Archive for May 3rd, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 26, May 3, 2011: Segment 2: President Obama Is The Reason Your Gasoline Prices Are Going Up!–American People Favor Drilling For Oil and Gas!–Drill Baby Drill–Videos

Posted on May 3, 2011. Filed under: American History, Budgetary Policy, Business, Climate Change, Coal, Economics, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Government, History, Monetary Policy, Oil, Philosophy, Politics, Private Sector Unions, Public Sector Unions, Resources, Tax Policy, Unions, Videos, Violence, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Pronk Pops Show 26:May 5, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 25: April 26, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 24: April 19, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 23: April 12, 2011

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 22 (Part 2)-26

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 16-22 (Part 1)

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 10-15

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 1-9

High fuel prices worry struggling Americans. Burberry.

Obama Weekly Address: Gas Prices

END FED: Oil Prices Rise Due To

1) Oil Companies Can’t Drill

2) Fed Money Printing

3) Wars & Instability

Fraud, Manipulation Driving up Oil Prices

Renewable Energy Subsidies+High Consumer Costs=?

Government Energy Subsidies

Obama Is Playing The Blame Game For Price Of Gas At the Pump

TheBigPictureRT: The Real reason why Gas Prices are going up

Mar. 10 – MSNBC Greenberger – Gas Speculation

Banksters & Speculation Behind High Food-Oil Prices

Chairman Doc Hastings talks rising gasoline prices on Your World with Neil Cavuto

Trying to bring down gas prices

Michael Moore’s ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ — Goldman Sachs Obama’s #1 Private Contributor

Soaring Gas Prices Tank Obama’s Approval Rating

Oil speculation and oil prices

Survey Says – Speculators Dominate Interest in Oil Futures – Bloomberg

CFTC Proposes Limits for Energy Speculators

Gas Prices Continue to Climb

Obama Wants Gas Prices to Hit European Levels

Energy Problems are Obama Delivering on Campaign Promise

EPA Blocks Oil Drilling in Alaska – 4/25/2011

Obama New Task Force Will Examine Gas Prices

Gensler Says CFTC Needs More Staff to Implement Rules

Irresponsible Media Coverage of Oil & Gas Prices, Alyona Minkovski Interviewed

Bernard Whitman on Fox News Applauds Obama’s Decision to Investigate Oil Price Gouging, 4.22.11

Courtney calls for CFTC action to reduce high gas prices

TheAlyonashow: Big Oil Cashes in on Rising Gas Prices

Oil Speculator Gaming Palace

Playing the oil prices money game

Courtney calls on CFTC to issue rules limiting the role of oil speculators

Michael Greenberger Talks Speculation In Commodity Markets

Mike Masters on Regulating Commodities Speculation

Gas Prices Up Due to Wall Street Speculation, Not Supply & Demand

Glenn Beck: The Federal Reserve Is Looting America… Oil Isn’t Rising, The Dollar Is Dropping

Conspiracy Theorist Steve Forbes on high gas prices w/o Federal Reserve “economy would do just fine”

END FED Inflation Created By Gov Buying Bonds; QE2 ‘Wealth Effect’; Companies Game System; QE3

Peter Schiff on CNBC Fast Money 4/25/11: Unstoppable Silver

Peter Schiff On Silver and Inflation Lock In Your Food At Today’s Price Try It For Free Below!

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation: “69 percent of Americans favor increased offshore drilling”

WASHINGTON – Earlier today, a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was released, further underscoring the fact that an overwhelmingly clear majority of Americans support the responsible development of homegrown oil and natural gas offshore. According to the poll, “69 percent of Americans favor increased offshore drilling.” According to CNN’s polling director, Keating Holland, “Although support for increased drilling in U.S. waters is highest among Republicans, a majority of Democrats also favor it.”

Barry Russell, president and CEO of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), issued this statement regarding these findings:

“America’s independent oil and natural gas producers play a leading role in responsibly producing the homegrown energy resources critical to meet the nation’s growing demands. In fact, according to a recent report, independents drill 95 percent of America’s onshore and offshore wells. Equally clear, as confirmed by this new survey, is the American people’s support for the responsible development of job-creating offshore energy exploration and production.

“Our economy is struggling, and many remain out of work along the Gulf Coast as a result of misguided Washington policies that continue to discourage access to reliable oil and natural gas supplies offshore. And with gas prices on the rise, hampering our economic recovering and stretching family budgets to the brink, the Obama Administration and leaders in Congress must act boldly and swiftly to streamline access to taxpayer-owned oil and natural gas resources offshore. Shirking this critical responsibly will only further weaken our nation’s energy security. The American people have spoken clearly. Inaction is not an option.”

Obama Wants US to Help Brazil Develop Oil Reserves

Obama’s $2B Payback to Soros: Drill in Brazil

Glenn Beck: Is Obama a George Soros Puppet?

Glenn Beck-Soros Petrobras & Obama giving 2 billion to him

Vitter Criticizes Obama’s Support for Brazil Oil Exploration

Gulf Oil Industry in Recovery

Year After Oil Spill, Obama Energy Policy Endangers Economy

Vitter Fights Moratorium as Gulf Coast Economy Struggles to Recover from Drilling Shutdown (WWL-TV)

Federal Judge Martin Feldman Rules Against Obama Oil Drilling Ban !!!

Myron Ebell on the Offshore Drilling Moratorium

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar seeks to reimpose drilling moratorium

Pence Discusses Need to End Offshore Drilling Moratorium

Drilling Moratorium May Imperil Louisiana’s Oil Industry

Obama Lifts Ban on Offshore Drilling

Obama Lift’s Moratorium on Offshore Drilling Part 1 – 4-01-2010 Democracy NOW!

Obama Lift’s Moratorium on Offshore Drilling Part 2 – 4-01-2010 Democracy NOW!

