The Pronk Pops Show 292, July 9, 2014, Story 1: Next Year Obama Will Be Impeached Over The CIA Covert Operations in Benghazi — Shipping Arms To Syrian Rebels — MANPADs, for man-portable air-defense systems — Can Shoot down Airliners — Republicans Will Dump Boehner As Speaker — Videos

Posted on July 8, 2014. Filed under: American History, Blogroll, College, Communications, Constitutional Law, Crime, Economics, Education, Elections, Employment, Federal Government, Foreign Policy, Government, High Crimes, History, Illegal Immigration, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Impeachment, IRS, Law, Media, Obama, Philosophy, Photos, Politics, Radio, Regulation, Resources, Scandals, Security, Success, Taxes, Technology, Terror, Terrorism, Unemployment, Unions, United States Constitution, Videos, Violence, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


The Pronk Pops Show Podcasts

Pronk Pops Show 292: July 9, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 291: July 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 290: July 3, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 289: July 2, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 288: JuneĀ 30, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 287: June 27, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 286: June 26, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 285 June 25, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 284: June 23, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 283: June 20, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 282: June 19, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 281: June 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 280: June 16, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 279: June 13, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 278: June 12, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 277: June 11, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 276: June 10, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 275: June 9, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 274: June 6, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 273: June 5, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 272: June 4, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 271: June 2, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 270: May 30, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 269: May 29, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 268: May 28, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 267: May 27, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 266: May 23, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 265: May 22, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 264: May 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 263: May 20, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 262: May 16, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 261: May 15, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 260: May 14, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 259: May 13, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 258: May 9, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 257: May 8, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 256: May 5, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 255: May 2, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 254: May 1, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 253: April 30, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 252: April 29, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 251: April 28, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 250: April 25, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 249: April 24, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 248: April 22, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 247: April 21, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 246: April 17, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 245: April 16, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 244: April 15, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 243: April 14, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 242: April 11, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 241: April 10, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 240: April 9, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 239: April 8, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 238: April 7, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 237: April 4, 2014

Pronk Pops Show 236: April 3, 2014

Story 1: Next Year Obama Will Be Impeached Over The CIA Covert Operations in Benghazi — Shipping Arms To Syrian Rebels — MANPADs, for man-portable air-defense systems — Can Shoot down Airliners — Republicans Will Dump Boehner As Speaker — Videos

Barack Obama



benghazi-monkeys Only-Obama-Canamerican_people



The Case for Impeaching Barack Obama (Part 1)


SYRIA Retired General Suspects A US Covert Operation For Running Libya Arms To Syria

SYRIA CNBC: Benghazi Is Not About Libya But An Operation To Put Arms & Men In Syria

Glenn Beck Why Obama Hid the Truth of Benghazi

Treason Exposed! Obama Used Benghazi Attack to Cover Up Arms Shipments to Muslim Brotherhood

‘Halt an Imperial Presidency’, Impeach Obama – Sarah Palin 7-8-2014

Rush: Despite Obama’s ‘Lawlessness’ GOP Refuses To Impeach Because He’s Black Current News

Boehner On Calls For Obama’s Impeachment: ‘I Disagree’

Boehner To Sue Obama Over Executive Action

Boehner Mocks GOP Stance on Immigration Reform

Barack Obama Dismisses John Boehner Lawsuit as a Stunt on GMA Interview – ABC – 6-27-14

Ron Paul: Obama should be impeached, Boehner lawsuit just a “PR” stunt

Ann Coulter: “Obama Would Be Impeached If He Weren’t America’s First Black President”

Cavuto Blasts Boehner’s Obama Lawsuit: ‘Why Not Just Fix Things That Are Very Wrong Now?

The Benghazi Select Committee: Many Questions Remain Unanswered

Benghazi: The Difference It Makes Is Accountability!

Amb. Chris Stevens spoke to the House Intelligence Committee prior to his death in Benghazi

Murder Of Chris Stevens In Benghazi Attack Ordered By American Military Leadership, Possibly Obama

Napolitano Time To Impeach Obama

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Is Worse Than Richard Nixon And Needs To Be Impeached

Rush: Despite Obama’s ‘Lawlessness’ GOP Refuses To Impeach Because He’s Black Current News

Attorney & Legal Analyst AnneElise Goetz on the Efforts to Impeach Obama

Benghazi: Judge Pirro Calls for Impeachment of Barack Obama

Judge Jeanine Criticizes Obama Over Prisoner Swap, Demands Impeachment

May 2014 Breaking News Fox News President Barack Obama Should he be Impeached???

