Pronk Pops Show 70, April 23, 2012: Segment 1: Tom A. Coburn–The Debt Bomb: A Bold Plan To Stop Washington From Bankrupting America–Videos

Posted on April 17, 2012. Filed under: American History, Budgetary Policy, Business, College, Communications, Economics, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Government, Government Spending, History, Housing, Law, Media, Philosophy, Politics, Polls, Public Sector Unions, Regulation, Success, Tax Policy, Unions, Videos, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Pronk Pops Show 70: April 23, 2012

Pronk Pops Show 69: April 11, 2012

Pronk Pops Show 68: April 4, 2012

Pronk Pops Show 67: April 2, 2012

Pronk Pops Show 66: March 26, 2012

Pronk Pops Show 65: March 9, 2012

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In a nation whose debt has outgrown the size of its entire economy, the greatest threat comes not from any foreign force but from Washington politicians who refuse to relinquish the intoxicating power to borrow and spend. Senator Tom Coburn reveals the fascinating, maddening story of how we got to this point of fiscal crisis-and how we can escape.

Long before America’s recent economic downturn, beltway politicians knew the U.S. was going bankrupt. Yet even after several so-called “change” elections, the government has continued its wasteful ways in the face of imminent danger. With passion and clarity, Coburn explains why Washington resists change so fiercely and offers controversial yet commonsense solutions to secure the nation’s future.

At a time when millions of Americans are speculating about what is broken in Washington, The Debt Bomb is a candid, thoughtful, non-partisan expose of the real problems inside our government. Coburn challenges the conventional wisdom that blames lobbyists, gridlock, and obstructionism, and places the responsibility squarely where it belongs: on members of Congress in both parties who won’t let go of the perks of power to serve the true interests of the nation-unless enough citizens take bold steps to demand action.

“Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” -John Adams

Throughout a distinguished career as a business owner, physician, and U.S. senator, Tom Coburn has watched his beloved republic careen down a suicidal path. Today, the nation stands on the precipice of financial ruin, a disaster far more dangerous to our safety than any terrorist threats we face. Yet Coburn believes there is still hope-if enough Americans are willing to shake the corridors of Washington and demand action.

With an insider’s keen eye and a caregiver’s deft touch, Coburn diagnoses the mess that career politicians have made of things while misusing their sacred charge to govern.

Coburn’s incisive analysis:

· Reveals the root causes of America’s escalating financial crisis

· Exposes Washington’s destructive appetite for wasteful spending, power grabs, backroom deals, and quick non-fixes

· Rises above partisanship to implicate elected officials of all stripes in steering the nation off course

· Lays out a commonsense guide to restoring order

· Concludes with a clarion call and sound advice for Americans who would dedicate themselves to defusing the debt bomb

Above all, Coburn believes the United States can continue as a beacon of opportunity for future generations-but how we act today will determine whether we deliver the nation to our children and grandchildren fully alive, on life support, or without a pulse. …”

U.S. Debt Clock

What is U.S. Debt? – P1: Intro to Debt 

What is U.S. Debt? – P2: Comparing Debt to GDP


Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Facing the Arithmetic

Bill Whittle Explains our Progressive Nightmare – Part 1

Bill Whittle Explains the Conservative Solution – Part 2

Default America: Interest Suppressed

Default America: Recession & Reallocation

Default America: Laurence Kotlikoff Excerpt

Default America: Influence & Impasse

U.S. Is Bankrupt and We Don’t Even Know It: Laurence Kotlikoff

US National Debt Growing Faster Than GDP (4/9/2012)

U.S. National Debt Documentary Part 1

U.S. National Debt Documentary Part 2

U.S. National Debt Documentary Part 3

U.S. National Debt Documentary Part 4

U.S. National Debt Documentary Part 5

The award-winning documentary I.O.U.S.A. opened up America’s eyes to the consequences of our nation’s debt and the need for our government to show more fiscal responsibility. Now that more Americans and elected officials are aware of our fiscal challenges, the producers of I.O.U.S.A. created I.O.U.S.A.: Solutions, a follow-up special focusing on solutions to the fiscal crisis. Learn more at

IOUSA Solutions: Part 1 of 5

IOUSA Solutions: Part 2 of 5

IOUSA Solutions: Part 3 of 5

IOUSA Solutions: Part 4 of 5

IOUSA Solutions: Part 5 of 5

Krauthammer: Obama’s debt increase “radical, unprecedented”

Dr. Coburn on CNBC’s Mad Money discussing the budget deficit facing the U.S.