Obama Says NO Drilling In ANWR As It Could Be A Problem

Gov. Palin on Drilling in the ANWR

Shell Arctic Exploration Program: The Next Chapter in Alaska’s Oil and Gas History

Oil Supply and Demand and the Next Oil Price Spike –

Background Articles and Videos

“Fuel for Thought: High Gas Prices and How They Got That Way”

Introduction to Commodity Futures Trading: Hedgers & Speculators
Introduction to Commodity Futures: Our Natural Instincts as Traders
183. Intro to Futrues Trading 4: Futures Contract Details


Commodity futures margin accounts

Blame High Oil Prices on Speculators and Bernanke

Ed Wallace

“…Goldman Outs the Speculators

Meanwhile, the media continue to say that gasoline prices are directly tied to oil pricing, which isn’t quite true. Oil and gasoline are sold to different sets of buyers. One needs to buy crude for refining and the other sells gasoline at retail; these are legitimate hedgers. Then there are speculators, who jump into the market in search of profits on all fuels. To prove once again that no one in the investment banking business actually knows anything about oil, Goldman Sachs (GS) advised its clients on Apr. 11 to get rid of their commodities holdings, including oil. The Guardian quoted Goldman’s advice as warning: “The record levels of speculative trading in crude have pushed their prices up so much in recent months that in the near term, risk reward no longer favors holding those commodities.”

“Record levels of speculative trading in crude” have pushed up oil prices? Funny, all we’ve been hearing is that today’s oil prices are justified because of abnormally large demand, owing to the world’s improving economy. …”

“…Now let’s look at the big picture to see why gasoline prices are so incredibly high. Remember that our refinery utilization a week ago was only 81.4 percent. In the same week in 2005 it sat at 93.7 percent, with 212.2 million barrels of gasoline on hand. Even at that exceptionally high refining rate, we were down by almost a million barrels three weeks later. By contrast, we have dropped our inventories of gasoline from 223.2 million barrels to 209.7 million barrels since the first of the year and we still have only slightly less gasoline on hand than we had at the same time in 2005, amid blistering economic growth. Our refineries then were running at nearly 10 percent greater utilization.

The Fed’s Cheap Liquidity Flood

The problem starts with Ben Bernanke, no matter how many of his Fed presidents claim they are not to blame for the high price of oil. The fact is that when you flood the market with far too much liquidity at virtually no interest, funny things happen in commodities and equities. It was true in the 1920s, it was true in the last decade, and it’s still true today.

When Richard Fisher, president of the Dallas Federal Reserve, spoke in Germany late in March, Reuters quoted him as saying: “We are seeing speculative activity that may be exacerbating price rises in commodities such as oil.” Fisher added that he was seeing the signs of the same speculative trading that had fueled the first financial meltdown.

Here Fisher is in good company. Kansas City Fed President Thomas Hoenig, who has been a vocal critic of the current Fed policy of zero interest and high liquidity, has suggested that markets don’t function correctly under those circumstances. And David Stockman, Ronald Reagan’s former budget director, recently wrote a scathing article for MarketWatch, “Federal Reserve’s Path of Destruction,” in which he criticizes current Fed policy even more pointedly. Stockman wrote: “This destruction is namely the exploitation of middle-class savers; the current severe food and energy squeeze on lower income households … and the next round of bursting bubbles building up among the risk asset classes.”

Let’s not kid ourselves. Oil in today’s world is worth far more than the $25 a barrel it sold for over a decade ago. But the ability of markets to function properly, based on real supply and demand equations, has been destroyed by allowing ridiculous leverage and the unlimited ability to borrow the leverage at historically low interest rates. …”

Priming the Pump: How Wall Street Boosts Gas Prices

By Alain Sherter

“…Plenty of research shows that speculation by hedge funds and other investors raises the cost of gas. Said U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commissioner Bart Chilton in a speech last week that touched on how speculators drove up the price of oilin 2008:

While I am not saying that they were the cruise control on gas or oil prices, I do think they tapped the gas pedal and prices moved up. They were a part of the price rise. Similarly, when they did get out of the markets, as the economy was melting down, prices decreased.

Mohsin Khan of the Peterson Institute for International Economics estimates that three years ago, speculation pushed up oil prices by nearly $70 a barrel. Now that linkage between Wall Street and prices at the pump is more alarming than ever: Speculation on oil futures is at a record high. As Chilton said in another presentation, since June 2008 the number of energy contracts held by such investors has risen 64 percent.

This isn’t to say that speculation is inherently bad — it isn’t. It can add liquidity to markets. Short-sellers also sometimes provide an important counterpoint to the prevailing, and often irrational, bullish sentiment. But there is by now copious evidence to suggest that speculation really does boost oil and gas prices. As MIT researchers put it in examining the cause of the 2008 run-up:

The oil price is a speculative bubble…. Just ask a commuter, a trucker or an airline customer and many production and commercial firms. …”

Oil Speculation, Insider Trading, JPMorgan, AT&T: Compliance

By Ellen Rosen and Carla Main –

“…President Barack Obama said a Justice Department probe will examine the role of “traders and speculators” in oil markets and how they contribute to high gas prices.

“The attorney general’s putting together a team whose job it us to root out any cases of fraud or manipulation in the oil markets that might affect gas prices, and that includes the role of traders and speculators,” Obama said April 21 in Reno, Nevada. “We are going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of American consumers for their own short-term gain.”

The administration on April 21 created a working group to explore whether oil and gasoline prices are being driven higher by illegal manipulation.

The group, which includes representatives of federal agencies and state attorneys general, will check for fraud, collusion or misrepresentation at the retail and wholesale level, the Justice Department said in a statement last week. The group also will examine investor practices and the role of speculators and index traders in oil futures markets.

Obama faces political pressure over rising gasoline prices. Crude oil futures have increased 22 percent and gasoline surged 34 percent this year as Middle East unrest reduced supply and the global economic rebound bolstered fuel demand. Both futures contracts touched the highest levels this month since the records reached in 2008. …”