Andy McCarthy Talks Obama Impeachment – TheBlaze

Andrew C. McCarthy: Faithless Execution: Building a Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment

Fmr. Fed. Prosecutor: Need To Make Case For Obama Impeachment – 2/11/2014

Could Obama Face Impeachment For Bergdahl Release?

Half of America wants Obama impeached Even Democrats join surge of dissatisfaction

Michael Chertoff discusses the threat from Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) on FOX news

Embedded with Al-Qaeda in Syria: ISIS and al-Nusra

FSA rocket shoots down Assad helicopter – Truthloader

FSA rebels shoot down SAA aircraft with 9K38 “Igla” MANPADS

A rebel Brigade with three diferent models of MANPADS

Benghazi: Curiouser & Curiouser

Mark Levin agrees with Ted Cruz: Obama should be impeached

Beck: Impeach Obama, Boehner, McCain, Graham For Arming Al-Qaeda; It’s Treason!

Some GOP members want to oust Boehner

Breaking: Paul Ryan May Replace John Boehner as House Speaker

Poll: Half of America Wants Obama Impeached

A new poll from WENZEL POLLS reveals what should have happened years ago: HALF of Americans want Barack Obamaā€™s presidency to end through impeachment. After Benghazi, the IRS scandal, targeting journalists, and violating the Bill of Rights on a daily basis, the American people have had enough.

While impeachment wonā€™t happen until the GOP takes the Senate in 2014, itā€™s something we absolutely should be focusing on. Remember, the only solution we should have to an out of control president is the constitutional option: impeachment and removal from office.

Still, we donā€™t yet know the half of it. Obamaā€™s scandals weā€™ve seen so far have been during his presidency and midst many cover-ups ā€” meaning the truth is likely exponentially worse than we even know.

Either way, the solution to an out of control and imperial presidency is for the Congress to do their duty, defend the American people and the rights protected by the constitution, and remove the president for his constitutional violations.

Itā€™s a question of duty.

From our friends atĀ World Net Daily:

The faux stone columns from his Denver acceptance speech are crumbling, the fireworks have fizzled and the unadulterated adulation of Barack Obama is a sour feeling of disillusion, as a new poll reveals half of America wants him impeached, including a stunning one in four Democrats.

ā€œIt may be early in the process for members of Congress to start planning for impeachment of Barack Obama, but the American public is building a serious appetite for it,ā€ said Fritz Wenzel, of Wenzel Strategies, which did the telephone poll Thursday. It has a margin of error of 4.36 percent.

ā€œHalf or nearly half of those surveyed said they believed Obama should be impeached for the trifecta of scandals now consuming Washington.ā€

It also seems as though the Tea Party truth effort to explain Benghazi is working, especially for independents. From WND once again:

ā€œWhat is clear from the data is that Obama is at risk of losing his base,ā€ Wenzel explained. ā€œOn each of these questions, about one in four Democrats said they agreed Obama should be impeached. What could be more alarming to the White House is that it appears that most of American is tuned in to these issues now, as 93 percent of registered voters said they get at least one news update on these issues every day.ā€

He continued, ā€œOf the three issues now in the news, the one that has been there the longest, and the only one that has to do with the death of American citizens, is seen as the most important to Americans. While 49 percent said the Benghazi murders of U.S. diplomatic personnel is the most serious issue, 26 percent said IRS harassment was most serious, and 25 percent said the seizure of AP phone records was most serious. With news still breaking on all three fronts, it is impossible to know which of the three scandals will ultimately be the most damaging to the Obama administration. These findings clearly show Americans are concerned about what is going on in Washington.ā€


Need we say more? Barack Obama deserves to be impeached, the American people are slowly waking up, and the impeach Obama movement is under way. If you support the movement, then please take the first step by sharing this article on Facebook and Twitter.


Even Democrats join surge of dissatisfaction in unprecedented numbers

This is another in a series of ā€œWND/WENZEL POLLSā€ conducted exclusively for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting companyĀ Wenzel Strategies.

The faux stone columns from his Denver acceptance speech are crumbling, the fireworks have fizzled and the unadulterated adulation of Barack Obama is a sour feeling of disillusion, as a new poll reveals half of America wants him impeached, including a stunning one in four Democrats.

