Medicare

Rep Paul Ryan: Reform Medicare – Don’t Raid It

Paul Ryan previews FY2012 budget, pushes back on political attacks


Newt Gingrich Was More Supportive Of Individual Mandates Than Mitt Romney

In September 2007 I was listening to Neal Boortz when he had Newt Gingrich as a guest. If you listened to the show you would have concluded that Newt Gingrich was going to announce that he was running for President.

The following week Newt Gingrich announced he was not running.

I would have supported Newt Gingrich and voted for him had he run in 2008.

I no longer support Newt Gingrich and would not vote for him in 2012.

I made a mistake in 2008 that I will not repeat in 2012.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, same on me.

I am now supporting Ron Paul for President and hope he will pick Michele Bachmann as a Vice-President running mate.

Neither the Democratic or Republican Parties will balance the budget in the next ten years.

Both Gingrich and Ryan as well as President Obama are protecting the Washington D.C. bureaucracy and political class.

Neither Gingrich nor Ryan would reduce the size and scope of the Federal government.

Glenn Beck on Paul Ryan: We don’t need another John McCain

Beck talks to Paul Ryan about GOP Budget

Paul Ryan – If We Don’t Get This Budget Under Control Are Kids Will Pay 60 To 70 % In Taxes

Congressional Ratings 2010 Released February 2011


U.S. Debt Rating Drops to “Negative”

Summary of Outlays, Revenues (Receipts), Deficits, Surpluses Fiscal Years 1980-2010(Nominal Dollars in Millions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues (Receipts) Deficits (-), Surpluses
1980 590,941 517,112 -73,830
1981 678,241 599,272 -78,968
1982 745,743 617,766 127,977
1983 808,364 600,562 -207,802
1984 851,805 666,488 -185,367
1985 946,344 734,037 -212,308
1986 990,382 769,155 -221,277
1987 1,004,017 854,288 -149,730
1988 1,064,417 854,288 -155,178
1989 1,143,744 991,105 -152,639
1990 1,252,994 1,031,958 -221,036
1991 1,324,226 1,054,988 -269,238
1992 1,381,529 1,091,208 -290,321
1993 1,409,386 1,154,335 -255,051
1994 1,461,753 1,258,566 203,186
1995 1,515,742 1,351,790 -163,392
1996 1,560,484 1,453,053 -107,431
1997 1,601,116 1,579,232 -21,884
1998 1,652,458 1,721,728 69,270
1999 1,701,842 1,827,452 125,610
2000 1,788,950 2,025,191 236,241
2001 1,862,846 1,991,082 128,236
2002 2,010,894 1,853,136 157,758
2003 2,159,899 1,782,314 -377,585
2004 2,292,841 1,880,114 -412,727
2005 2,471,957 2,153,611 -318,346
2006 2,655,050 2,406,869 -248,181
2007 2,728,686 2,567,985 -160,701
2008 2,982,544 2,523,991 -458,553
2009 3,517,677 2,104,989 -1,412,688
2010 3,456,213 2,162,724 -1,293,489

For a history of the Federal Government’s Receipts (Revenues), Outlays, and Deficits and Surpluses

Ryan Unveils Much Anticipated 2012 Budget Plan

Paul Ryan Path to Prosperity Slide Show

Which Budgets Are Balanced And Living Within The Means of The American People?

Republican Party Budget Proposals

S-1 FY2012 Chairman’s Markup

(Nominal Dollars in Billions)

Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Deficits Debt Held By Public
2011 3,618 2,230 -1,388 10,351
2012 3,529 2,533 -995 11,418
2013 3,559 2,860 -699 12,217
2014 3,586 3,094 -492 12,801
2015 3,671 3,237 -434 13,326
2016 3,858 3,377 -481 13,886
2017 3,998 3,589 -408 14,363
2018 4,123 3,745 -379 14,800
2019 4,352 3,939 -414 15,254
2020 4,544 4,142 -402 15,681
2021 4,739 4,354 -385 16,071
2012-2021 39,958 34,870 -5,088 n.a.