Answers to Common Questions
  • What is a commodity?
    Commodities are raw materials purchased by manufacturers to make other products such as processed food, refined oil, jet fuel, automobiles and a host of consumer products and building materials.
  • What is the commodity futures market?
    It is a marketplace where traders or businesses can buy or sell commodities for future purchase or sale. Those deals to buy or sell commodities are called “contracts” and they set forth the amount of the commodity, a price and a future date for the purchase or sale. For example, businesses highly dependent on oil – refineries, heating oil dealers, airlines and trucking companies – can reduce their risk of significant price fluctuations by purchasing future delivery contracts at predetermined prices at a commodity futures market. The two largest U.S. commodity futures exchanges are the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX).
  • What is the purpose of commodity futures markets?
    Commodity futures markets provide two critical functions for businesses such as airlines and trucking companies that use large amounts of commodities. First, these markets serve as a means for price discovery. Second, they help businesses control for price risk and price fluctuations.
  • Which federal agency regulates commodities trades?
    Congress created the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in 1974 as an independent agency. The CFTC regulates commodity futures and options markets in the United States and has authority to craft and enforce the regulatory framework that governs the trading of all commodity futures, including energy products such as crude oil.
  • Who participates in these markets?
    There are effectively two categories of participants: financial players and physical players. Financial players include individuals, pension funds, university endowments, sovereign wealth funds and others. Physical players are those who produce or use the commodity being traded, such as airlines, trucking companies, etc.
  • What is a speculator?
    Financial players with no intention of using the physical commodity often are referred to as “speculators.” In other words, they do not have a business need to buy or sell the commodity; they simply want to trade futures contracts to make a profit. Speculators, for example, could buy large numbers of oil contracts and then sell them to each other again and again. In 2008, on average, nearly 12 times the volume of oil was traded on futures exchanges as was consumed globally. Without proper oversight, transparency and limits on futures positions, speculative trading unjustifiably can increase the price of energy or other commodities – with businesses and consumers picking up the final tab.
  • What is a hedger?
    Hedgers use the futures markets to manage risk by minimizing their exposure to significant price swings in commodities. This means that they usually buy or sell contracts at an amount related to the volume of what they will produce or what they will need to sell or purchase (to use in their business). Businesses such as airlines, trucking companies, oil companies and refineries are examples of these forms of hedgers.
  • What does trading “on paper” mean?
    “Paper trading” is when speculators buy contracts for oil or other commodities with no intention of ever using, producing or taking delivery of the commodity. Speculators buy and sell these paper contracts to each other again and again. A barrel of oil may trade 20 times or more before it is delivered and used. The prices may go up with each trade.
  • Has speculation contributed to unwarranted oil price increases?
    From the beginning to the end of 2008, the price of a barrel of crude oil on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) moved from $99.64 to $145.29 to $33.87. On the way up, it took just 103 days of trading for the price of crude to soar 67 percent (more than $58 per barrel) to its July 3 peak, followed immediately by a precipitous 77 percent decline (more than $111) in just 118 days of trading. It is difficult to explain that unprecedented price volatility by changes in supply and demand fundamentals. Fewer than six months after the December 2008 low of $33.87, oil prices settled north of $72 on June 11, despite adequate supplies and the sharpest year-over-year drop in global consumption in nearly 30 years.
  • Why has speculation increased in recent years?
    Institutional investors (corporate and government pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and university endowments) have poured billions of dollars into the commodities markets. These speculative trades have helped to drive up the price oil because the majority of new contracts are betting on increases, rather than decreases. In effect, this swell in “artificial demand” for oil is upsetting the balance between physical supply and demand and, once again, fueling a price “bubble.”
  • What is an index speculator?
    An index speculator is a financial player, such as a corporate or government pension fund, sovereign wealth fund, university endowments or other investor, that buys (invests in) the 25 commodities that compose the Standard & Poor’s-Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (S&P GSCI) and/or the Dow Jones-AIG Commodity Index (DJAIG). The value of the index depends on how well the commodities being “tracked” by the index perform in the futures markets.
  • Should institutional investors be prohibited (or limited) from investing in commodities futures?
    The effects of institutional investors have been so great that they have actually altered the price discovery dynamics of today’s futures markets. Index speculators buy without sensitivity for the supply and demand of individual commodities, which undermines the price discovery function of the markets. Active trading strategies should be allowed, but they need to be done in a transparent and limited way.
  • Why should the government intervene in free markets? Won’t the bubble just work itself out eventually?
    The markets will eventually work themselves out and this bubble will pop on its own accord, just like all other bubbles have in the past. Unfortunately, while we are waiting, the price of oil could easily double again. Businesses and consumers can’t afford to wait for that to happen. For decades, we have had speculative limits in the commodities markets to reduce manipulations and price bubbles. Simply reestablishing these limits will greatly help solve this problem without unintended consequences.
  • What are position limits?
    Currently, a handful of foreign exchanges, most notably the London Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), are trading energy contracts that are identical to those traded in the United States, but are not following U.S. regulations because they claim they are exempt from U.S. law. These exemptions should not exist because they are trading U.S. commodities using terminals based in the United States.
  • What are swaps trades?
    Swaps trades (also known as “over the counter” trades) are commodities transactions that take place between two separate parties outside of the traditional markets. Since they do not take place within regulated markets such as NYMEX, these often secret trades take place without regulatory oversight. We believe these trades should be transparent and under the same rules as traditional markets, so that no price manipulation takes place.
  • In addition to reducing speculation, what other actions does the Stop Oil Speculation Now Coalition support?
    We need to increase domestic supply, exploration, alternative energy sources and conservation to further reduce the price of oil. Unfortunately, these are all more long-term solutions. Working Americans and businesses need immediate relief.

‘Perhaps 60% of today’s oil price is pure speculation’

by F. William Engdahl

“…The price of crude oil today is not made according to any traditional relation of supply to demand. It’s controlled by an elaborate financial market system as well as by the four major Anglo-American oil companies. As much as 60% of today’s crude oil price is pure speculation driven by large trader banks and hedge funds. It has nothing to do with the convenient myths of Peak Oil. It has to do with control of oil and its price. How?

First, the crucial role of the international oil exchanges in London and New York is crucial to the game. Nymex in New York and the ICE Futures in London today control global benchmark oil prices which in turn set most of the freely traded oil cargo. They do so via oil futures contracts on two grades of crude oil—West Texas Intermediate and North Sea Brent.

A third rather new oil exchange, the Dubai Mercantile Exchange (DME), trading Dubai crude, is more or less a daughter of Nymex, with Nymex President, James Newsome, sitting on the board of DME and most key personnel British or American citizens.

Brent is used in spot and long-term contracts to value as much of crude oil produced in global oil markets each day. The Brent price is published by a private oil industry publication, Platt’s. Major oil producers including Russia and Nigeria use Brent as a benchmark for pricing the crude they produce. Brent is a key crude blend for the European market and, to some extent, for Asia.

WTI has historically been more of a US crude oil basket. Not only is it used as the basis for US-traded oil futures, but it’s also a key benchmark for US production….”