ā€œIt may be early in the process for members of Congress to start planning for impeachment of Barack Obama, but the American public is building a serious appetite for it,ā€ said Fritz Wenzel, ofĀ Wenzel Strategies,Ā which did the telephone poll Thursday. It has a margin of error of 4.36 percent.

ā€œHalf or nearly half of those surveyed said they believed Obama should be impeached for the trifecta of scandals now consuming Washington.ā€

Actually, on the issue of the Benghazi scandal, where four Americans were killed when in what may have been a politically motivated series of moves, a surging danger to Americans at the foreign service facility there was ignored until al-Qaida-linked terrorists attacked, 50.1 percent of Americans said Obama should be impeached. That included 27.6 percent of the responding Democrats.

All of America is buzzing about impeaching Obama. Now you can order Aaron Kleinā€™s latest blockbuster, ā€œImpeachable Offenses: The Case for removing Barack Obama from Office.ā€

On the scandal of the Internal Revenue Service intentionally harassing conservative and Christian organizations? Forty-nine percent said they agree that impeachment is appropriate, including 24.4 percent of the Democrats.

And on the fishing trip the Obama administration took into AP reportersā€™ telephone records in search of something that may well have been done by his own administration, 48.6 percent impeachment is appropriate. That included 26.1 percent of the Democrats.

Sign the petition urging Congress to impeach Obama.

It was only two months agoĀ that respondents to the same poll suggested, although in smaller numbers, that impeachment was appropriate for other Obama scandals. At that time 44 percent said he should be impeached for his campaign to give amnesty to illegal aliens inside the U.S., and 46 percent said he should be impeached for launching the war to remove Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

ā€œWhat is clear from the data is that Obama is at risk of losing his base,ā€ Wenzel explained. ā€œOn each of these questions, about one in four Democrats said they agreed Obama should be impeached. What could be more alarming to the White House is that it appears that most of American is tuned in to these issues now, as 93 percent of registered voters said they get at least one news update on these issues every day.ā€

He continued, ā€œOf the three issues now in the news, the one that has been there the longest, and the only one that has to do with the death of American citizens, is seen as the most important to Americans. While 49 percent said the Benghazi murders of U.S. diplomatic personnel is the most serious issue, 26 percent said IRS harassment was most serious, and 25 percent said the seizure of AP phone records was most serious. With news still breaking on all three fronts, it is impossible to know which of the three scandals will ultimately be the most damaging to the Obama administration. These findings clearly show Americans are concerned about what is going on in Washington.ā€

It spells headwinds for Obama, too, as he lobbies American voters to grant him his wish of having a Democrat Congress during the last two years of his reign, Wenzel said.

ā€œWhat could be most concerning to the White House is that the Democratic Party effort to retake the U.S. House of Representatives next year may be at risk because of these issues. Asked whether they would lean to vote for the Democrat or the Republican in their own congressional district based on what they know about these three situations, 46 percent said they would lean toward voting for the Republican, while 39 percent said they would lean toward voting for the Democrat. Another 16 percent said these issues make no difference in their congressional vote,ā€ Wenzel said.

He said, ā€œThe appetite is growing for impeachment proceedings. It is too early to say it is time for those proceedings to start, but itā€™s now possible to see that day on the far horizon.ā€

Of those who did not vote in 2012, based on their knowledge of Obamaā€™s administration now, 37 percent say they would have gone back to vote for Republican Mitt Romney, 27 percent for Obama, and others undecided.

That the situation is serious for Obama was confirmed byĀ former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan.

ā€œWe are in the midst of the worst Washington scandal since Watergate. The reputation of the Obama White House has, among conservatives, gone from sketchy to sinister, and, among liberals, from unsatisfying to dangerous. No one likes what theyā€™re seeing. The Justice Department assault on the Associated Press and the ugly politicization of the Internal Revenue Service have left the administrationā€™s credibility deeply, probably irretrievably damaged. They donā€™t look jerky now, they look dirty. The patina of high-mindedness the president enjoyed is gone,ā€ she said.

ā€œThe president, as usual, acts as if all of this is totally unconnected to him. Heā€™s shocked, itā€™s unacceptable, heā€™ll get to the bottom of it. He read about it in the papers, just like you. But he is not unconnected, he is not a bystander. This is his administration. Those are his executive agencies. He runs the IRS and the Justice Department,ā€ she continued. ā€œA president sets a mood, a tone. He establishes an atmosphere. If he is arrogant, arrogance spreads. If he is too partisan, too disrespecting of political adversaries, that spreads too. Presidents always undo themselves and then blame it on the third guy in the last row in the sleepy agency across town.ā€

Itā€™s even being compared to Watergate,Ā that breakin episode that ultimately led to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon.