(Thursday, June 10 2010) Jim Cramer discusses importance of getting a handle on the national debt, the current budget deficit, and ways to expand Congress’ knowledge of economics and budgeting by cutting spending.

Coburn on CNBC’s Squawk Box: Healthcare Law Huge Contributor to Debt, Deficit

Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn Blasts Everyone in New Book: Buzz Politics 4.17

Coburn Urging the Senate to End Duplication, Pass Amendment that Saves $10 Billion

HSGAC Hearing on Reducing Duplication

(Wednesday, March 21 2012) Dr. Coburn stressing the importance of taking advantage of the GAO’s recommendations for eliminating duplication and savings hundreds of billions in taxpayer dollars in today’s HSGAC hearing titled, “Retooling Government for the 21st Century: The President’s Reorganization Plan and Reducing Duplication”.

Coburn on The Kudlow Report on Problems w/ Obamacare & Gov’t-run Healthcare

Military spending, collapse of US empire

Deficits, Debts and Unfunded Liabilities: The Consequences of Excessive Government Spending

Four Reasons Why Big Government Is Bad Government

David Walker – America at a Crossroads

It’s Simple to Balance The Budget Without Higher Taxes

Eight Reasons Why Big Government Hurts Economic Growth

Free Markets and Small Government Produce Prosperity

Deficits are Bad, but the Real Problem is Spending

Paul Ryan on CBO’s Dire Economic Warning

Spending Restraint, Part I: Lessons from Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton

Spending Restraint, Part II: Lessons from Canada, Ireland, Slovakia, and New Zealand

Background Articles and Videos

Debt and Deficit in a Nutshell

“…Spellman, Lewis J. Professor, Department of Finance  Lewis Spellman received his B.B.A. and M.B.A. from the University of  Michigan and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Stanford University. His research  interests include the value of third party financial guarantees, market  estimates of bank risk, bank survival, and banking development. His  teaching interests include debt, equity, and foreign exchange price trends, market intervention by governments, and macroeconomics and business  conditions….”

US Sovereign Risk Part 1-1: Reality Bites Introduction

US Sovereign Risk Part 1-2: Reality Bites Introduction

US Sovereign Risk Part 2: Growth of Debt in the US 

US Sovereign Risk Part 3-1: Political Economy of the Growth of Government Debt

US Sovereign Risk Part 3-2: Political Economy of the Growth of Government Debt 

US Sovereign Risk Part 3-3: Political Economy of the Growth of Government Debt 

US Sovereign Risk Part 4-1: Why the Financial Market Supports Treasuries Despite the Risk

US Sovereign Risk Part 4-2: Why the Financial Market Supports Treasuries Despite the Risk 

US Sovereign Risk Part 5-1: How the Market Reins in an Out of Control Sovereign

US Sovereign Risk Part 5-2: How the Market Reins in an Out of Control Sovereign 

    US Sovereign Risk Part 6: Capital Safe Havens

Coburn book “The Debt Bomb” hits the shelf today

By Rick Couri

“…Senator Tom Coburn hates it when taxpayer money is wasted. Now he has a new book out that points directly at the people and organizations he thinks are the worst offenders. The book is called “The Debt Bomb” and he holds no punches. “We lack the courage to do what’s in the best long term interest of the country because we always put short term political considerations first” he explained.

The Senator says the book is easy to follow because it goes step by step “first of all we tell the story of where we are and how we got here” he said. So how did we get here? Coburn says it all stems from what he calls careerism. “Careerism tends to make members of congress do what’s best for their re-election and not what’s best for the country.” Coburn told us people who hold elected office are always careful to pick the timing of their battles “we’re always waiting for the right moment to fix things well guess what, that right moment doesn’t come.” …”

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