As that US Senate report noted:

Until recently, US energy futures were traded exclusively on regulated exchanges within the United States, like the NYMEX, which are subject to extensive oversight by the CFTC, including ongoing monitoring to detect and prevent price manipulation or fraud. In recent years, however, there has been a tremendous growth in the trading of contracts that look and are structured just like futures contracts, but which are traded on unregulated OTC electronic markets. Because of their similarity to futures contracts they are often called “futures look-alikes.”

The only practical difference between futures look-alike contracts and futures contracts is that the look-alikes are traded in unregulated markets whereas futures are traded on regulated exchanges. The trading of energy commodities by large firms on OTC electronic exchanges was exempted from CFTC oversight by a provision inserted at the behest of Enron and other large energy traders into the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 in the waning hours of the 106th Congress.

The impact on market oversight has been substantial. NYMEX traders, for example, are required to keep records of all trades and report large trades to the CFTC. These Large Trader Reports, together with daily trading data providing price and volume information, are the CFTC’s primary tools to gauge the extent of speculation in the markets and to detect, prevent, and prosecute price manipulation. CFTC Chairman Reuben Jeffrey recently stated: “The Commission’s Large Trader information system is one of the cornerstones of our surveillance program and enables detection of concentrated and coordinated positions that might be used by one or more traders to attempt manipulation.”

In contrast to trades conducted on the NYMEX, traders on unregulated OTC electronic exchanges are not required to keep records or file Large Trader Reports with the CFTC, and these trades are exempt from routine CFTC oversight. In contrast to trades conducted on regulated futures exchanges, there is no limit on the number of contracts a speculator may hold on an unregulated OTC electronic exchange, no monitoring of trading by the exchange itself, and no reporting of the amount of outstanding contracts (“open interest”) at the end of each day.” 1

Paul Van Eeden schools CNBC panel on OIL,monetary policy,FED

Meet Author Matt Taibbi

Sonali Kolhatkar Interviews Matt Taibbi – Part 1

Sonali Kolhatkar Interviews Matt Taibbi – Part 2

Sonali Kolhatkar Interviews Matt Taibbi – Part 3

Matt Taibbi – Griftopia

Oil Price History and Analysis

Obama doesn’t believe in offshore drilling

Barack Obama on Offshore Oil Drilling

Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries// = 4){
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Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries

February 2011 Import Highlights:  Released April 28, 2011
Monthly data on the origins of crude oil imports in February 2011 has been released and it shows that two countries exported more than 1,000 thousand barrels per day to the United States (see table below). The top five exporting countries accounted for 77 percent of United States crude oil imports in February while the top ten sources accounted for approximately 92 percent of all U.S. crude oil imports. The top five sources of US crude oil imports for February were Canada (2,193 thousand barrels per day), Saudi Arabia (1,114 thousand barrels per day), Mexico (998 thousand barrels per day), Nigeria (948 thousand barrels per day), and Venezuela (878 thousand barrels per day). The rest of the top ten sources, in order, were Angola (357 thousand barrels per day), Iraq (263 thousand barrels per day), Ecuador (242 thousand barrels per day), Brazil (175 thousand barrels per day), and Colombia (175 thousand barrels per day). Total crude oil imports averaged 8,013 thousand barrels per day in February, which is a decrease of 1,056 thousand barrels per day from January 2011.

Canada remained the largest exporter of total petroleum in February, exporting 2,831 thousand barrels per day to the United States, which is an increase from last month (2,826 thousand barrels per day). The second largest exporter of total petroleum was Saudi Arabia with 1,114 thousand barrels per day.

Crude Oil Imports (Top 15 Countries)
(Thousand Barrels per Day)
Country Feb-11 Jan-11 YTD 2011 Feb-10 YTD 2010

CANADA 2,193 2,149 2,170 1,897 1,889
SAUDI ARABIA 1,114 1,099 1,106 881 922
MEXICO 998 1,216 1,112 996 1,015
NIGERIA 948 968 958 896 948
VENEZUELA 878 951 916 913 868
ANGOLA 357 294 323 312 289
IRAQ 263 470 372 540 522
ECUADOR 242 178 209 145 182
BRAZIL 175 259 219 192 233
COLOMBIA 175 303 242 371 330
ALGERIA 138 378 264 282 306
KUWAIT 118 147 133 228 143
RUSSIA 97 105 101 214 174
CHAD 51 55 53 0 24
Total Imports of Petroleum (Top 15 Countries)
(Thousand Barrels per Day)
Country Feb-11 Jan-11 YTD 2011 Feb-10 YTD 2010

CANADA 2,831 2,826 2,829 2,490 2,544
SAUDI ARABIA 1,114 1,102 1,108 898 932
MEXICO 1,104 1,366 1,242 1,134 1,132
VENEZUELA 989 1,030 1,011 1,009 957
NIGERIA 978 1,007 993 932 975
RUSSIA 437 531 486 423 444
ALGERIA 394 565 484 461 480
ANGOLA 370 316 342 326 302
IRAQ 263 470 372 540 522
ECUADOR 242 178 209 152 185
COLOMBIA 211 332 275 386 353
VIRGIN ISLANDS 182 276 232 187 251
BRAZIL 177 274 228 226 293
NETHERLANDS 129 101 114 126 121
KUWAIT 118 147 133 228 149

Note: The data in the tables above exclude oil imports into the U.S. territories.

U.S. Imports of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels)



U.S. Imports of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels)
 use back button to return to prior data