That was confirmed by no less than Bob Woodward of the Washington Post, whose reporting on Watergate eventually snared the sitting president.

Woodward said recently, ā€œIf you read through all these emails, you see that everyone in the government is saying, ā€˜Oh, letā€™s not tell the public that terrorists were involved, people connected to al Qaeda. Letā€™s not tell the public that there were warnings.ā€™ And I have to go back 40 years to Watergate when Nixon put out his edited transcripts to the conversations, and he personally went through them and said, ā€˜Oh, letā€™s not tell this, letā€™s not show this.ā€™ I would not dismiss Benghazi. Itā€™s a very serious issue.ā€

A Republican congressman recently brought up the subject.

ā€œI would say yes. Iā€™m not willing to take it [impeachment] off to take it off the table, but thatā€™s certainly not what weā€™re striving for,ā€ Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told CNN.

ā€œWe want truth, we want to bring the people who perpetrated the terrorism in Benghazi to be brought to justice, and we want to have the president do what he has said he would always do. And that is be open and transparent. Thus far, the White House has not done that.ā€

Earlier, Chaffetz was interviewed by theĀ Salt Lake Tribune, and was asked if impeachment were within the realm of possibilities.

ā€œItā€™s certainly a possibility,ā€ he told the paper. ā€œThatā€™s not the goal but given the continued lies perpetrated by this administration, I donā€™t know where itā€™s going to go. ā€¦ Iā€™m not taking it off the table. Iā€™m not out there touting that but I think this gets to the highest levels of our government and integrity and honesty are paramount.ā€

Chaffetz has been championing the call to probe the Sept. 11, 2012, onslaught at Benghazi that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Other Republicans have also voiced impeachment as a potential final outcome.

Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., said last week impeachment was possible over the ā€œmost egregious cover-up in American history.

ā€œPeople may be starting to use the I-word before too long,ā€ Inhofe told radio host Rusty Humphries, according to the Hill.

ā€œThe I-word meaning impeachment?ā€ Humphries asked.

ā€œYeah,ā€ Inhofe responded.

Additionally, radio host Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor and one-time presidential candidate, predicted Obama wonā€™t serve out his full second term because of his complicity in a cover-up with Benghazi.

Other members of Congress who have uttered possible impeachmentĀ for a variety of reasons in recent years include Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.; Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas; Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas; Rep. Trey Radel, R-Fla.; and Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa.

Others who have raised the subject?

Rock legend and gun-rights defender Ted Nugent said thereā€™s ā€œno questionā€ Obama should be impeached, and heā€™s calling CNN anchor Piers Morgan an ā€œeffective idiotā€ in the battle over the Second Amendment.

Referring to Obama, Nugent says: ā€œThereā€™s no question that this guyā€™s violations qualify for impeachment. Thereā€™s no question.ā€

He blasted ā€œthe criminality of this government, the unprecedented abuse of power, corruption, fraud and deceit by the Chicago gangster-scammer-ACORN-in-chief.ā€

ā€œItā€™s so diabolical,ā€ he said.

Nugent made his comments in a recent interview with radio host Alex Jones.

Even Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin called for the impeachment of ObamaĀ over his policy of permitting drone strikes on American citizens overseas who are members of terrorist organizations.

OnĀ WABC Radioā€™s ā€œAaron Klein Investigative Radio,ā€Ā Benjamin affirmed she believes the drone warfare is an impeachable offense.

You asked for it! Sign the petition urging Congress to impeach President Barack Obama.

See Denis Kucinich advocate for impeachment over Libya:

See Texas congressman lobby for impeachment over gun control:

See Andrew Napolitano talk about impeachment over the budget:

WND also compiled a special reportĀ on the various offenses Obama is blamed for committing and reported what experts on the Constitution believe should be happening.

See detailed results of survey questions:

Overall, how would you rate the job performance of President Barack Obama ā€“ would you say he is doing an excellent job, a good job, only a fair job, or a poor job?

The administration of Democrat Barack Obama has still not satisfied congressional and media questions about just what it knew and when it knew it about the terrorist attack on U.S. diplomats in Benghazi, Libya, last September 11. That attack killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya. The Obama administration has changed its explanation of that attack several times since and has so far refused to identify those officials who made key decisions not to send help to stop the attacks, and who decided not to initially call the killings a terrorist attack. Knowing that and anything else you may be aware of about this issue, do you agree or disagree that President Obama should be impeached over his handling of this situation?