Democratic Party Budget Proposals

S-1 FY2012 President’s Budget(Nominal Dollars in Billions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Deficits Debt Held By Public
2011 3,819 2,174 -1,645 10,856
2012 3,729 2,627 -1,101 11,881
2013 3,771 3,003 -768 12,784
2014 3,977 3,333 -646 13,562
2015 4,190 3,583 -607 14,301
2016 4,468 3,819 -649 15,064
2017 4,669 4,042 -627 15,795
2018 4,876 4,257 -619 16,513
2019 5,154 4,473 -681 17,284
2020 5,442 4,686 -735 18,103
2021 5,697 4,923 -774 18,967
2012-2021 45,952 38,747 -7,205 n.a.

Tea Party Budget Proposals

S-1 FY2012 Tea Party’s Balanced/Surplus Budget(Nominal Dollars in Billions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Surpluses Debt Held By Public
2012 2,500 2,500 0 10,900
2013 2,800 2,800 0 10,900
2014 3,000 3,000 0 10,900
2015 3,200 3,200 0 10,900
2016 3,300 3,300 0 10,900
2017 3,400 3,500 100 10,800
2018 3,500 3,700 200 10,600
2019 3,600 3,900 300 10,300
2020 3,700 4,000 300 10,000
2021 3,800 4,300 500 9,500
2012-2021 32,800 34,200 1,400 n.a.


Neither political party is serious about balancing the budget and cutting Federal government spending in the next thirty years, if then.

The so-called fight about the National Debt statutory ceiling or debt is a farce.

Both political parties periodically increase it when they need to.

Both political parties will agree to increase the National Debt Ceiling by over $1,000 billion to cover just the Fiscal Year 2011 deficist.

Only Ron Paul will balance the budget by closing eight to ten Federal Departments and cutting the budgets of the remaining Departments:

  1. Department of Defense
  2. Department of State
  3. Department of Justice
  4. Department of Treasury

Only Ron Paul will insist on a balanced budget in Fiscal Year 2012 and opposes any increase in the National Debt ceiling.

Only Ron Paul opposes government intervention at home and abroad.

Only Ron Paul will transform the United States from a warfare and welfare economy with a massive collectivist state to a peace and prosperity economy with a limited constitutional republic.

Join the second American revolution and campaign for liberty!

Ron Paul on Morning Joe Talking About Paul Ryan Budget and Foreign Policy

Ron Paul on CNBC Kudlow Report 03-02-2011

Ron Paul Extreme Or Big Government Extreme!

Ron Paul : This Time We Have More Voluteers!

Ron Paul : President Isn´t A Dictator!

Ron Paul and Liberty on Fox’s Freedom Watch 5/13

U.S. Debt Clock

Background Articles and Videos

Ron Paul: 2012 announcement speech in Exeter, NH 5/13/2011
CNN Poll: Ron Paul does best against Obama in 2012
by Paul Steinhauser
Fri, May 6th, 2011

“…Who does best against Obama? Paul. The congressman from Texas, who also ran as a libertarian candidate for president in 1988 and who is well liked by many in the tea party movement, trails the president by only seven points (52 to 45 percent) in a hypothetical general election showdown. Huckabee trails by eight points, with Romney down 11 points to Obama. The poll indicates the president leading Gingrich by 17 points, Palin by 19, and Trump by 22 points. …”

Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41%

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
“…Pit maverick Republican Congressman Ron Paul against President Obama in a hypothetical 2012 election match-up, and the race is – virtually dead even. …”

Gingrich Blasts House GOP’s Medicare Plan

Presidential Candidate Calls It ‘Right-Wing Social Engineering,’ Agrees With Obama About Need for Insurance Mandate

“…White House hopeful Newt Gingrich called the House Republican plan for Medicare “right-wing social engineering,” injecting a discordant GOP voice into the party’s efforts to reshape both entitlements and the broader budget debate.

In the same interview Sunday, on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Mr. Gingrich backed a requirement that all Americans buy health insurance, complicating a Republican line of attack on President Barack Obama’s health law.

The former House speaker’s decision to stick with his previous support for an individual mandate comes days after former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney defended the health revamp he championed as governor, which includes a mandate.

The moves suggest the Republican primary contest, which will include both men, could feature a robust debate on health care, with GOP candidates challenging the Democratic law while defending their own variations. …”


Milton Friedman on Libertarianism (Part 4 of 4)


03/17/11: Sen. Rand Paul Introduces Five-Year Balanced Budget Plan

It’s Simple to Balance The Budget Without Higher Taxes

There Are too Many Bureaucrats and They Are Paid too Much

Eight Reasons Why Big Government Hurts Economic Growth

The Empirical Evidence Against Big Government

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