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  1981 211,651 189,623 186,874 170,038 179,033 163,061 180,306 178,783 190,939 184,739 172,239 181,133
  1982 165,300 134,588 139,009 131,341 149,155 159,813 182,581 162,557 162,429 164,483 172,330 142,772
  1983 137,570 104,328 114,375 141,812 157,761 159,786 177,966 190,940 183,883 163,007 156,297 156,018
  1984 168,332 165,090 164,337 161,169 185,337 164,466 167,624 156,373 157,547 179,144 167,606 152,910
  1985 136,866 109,568 144,861 159,483 179,065 147,878 153,437 146,248 149,113 158,754 183,483 180,750
  1986 172,754 130,941 146,074 163,183 198,397 205,436 215,191 222,210 212,690 199,241 197,753 207,712
  1987 196,948 167,565 179,612 177,335 188,251 203,061 235,219 231,066 215,339 219,093 212,031 211,838
  1988 222,611 210,419 215,274 218,111 231,533 217,167 226,204 228,957 225,169 242,728 231,425 239,541
  1989 255,904 224,882 231,140 242,335 241,114 239,318 259,439 265,360 240,070 257,344 250,231 234,962
  1990 285,117 235,178 246,903 235,730 273,853 262,406 280,496 267,959 220,840 208,219 210,083 199,611
  1991 220,205 192,230 206,031 222,527 264,066 247,339 240,418 268,759 234,793 231,491 228,454 227,450
  1992 239,074 197,981 219,109 242,764 242,528 238,385 262,858 256,049 245,325 263,660 236,161 243,003
  1993 248,124 222,545 256,833 263,054 268,539 264,149 285,782 261,313 255,938 285,103 267,094 267,980
  1994 247,773 239,093 265,808 269,052 285,609 279,153 303,145 294,813 290,790 272,425 261,217 274,743
  1995 248,450 233,648 279,199 253,946 269,965 286,751 274,765 280,887 292,067 265,893 272,221 266,961
  1996 290,297 243,304 281,860 282,855 310,209 298,147 304,432 309,565 274,255 304,941 277,328 291,935
  1997 302,658 267,706 304,827 303,413 335,357 322,094 310,240 324,404 316,111 334,555 298,450 289,155
  1998 313,927 279,737 311,061 333,142 344,219 327,790 361,122 341,994 314,960 336,701 325,804 317,989
  1999 323,150 298,204 330,402 348,542 356,826 334,793 362,608 345,397 319,695 328,457 300,996 312,004
  2000 314,334 319,073 342,602 346,738 353,879 360,960 359,227 377,352 356,996 350,000 339,272 373,653
  2001 389,212 326,012 376,103 379,586 388,410 351,959 364,564 360,271 354,529 352,734 348,854 340,804
  2002 343,737 305,310 347,145 352,954 364,849 352,585 360,334 368,598 332,235 368,676 368,027 344,088
  2003 344,222 305,797 373,370 377,975 400,473 390,023 394,816 395,844 386,032 383,549 351,369 373,031
  2004 372,434 367,082 413,811 386,490 414,625 406,817 420,662 424,354 380,278 416,566 402,259 405,726
  2005 402,720 384,977 410,119 404,284 434,174 428,105 431,684 429,276 396,864 440,459 422,882 419,997
  2006 427,676 379,819 400,010 403,136 443,758 427,579 433,491 455,595 434,721 412,818 390,135 394,344
  2007 424,880 340,839 432,648 415,258 440,339 406,587 426,374 422,663 409,380 402,396 395,643 398,950
  2008 420,616 367,143 390,528 399,944 399,957 401,942 406,854 406,644 346,859 409,269 386,421 390,817
  2009 406,925 338,661 385,841 358,846 355,774 358,083 366,727 346,658 352,675 337,212 333,152 326,556
  2010 348,303 312,147 359,216 375,232 375,109 370,163 390,649 382,564 354,478 344,898 332,634 344,379
  2011 370,569 294,094

– = No Data Reported;  — = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 4/28/2011
Next Release Date: Last Week of May 2011

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Pronk Pops Show 26, May 5, 2011: Segment 1: How Did Bin Laden Bankrupt America?–Was Osama Bin Landen Executed For Bankrupting America?–Yes, President Obama Wants The Credit For Bankrupting America!–Videos

Posted on May 3, 2011. Filed under: American History, Budgetary Policy, Economics, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Government, Government Spending, History, Monetary Policy, Philosophy, Politics, Tax Policy, Videos, Violence, War | Tags: , , , |

Pronk Pops Show 26:May 5, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 25: April 26, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 24: April 19, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 23: April 12, 2011

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 22 (Part 2)-26

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 16-22 (Part 1)

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 10-15

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 1-9

“We are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy.

Allah willing, and nothing is too great for Allah,”

~Osama bin Laden


Judge Napolitano This Week


Osama Bin Laden- A Timeline


Osama bin Laden Part 1

Osama bin Laden Part 2


Osama bin Laden Part 3
Osama bin Laden Part 4

Osama bin Laden Part 5


 September 11, 2001 – As It Happened – The South Tower Attack

Bin Laden leaves US bankrupt

Ron Paul on Afghanistan: Osama Bin Laden and the Russians must be laughing at us – 9/14/2009

Stop Spending Our Future – The Crisis

Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis? Bombshell

Deficits, Debts and Unfunded Liabilities: The Consequences of Excessive Government Spending

United States: Total Cost of Wars Since 2001

How Bin Ladin Bankrupted America

Did Bin Laden Bring America To Its Knees? – Ron Paul

Gerald Celente: Obama bankrupting America (RT)

Ron Paul: The Country Is Bankrupt and Congress Won’t Admit It

Ron Paul: Bin Laden Death Raises More Questions

U.S. Debt Clock

U.S. Debt Rating Drops to “Negative”

Summary of Outlays, Revenues (Receipts), Deficits, Surpluses Fiscal Years 1980-2010(Nominal Dollars in Millions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues (Receipts) Deficits (-), Surpluses
1980 590,941 517,112 -73,830
1981 678,241 599,272 -78,968
1982 745,743 617,766 127,977
1983 808,364 600,562 -207,802
1984 851,805 666,488 -185,367
1985 946,344 734,037 -212,308
1986 990,382 769,155 -221,277
1987 1,004,017 854,288 -149,730
1988 1,064,417 854,288 -155,178
1989 1,143,744 991,105 -152,639
1990 1,252,994 1,031,958 -221,036
1991 1,324,226 1,054,988 -269,238
1992 1,381,529 1,091,208 -290,321
1993 1,409,386 1,154,335 -255,051
1994 1,461,753 1,258,566 203,186
1995 1,515,742 1,351,790 -163,392
1996 1,560,484 1,453,053 -107,431
1997 1,601,116 1,579,232 -21,884
1998 1,652,458 1,721,728 69,270
1999 1,701,842 1,827,452 125,610
2000 1,788,950 2,025,191 236,241
2001 1,862,846 1,991,082 128,236
2002 2,010,894 1,853,136 157,758
2003 2,159,899 1,782,314 -377,585
2004 2,292,841 1,880,114 -412,727
2005 2,471,957 2,153,611 -318,346
2006 2,655,050 2,406,869 -248,181
2007 2,728,686 2,567,985 -160,701
2008 2,982,544 2,523,991 -458,553
2009 3,517,677 2,104,989 -1,412,688
2010 3,456,213 2,162,724 -1,293,489

For a history of the Federal Government’s Receipts (Revenues), Outlays, and Deficits and Surpluses

Ryan Unveils Much Anticipated 2012 Budget Plan


Which Budgets Are Fiscally Responsible?