It has been learned that the Internal Revenue Service, under the administration of Democrat Barack Obama, has purposely targeted conservative and Christian groups for harassment over their tax exempt status while giving liberal nonprofit groups little or no scrutiny. Further, the IRS apparently leaked private tax information from these conservative groups to opposing liberal groups who were able to use that confidential information for political advantage. Knowing this and anything else you may be aware of about this issue, do you agree or disagree that President Obama should be impeached over his handling of this situation?

It has been learned that the U.S. Department of Justice under the administration of Democrat Barack Obama secretly obtained confidential telephone records of many reporters of the Associated Press in Washington, D.C. Attorney General Eric Holder has said his department obtained the phone records without the permission or knowledge of the Associated Press in order to find who in the federal government was leaking information about terrorist plots against America. AP officials have strongly protested this invasion of their privacy but the administration stands by its actions. Knowing this and anything else you may be aware of about this issue, do you agree or disagree that President Obama should be impeached over his handling of this situation?

How much would you say you are paying attention to news coverage of these issues in recent days and weeks?

Thinking of the issue regarding the murders of American diplomats in Benghazi, the IRSā€™s harassment of the presidentā€™s political opponents, or the governmentā€™s secret snatching of private telephone records without permission, IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE, which of the three issues do you think is the most serious?

Please tell me if you agree or disagree with this statement: None of these three issues involving Barack Obama is enough to trigger impeachment proceedings against him, but the totality of the mishandling or wrongdoing involving all three issues together IS enough to justify impeaching Obama?

Considering the totality of these three issues and their impact on our nation, and knowing that Obama is the head of the Democratic Party, are you more likely to vote for the Democratic candidate for Congress or the U.S. Senate in your area so Obama might have more political support in Congress ā€“ OR ā€“ are you more likely to vote for the Republican candidate to counter Obama in the final years of his term?

Thinking about everything you know and have heard about these three issues, if you could go back and change your vote for president because of what you have learned about them, would these current situations cause you to change your vote?

Thinking about everything you know and have heard about these three issues, if you could go back and vote for president because of what you have learned about them, would these current situations cause you to vote for Republican Mitt Romney, Democrat Barack Obama, or would you still not have voted? (Includes only those who did not vote in the November 2012 election.)

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A Short History of Impeachment

High crimes and misdemeanors

by Borgna Brunner

Removing an official from office requires two steps: (1) a formal accusation, or impeachment, by theĀ House of Representatives, and (2) a trial and conviction byĀ the Senate.Ā Impeachment requires a majority vote of the House; conviction is more difficult, requiring a two-thirds vote by the Senate.Ā The vice presidentĀ presides over the Senate proceedings in the case of all officials except the president, whose trial is presided over by the chief justice of the Supreme Court. This is because the vice president can hardly be considered a disinterested partyā€”if his or her boss is forced out of office he or she is next in line for the top job!The right to impeach public officials is secured by theĀ U.S. ConstitutionĀ in Article I, Sections 2 and 3, which discuss the procedure, and in Article II, Section 4, which indicates the grounds for impeachment: “the President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

What Are “High Crimes and Misdemeanors?”

Bribery, perjury, and treason are among the least ambiguous reasons meriting impeachment, but the ocean of wrongdoing encompassed by the Constitution’s stipulation of “high crimes and misdemeanors” is vast. Abuse of power and serious misconduct in office fit this category, but one act that is definitely not grounds for impeachment is partisan discord. Several impeachment cases have confused political animosity with genuine crimes. Since Congress, the vortex of partisanship, is responsible for indicting, trying, and convicting public officials, it is necessary for the legislative branch to temporarily cast aside its factional nature and adopt a judicial role.

The Infamous Sixteen

Since 1797 the House of Representatives has impeachedĀ sixteen federal officials.Ā These include two presidents, a cabinet member, a senator, a justice of the Supreme Court, and eleven federal judges. Of those, the Senate has convicted and removed seven, all of them judges. Not included in this list are the office holders who have resigned rather than face impeachment, most notably,President Richard M. Nixon.

The Small Fry

The first official impeached in this country wasĀ Senator William BlountĀ of Tennessee for a plot to help the British seize Louisiana and Florida from Spain in 1797. The Senate dismissed the charges on Jan. 14, 1799, determining that it had no jurisdiction over its own members. The Senate and the House do, however, have the right to discipline their members, and the Senate expelled Blount the day after his impeachment.