Which Budgets Are Living Within Ones Means?


Democratic Party Budget Proposals

S-1 FY2012 President’s Budget(Nominal Dollars in Billions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Deficits Debt Held By Public
2011 3,819 2,174 -1,645 10,856
2012 3,729 2,627 -1,101 11,881
2013 3,771 3,003 -768 12,784
2014 3,977 3,333 -646 13,562
2015 4,190 3,583 -607 14,301
2016 4,468 3,819 -649 15,064
2017 4,669 4,042 -627 15,795
2018 4,876 4,257 -619 16,513
2019 5,154 4,473 -681 17,284
2020 5,442 4,686 -735 18,103
2021 5,697 4,923 -774 18,967
2012-2021 45,952 38,747 -7,205 n.a.

Republican Party Budget Proposals

S-1 FY2012 Chairman’s Markup(Nominal Dollars in Billions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Deficits Debt Held By Public
2011 3,618 2,230 -1,388 10,351
2012 3,529 2,533 -995 11,418
2013 3,559 2,860 -699 12,217
2014 3,586 3,094 -492 12,801
2015 3,671 3,237 -434 13,326
2016 3,858 3,377 -481 13,886
2017 3,998 3,589 -408 14,363
2018 4,123 3,745 -379 14,800
2019 4,352 3,939 -414 15,254
2020 4,544 4,142 -402 15,681
2021 4,739 4,354 -385 16,071
2012-2021 39,958 34,870 -5,088 n.a.


Tea Party Solution

Tea Party Budget Proposals

S-1 FY2012 Tea Party’s Balanced/Surplus Budget(Nominal Dollars in Billions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Surpluses Debt Held By Public
2012 2,500 2,500 0 10,900
2013 2,800 2,800 0 10,900
2014 3,000 3,000 0 10,900
2015 3,200 3,200 0 10,900
2016 3,300 3,300 0 10,900
2017 3,400 3,500 100 10,800
2018 3,500 3,700 200 10,600
2019 3,600 3,900 300 10,300
2020 3,700 4,000 300 10,000
2021 3,800 4,300 500 9,500
2012-2021 32,800 34,200 1,400 n.a.

Milton Friedman on Libertarianism (Part 4 of 4)

Gross and Net National Debt of The United States of America

Debt in
Debt in
as %
of GDP
Low-High est.
or a – Treas.
Held By
as %
of GDP
OMB or
1910 2.653   8.0 2.653 8.0 est. 32.8
1920 25.95   29.2 25.95 29.2 est. 88.6
1927 [92] 18.51   19.2 18.51 19.2 est. 96.5
1930 16.19   16.6 16.19 16.6 est. 97.4
1940 42.97 50.70 44.4-52.4 42.97 42.1 96.8/
1950 257.3 256.9 91.2-94.2 219.0 80.2 273.1/281.7
1960 286.3 290.5 54.6-56.0 236.8 45.6 518.9/523.9
1970 370.9 380.9 36.2-37.6 283.2 28.0 1,013/1,026
1980 907.7 909.0 33.4 711.9 26.1 2,724
1990 3,233 3,206 56.0-56.4 2,412 42.1 5,735
2000 (a1)5,674 5,629 a57.6 3,410 34.7 9,821
2001 (a2)5,807 5,770 a56.6 3,320 32.5 10,225
2002 (a3)6,228 6,198 a59.0 3,540 33.6 10,544
2003 (a)6,783 6,760 a61.8 3,913 35.6 10,980
2004 (a)7,379 7,355 a63.2 4,296 36.8 11,686
2005 (a4)7,933 7,905 a63.6 4,592 36.9 12,446
2006 (a5)8,507 8,451 a64.0 4,829 36.5 13,255
2007 (a6)9,008 8,951 a64.8 5,035 36.2 13,896
2008 (a7)10,025 9,986 a69.6 5,803 40.2 14,394
2009 (a8)11,910 11,876 a~84.4 7,552 53.6 ~14,098
2010 (a9)13,562 13,529 a~93.4 9,023 62.2 ~14,508/14,512
Year Gross Debt in Billions undeflated[11] as % of GDP Debt Held By Public ($Billions) as % of GDP
1910 2.6 unk. 2.6 unk.
1920 25.9 unk. 25.9 unk.
1928 18.5[12] unk. 18.5 unk.
1930 16.2 unk. 16.2 unk.
1940 50.6 52.4 42.8 44.2
1950 256.8 94.0 219.0 80.2
1960 290.5 56.0 236.8 45.6
1970 380.9 37.6 283.2 28.0
1980 909.0 33.4 711.9 26.1
1990 3,206.3 55.9 2,411.6 42.0
2000 5,628.7 58.0 3,409.8 35.1
2001 5,769.9 57.4 3,319.6 33.0
2002 6,198.4 59.7 3,540.4 34.1
2003 6,760.0 62.6 3,913.4 35.1
2004 7,354.7 63.9 4,295.5 37.3
2005 7,905.3 64.6 4,592.2 37.5
2006 8,451.4 65.0 4,829.0 37.1
2007 8,950.7 65.6 5,035.1 36.9
2008 9,985.8 70.2 5,802.7 40.8
2009 12,311.4 86.1 7,811.1 54.6
2010 (31 Dec) 14,025.2 95.2 (3rd Q) 9,390.5 63.7 (3rd Q)

Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual 2000 – 2010

Includes legal tender notes, gold and silver certificates, etc.

The first fiscal year for the U.S. Government started Jan. 1, 1789. Congress changed the beginning of the fiscal year from Jan. 1 to Jul. 1 in 1842, and finally from Jul. 1 to Oct. 1 in 1977 where it remains today.

To find more historical information, visit The Public Debt Historical Information archives.


bin Laden – Why Kill Him Now?