Judge John Pickering of New Hampshire was the first impeached official actually convicted. He was found guilty of drunkenness and unlawful rulings, on March 12, 1804, and was believed to have been insane.

Associate Justice Samuel Chase,Ā a strong Federalist, was impeached but acquitted of judicial bias against anti-Federalists. The acquittal on March 1, 1805, established that political differences were not grounds for impeachment.

Other officials impeachedĀ were implicated in bribery, cheating on income tax, perjury, and treason.

The Big Fish

Two U.S. presidents have been impeached:Ā Andrew Johnson,Ā the seventeenth chief executive, andĀ William J. Clinton,Ā the forty-second.

Johnson, a Southern Democrat who became president after Lincoln’s assassination, supported a mild policy of Reconstruction after the Civil War. The Radical Republicans in Congress were furious at his leniency toward ex-Confederates and obvious lack of concern for ex-slaves, demonstrated by his veto of civil rights bills and opposition to theĀ Fourteenth Amendment.Ā To protect Radical Republicans in Johnson’s administration and diminish the strength of the president, Congress passed theĀ Tenure of Office ActĀ in 1867, which prohibited the president from dismissing office holders without the Senate’s approval. A defiant Johnson tested the constitutionality of the Act by attempting to oust Secretary of WarĀ Edwin M. Stanton.Ā His violation of the Act became the basis for impeachment in 1868. But the Senate was one vote short of the two-thirds majority needed to convict, and Johnson was acquitted May 26, 1868.

Senator Charles Sumner,Ā witness to the proceedings, defined them as “political in character.” Historians today generally agree with his assessment and consider the grounds for Johnson’s impeachment flimsyā€”the Tenure of Office Act was partially repealed in 1887,and then declared unconstitutional in 1926.

Bill Clinton was ultimately dragged downā€”though not defeatedā€”by theĀ character issuesĀ brought into question even before his election. An investigation into some suspect real estate dealings in which Clinton was involved prior to his presidency failed to turn up any implicating evidence. However, Independent CounselĀ Kenneth StarrĀ managed to unravel a tangled web of alleged sexual advances and affairs in Clinton’s past. The trail led to former White House internĀ Monica S. Lewinsky. After months of denials, including in a videotaped legal testimony, Clinton admitted in August of 1998 that he had had a sexual relationship with the young woman during the time of her internship.

The infamous “Starr Report” outlining the findings of the Independent Counsel’s investigation was delivered to the House of Representatives on Sept. 9, 1998, and subsequently made available to the public. Many felt the report, filled with lurid details of Clinton’s sexual encounters with Lewinsky, to be a political attack against the President rather than a legal justification for his impeachment. Of the 11 possible grounds for impeachment cited by Starr, four were eventually approved by the House Judiciary Committee: grand jury perjury, civil suit perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power.

On December 19, following much debate over the constitutionality of the proceedings and whether or not Clinton could be punished by censure rather than impeachment, the House of Representatives held its historic vote. Clinton was impeached on two counts, grand jury perjury (228ā€“206) and obstruction of justice (221ā€“212), with the votes split along party lines. The Senate Republicans, however, were unable to gather enough support to achieve the two-thirds majority required for his conviction. On Feb. 12, 1999, the Senate acquitted President Clinton on both counts. The perjury charge failed by a vote of 55ā€“45, with 10 Republicans voting against impeachment along with all 45 Democrats. The obstruction of justice vote was 50ā€“50, with 5 Republicans breaking ranks to vote against impeachment.

The One That Got Away

Of thirty-five attempts at impeachment, only nine have come to trial. Because it cripples Congress with a lengthy trial, impeachment is infrequent. Many officials, seeing the writing on the wall, resign rather than face the ignominy of a public trial.

The most famous of these cases is of course that ofĀ President Richard Nixon,Ā a Republican. After five men hired by Nixon’s reelection committee were caught burglarizing Democratic party headquarters at the Watergate Complex on June 17, 1972, President Nixon’s subsequent behaviorā€”his cover-up of the burglary and refusal to turn over evidenceā€”led the House Judiciary Committee to issue three articles of impeachment on July 30, 1974. The document also indicted Nixon for illegal wiretapping, misuse of the CIA, perjury, bribery, obstruction of justice, and other abuses of executive power. “In all of this,” the Articles of Impeachment summarize, “Richard M. Nixon has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as president and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice, and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.” Impeachment appeared inevitable, and Nixon resigned on Aug. 9, 1974. The Articles of Impeachment, which can be viewed atĀ, leave no doubt that these charges qualify as “high crimes and misdemeanors,” justifying impeachment.

Read more:Ā Impeachment History | Infoplease.comĀ


The Prelude to Benghazi

The September 11, 2012 attacks on the special diplomatic facility and the CIA Annex in Benghazi were provoked by Obamaā€™s efforts to restrict weapons flows to Syrian rebels for fear that success by muslim jihadists in Syria would undermine/discredit the central message of Obamaā€™s reelection campaignā€“Osama is dead and al Qaeda is on the run. Let me connect the dots for you.

We will start with Obamaā€™s January 2012 State of the Union address. That marked the first rollout of his catch phrase abouttrouncing the muslim jihadists.

President Obama last night in his State of the Union address signaled what heā€™ll run on this year, and heā€™s going to take that message on the road with stops in five battleground states over the next three days. Last nightā€™s speech, focused on economic fairness with the president trying to sound like an optimistic populist. He delivered the speech with the confidence of a president who, in his most complete way yet, took credit for what he believes are his best accomplishments ā€” killing Osama bin Laden, ending the war in Iraq, the auto industryā€™s turnaround, private-sector job growth (especially in manufacturing), cutting the deficit by more than $2 trillion, and new rules for Wall Street.

He also insisted that ā€œAl Qaeda was on the run.ā€

However, Syria quickly was emerging a a problem that would pose a potentially significant risk to his campaign.

A couple of days following Obamaā€™s State of the Union, a report in the Australian noted thatĀ Saudi Arabia and Qatar were going to fund Syria rebels:

SAUDI Arabia and Qatar have agreed to fund the Syrian opposition, which is struggling to afford weapons in its fight against President Bashar al-Assad, a Syrian dissident has told The Times.

Opposition figures held a secret meeting with Saudi and Qatar officials after an Arab League meeting in Cairo last weekend. All the Gulf countries decided then to pull their observers from a monitoring mission that has been widely criticised for being toothless.

ā€œThe Saudis are offering their support in any way,ā€ said the dissident, who asked not to be named.

Until now the Free Syrian Army has been funded largely by individual donors, many of them in the Syrian diaspora, enabling small arms to be bought on the black market in Lebanon.

And this decisionĀ involved Libya:

ā€œAt the meeting, which was held in Istanbul and included Turkish officials, the Syrians [opposition] requested ā€œassistanceā€ from the Libyan representatives and were offered arms, and potentially volunteers.ā€
ā€œThere is something being planned to send weapons and even Libyan fighters to Syria,ā€ said a Libyan source, speaking on condition of anonymity. ā€œThere is a military intervention on the way. Within a few weeks you will see.ā€ (January 29, 2012).

The Obama Administrationā€™s efforts to undermine the Syriaā€™s Government extend back into 2011. A blog byĀ Professor Michael Chossudovsky reported the following in August 2011:

A Syria policy committee chaired by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton involves the participation of Ambassador Robert Stephen Ford, CIA director David Petraeus, Jeffrey Feltman, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs and Derek Chollet, Principal Deputy Director of Clintonā€™s Policy Planning Staff at the State Department.
Under Jeffrey Feltmanā€™s supervision, the actual recruitment of terrorist mercenaries, however, is carried out in Qatar and Saudi Arabia in liaison with senior intelligence officials from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Libya and NATO. The former ambassador to the US, Prince Bandar, who remains a key member of Saudi intelligence, is said to be working with the Feltman group in Doha.

Prince Bandar, a Saudi, was the key interlocutor in this process. He has had longstanding, close ties with John Brennan, who was a senior deputy in the National Security Council during this period. The Saudis made it very clear to the United States that they were going to ramp up their support for rebels in Syria, working in concert with Turkey, and that they wanted the Untied States to support this effort. Specifically, they wanted US assistance in gathering weapons that could be moved from Libya to Syria via Turkey.

The CIA, working with the NSC and the State, put together the proposed plan during February. By early March 2012, the plan had been approved, signed off by President Obama and briefed to a select group in Congress (according to Sy Hersh, only 8 members of the House and Senate were briefed). CIA Director David Petraeus was sent to Turkey to brief the plan and kick things off:

Petraeus met Turkeyā€™s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday for closed-door talks focusing on the crisis across the border in Syria.