CommieTunes – OBAMA’s END GAME REVEALED – Obama Socialist / Communist / Marxist / Maoist

Ron Paul on Bin Laden’s Capture

Ron Paul on Terrorism

(2007) Ron Paul: Undeclared War Supported by Increasing Tax.

Classic Ron Paul: “Osama bin Laden was our good friend because he was a freedom fighter”

Bankrupting Us is The Goal!! – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

Bankrupting Us is The Goal!! – Alex Jones Tv 2/3

Bankrupting Us is The Goal!! – Alex Jones Tv 3/3

PNAC Exposed – The New American Century (Full Length)

What bin Laden wanted to do was bankrupt the U.S.A

May 3rd, 2011
“… according to Gartenstein-Ross, had a strategy that we never bothered to understand, and thus that we never bothered to defend against. What he really wanted to do — and, more to the point, what he thought he could do — was bankrupt the United States of America. After all, he’d done the bankrupt-a-superpower thing before. And though it didn’t quite work out this time, it worked a lot better than most of us, in this exultant moment, are willing to admit.Bin Laden’s transition from scion of a wealthy family to terrorist mastermind came in the 1980s, when the Soviet Union was trying to conquer Afghanistan. Bin Laden was part of the resistance, and the resistance was successful — not only in repelling the Soviet invasion, but in contributing to the Communist super-state’s collapse a few years later. “We, alongside the mujaheddin, bled Russia for 10 years, until it went bankrupt,” he later explained.

The campaign taught bin Laden a lot. For one thing, superpowers fall because their economies crumble, not because they’re beaten on the battlefield. For another, superpowers are so allergic to losing that they’ll bankrupt themselves trying to conquer a mass of rocks and sand. This was bin Laden’s plan for the United States, too.

“He has compared the United States to the Soviet Union on numerous occasions — and these comparisons have been explicitly economic,” Gartenstein-Ross argued in a Foreign Policy article. “For example, in October 2004 bin Laden said that just as the Arab fighters and Afghan mujaheddin had destroyed Russia economically, al Qaeda was now doing the same to the United States, ‘continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy.’?”

For bin Laden, in other words, success was not to be measured in body counts. It was to be measured in deficits, in borrowing costs, in investments we weren’t able to make in our country’s continued economic strength. And by those measures, bin Laden landed a lot of blows.

Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz estimates that the price tag on the Iraq War alone will surpass $3 trillion. Afghanistan likely amounts to another trillion or two. Add in the build-up in homeland security spending since 9/11 and you’re looking at another trillion. And don’t forget the indirect costs of all this turmoil: The Federal Reserve, worried about a fear-induced recession, slashed interest rates after the attack on the World Trade Center, and then kept them low to combat skyrocketing oil prices, a byproduct of the war in Iraq. That decade of loose monetary policy may well have contributed to the credit bubble that crashed the economy in 2007 and 2008.

Then there’s the post-9/11 slowdown in the economy, the time wasted in airports, the foregone returns on investments we didn’t make, the rise in oil prices as a result of the Iraq War, the cost of rebuilding Ground Zero, health care for the first responders and much, much more.

But it isn’t quite right to say bin Laden cost us all that money. We decided to spend more than a trillion dollars on homeland security measures to prevent another attack. We decided to invade Iraq as part of a grand, post-9/11 strategy of Middle Eastern transformation. We decided to pass hundreds of billions of dollars in unpaid-for tax cuts and add an unpaid-for prescription drug benefit in Medicare while we were involved in two wars. And now, partially though not entirely because of these actions, we are deep in debt. Bin Laden didn’t — couldn’t — bankrupt us. He could only provoke us into bankrupting ourselves. And he came pretty close…”

Egypt’s al-Zawahri likely to succeed bin Laden

Associated Press

“…For years, Osama bin Laden’s charisma kept al-Qaida’s ranks filled with zealous recruits.

But it was the strategic thinking and the organizational skills of his Egyptian right hand man that kept the terror network together after the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and pushed al-Qaida out.

With Bin Laden killed, Ayman al-Zawahri becomes the top candidate for the world’s top terror job.

It’s too early to tell how exactly al-Qaida would change with its founder and supreme mentor gone, but the group under al-Zawahri would likely be further radicalized, unleashing a new wave of attacks to avenge bib Laden’s killing by U.S. troops in Pakistan on Monday to send a message that it’s business as usual.

Al-Zawahri’s extremist views and his readiness to use deadly violence are beyond doubt.

In a 2001 treatise, “Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner,” he set down the longterm strategy for the jihadi movement _ to inflict “as many casualties as possible” on the Americans, while trying to establish control in a nation as a base “to launch the battle to restore the holy caliphate” of Islamic rule across the Muslim world.

Unlike bin Laden who found his Jihadist calling as an adult, al-Zawahri’s activism began when he was in his mid-teens, establishing his first secret cell of high school students to oppose the Egyptian government of then President Anwar Sadat he viewed as infidel for not following the rule of God.

The doors of jihad opened for him when, as a young doctor, a visitor came to him with an offer to travel to Afghanistan to treat Islamic fighters battling Soviet forces. His 1980 trip to the Afghan war zone _ only a few months long but the first of many _ opened his eyes to a whole new world of possibilities.

What he saw there, he was to write 20 years later, was “the training course preparing Muslim mujahideen youth to launch their upcoming battle with the great power that would rule the world: America.”

The bond between al-Zawahri and bin Laden began in the late 1980s, when al-Zawahri reportedly treated the Saudi millionaire-turned-jihadist in the caves of Afghanistan as Soviet bombardment shook the mountains around them. The friendship laid the foundation for the al-Qaida terror network, which carried out the Sept. 11, 2001 suicide airplane hijackings that sparked the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan later that year.

The attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon made bin Laden Enemy No. 1 to the United States. But he likely could never have carried it out without al-Zawahri. Bin Laden provided al-Qaida with the charisma and money, but al-Zawahri brought the ideological fire, tactics and organizational skills needed to forge disparate militants into a network of cells in countries around the world.

“Al-Zawahri was always bin Laden’s mentor, bin Laden always looked up to him,” says terrorism expert Bruce Hoffman of Georgetown University. …”

Bin Laden’s daughter confirms her father shot dead by US Special Forces in Pakistan

Wednesday, 04 May 2011

Special to Al Arabiya

“…Senior Pakistani security officials said Osama bin Laden’s daughter had confirmed her father was captured alive and shot dead by the US Special Forces during the first few minutes of the operation carried out at the huge compound in Bilal Town, Abbottabad.

Besides recovering four bullet-riddled bodies from the compound, Pakistani security agencies also arrested two women and six children, aged between 2 and 12 years, after American forces flew toward Afghanistan. Some reports suggest 16 people, including women and children, were arrested from the house, most of them Arab nationals.

A Pakistani security source told Al Arabiya that Bin Laden family members had been transported to Rawalpindi, which is near Islamabad. He added, “They are now under treatment in the military hospital of Rawalpindi, where they have been transported in an helicopter.” A source told Al Arabiya that Bin Laden’s had been injured either in her leg or her shoulder.

He added that the members of the household were children and Bin Laden’s wife, in addition to a Yemeni woman. He added that the woman might be the personal doctor of the family. Bin Laden was known to be afflicted with renal failure.Sources speculated that US Forces could not arrest these family members because there weren’t enough places for them in the helicopter, after they lost another chopper during the operation.

About the slain woman: officials said she could either be Bin Laden’s wife or a close family member since she offered to sacrifice her life for him. “As per our information, she shielded Bin Laden during the operation and was killed by American commandos,” an official said.

The US Special Forces only took two bodies with them in the military chopper; one is said to be Bin Laden’s and the other his son’s. By the time Pakistani security agencies and soldiers arrived at the spot, the US commandos were flying over the mountains in the Pakistani tribal belt, well on their way to Afghanistan.

Sources said one of the two women taken into custody from the compound by Pakistani forces was one of Osama bin Laden’s several wives.

“She is Yemeni and became unconscious during the operation,” said an official. Pleading anonymity, he said the woman was provided necessary medical aid till she became conscious.

“During preliminary investigations, the lady said they moved to the Abbottabad house five to six months ago,” the Pakistani official said, adding that she did not provide further information about bin Laden or his shifting to the house.

The official said a 12-year-old daughter of bin Laden was among the six children rescued from the three-storey compound.

The daughter has reportedly told her Pakistani investigators that the US forces captured her father alive but shot him dead in front of family members.

According to sources, Bin Laden was staying on the ground floor of the house and was dragged on the floor to the helicopter after being shot dead by US commandos.

There were conflicting reports about the second person the US forces took along with them. Some Pakistani officials say it was one of Bin Laden’s sons injured by the US commandos and thrown onto a separate military chopper; others say he was killed in the operation and it was only his dead body that they took along.

The officials say not all children rescued from the house belonged to the al-Qaeda leader. All were being kept at a safe place. The US has not been given access to the detained women and children, the officials claimed. About the second woman, many officials feel she could be a close relative of Osama or his servant.

Similarly, according to information Pakistani officials collected from detained persons, Osama was neither armed nor did inmates at the compound fire at the US choppers or commandos.

“Not a single bullet was fired from the compound at the US forces and their choppers. Their chopper developed some technical fault and crashed and the wreckage was left on the spot,” a well-informed official explained.
Meanwhile, Pakistani security forces maintained a cordon around the compound and its surrounding areas and did not allow the media access to the area until the remaining wreckage of the US military chopper was removed. Some media were given access to the spot but no one was allowed to enter the compound.


Bin Laden lived in Pakistan compound 5-6 years

“…Osama bin Laden lived for the past five to six years in the compound deep inside Pakistan where the al Qaeda leader was killed by U.S. forces, President Barack Obama’s counterterrorism adviser said on Tuesday.

Bin Laden, who was living in Afghanistan before a 2001 U.S.-led invasion helped topple its Taliban regime, was holed up in a compound in the military garrison town of Abbottabad in Pakistan before Sunday’s operation to kill him.

“Well I think the latest information is that he was in this compound for the past five or six years and he had virtually no interaction with others outside that compound. But yet he seemed to be very active inside the compound,” White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan said on the CBS Early Show program.

“And we know that he had released videos and audios. We know that he was in contact with some senior al Qaeda officials,” Brennan added.

“So what we’re trying to do now is to understand what he has been involved in over the past several years, exploit whatever information we were able to get at the compound and take that information and continue our efforts to destroy al Qaeda,” Brennan added.

The fact that the al Qaeda chief had lived in the compound for such a long time has prompted some U.S. lawmakers to demand a review of the billions of dollars in aid the United States provides Pakistan, which is fighting a Taliban insurgency. …”

White House modifies Osama bin Laden account

“…The White House backed away Monday evening from key details in its narrative about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, including claims by senior U.S. officials that the Al Qaeda leader had a weapon and may have fired it during a gun battle with U.S. forces.

Officials also retreated from claims that one of bin Laden’s wives was killed in the raid and that bin Laden was using her as a human shield before she was shot by U.S. forces.

At a televised White House briefing Monday afternoon, Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan said bin Laden joined in the fight that several residents of the Abbottabad, Pakistan, compound put up against the Navy SEALs during the 40-minute operation.

“He [bin Laden] was engaged in a firefight with those that entered the area of the house he was in. And whether or not he got off any rounds, I quite frankly don’t know,” Brennan said.

At a Pentagon briefing earlier in the day, a senior defense official said bin Laden used a woman as a human shield so he could fire shots. “He was firing behind her,” the official said.

In another background briefing early Monday morning, a senior administration official also said bin Laden put up a fight. “He did resist the assault force. And he was killed in a firefight,” the official said.

However, during a background, off-camera briefing for television reporters later Monday, a senior White House official said bin Laden was not armed when he was killed, apparently by the U.S. raid team.

Another White House official familiar with the TV briefing confirmed the change to POLITICO, adding, “I’m not aware of him having a weapon.”

“The bottom line is the team that entered that room was met with resistance and took appropriate action,” said a third American official.

The White House on Monday night declined to elaborate on the nature of the resistance bin Laden allegedly put up. However, an official confirmed that the Al Qaeda founder was shot twice, once in the head and once in the chest. …”

Read more:

Background Articles and Videos

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist (Documentary) – 1

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist (Documentary) – 2

BBC: al Qaeda Does Not Exist


Bin Laden Footage


Zawahiri on 9/11 and the 19 martyrs

How Did Osama Bin Laden Escape


Obama Warns Not To Challenge Official 9/11 Story

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