Petraeus, director of the US Central Intelligence Agency, also discussed the latest developments in neighbouring Iran and efforts to counter Kurdish rebels attacking Turkey from safe havens in northern Iraq, said NTV television channel.

US embassy spokesman T.J. Grubisha said Petraeus met with Erdogan and Turkish National Intelligence Organisation chief Hakan Fidan and ā€œdiscussed areas of mutual concern, including regional security issues and counter-terrorism cooperation.

ā€œThey foresee even closer and more fruitful cooperation on the regionā€™s most pressing issues in the coming months.ā€

Erdogan has been fiercely critical of the Syrian regimeā€™s year-long crackdown on the opposition and has called on President Bashar al-Assad to quit.

The talks were not part of Erdoganā€™s official itinerary. The premierā€™s office declined to comment on the report.
Agence France Presse ā€” English
March 13, 2012 Tuesday 5:31 PM GMT
CIA chief meets Turkish PM on Syrian crisis

The person who would see the implementation and execution of this new clandestine policy was Ambassador Chris Stevens,Ā who arrived in Tripoli to take up his duties on 12 May 2012.

Shoulder fired surface to air missiles aka MANPADS previously collected as part of a State Department directed program were still in Libya. Starting in June of 2012, some of these missiles made their way to Syria rebels.Ā Al Arabiya reported on 31 July 2012:

Rebels fighting to depose Syrian president Bashar al Assad have for the first time acquired a small supply of surface-to-air missiles, according to a news report that a Western official did not dispute, as the U.N. General Assembly said it will hold a meeting on the crisis in Syria this week.

NBC News reported Tuesday night that the rebel Free Syrian Army had obtained nearly two dozen of the weapons, which were delivered to them via neighboring Turkey, whose moderate Islamist government has been demanding Assadā€™s departure with increasing vehemence. ā€ØIndications are that the U.S. government, which has said it opposes arming the rebels, is not responsible for the delivery of the missiles. But some U.S. government sources have been saying for weeks that Arab governments seeking to oust Assad have been pressing for such missiles, also known as MANPADs, for man-portable air-defense systems, to be supplied to the rebels. ā€Øā€ØIn recent days, air operations against the rebels by Syrian government forces appear to have been stepped up, particularly around the contested city of Aleppo, making the rebelsā€™ need for MANPADs more urgent.

To understand the curious reaction of the Obama Administration, you must first understand the discrepancy between what the intelligence community was reporting and the propaganda the media was spreading. If you only had access to media reports during the July-August 2012 period, you would think that the rebels were growing in strength and were only weeks from overthrowing Assad. Had this happened, it would have been vindication of Barack Obamaā€™s support of the so-called Arab Spring.

But the intelligence community analysts, especially at DIA, were telling a very different story. Two trends were emerging. First, the rebels were faltering. Second, and more alarming, the muslim extremistsā€“groups like al Nusra and Al Qaeda in Iraq and ISISā€“were gaining strength. By the end of August there was genuine worry in the Obama National Security team that his claim, ā€œAl Qaeda is on the runā€ could blow up in his face.

The problem was Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The Saudis were generously funding the Al Qaeda linked groups and Turkey was facilitating the delivery of some of this aid. It was necessary to adjust the program and gain the Turks agreement to stop providing weapons to the Islamic extremists. Word that Obama was getting cold feet leaked out andĀ sources with close ties to the Saudis leaked the following to Al Arabiya in an effort to put pressure on President Obama and his team:

President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing US support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government, US sources familiar with the matter said. Obamaā€™s order, approved earlier this year and known as an intelligence ā€œfinding,ā€ broadly permits the CIA and other US agencies to provide support that could help the rebels oust Assad. This and other developments signal a shift toward growing, albeit still circumscribed, support for Assadā€™s armed opponents ā€“ a shift that intensified following last monthā€™s failure of the UN Security Council to agree on tougher sanctions against Damascus. The White House is for now apparently stopping short of giving the rebels lethal weapons, even as some US allies do just that. But US and European officials have said that there have been noticeable improvements in the coherence and effectiveness of Syrian rebel groups in the past few weeks. That represents a significant change in assessments of the rebels by Western officials, who previously characterized Assadā€™s opponents as a disorganized, almost chaotic, rabble. US media reported earlier in the year that the CIA was vetting arms supplied by Gulf Arab states and Turkey to ensure weapons did not fall into the hands of al-Qaeda. But Islamist militants have gained ground in Syria nonetheless, with several media reports in the past fortnight pointing to a growing al-Qaeda presence within the rebellion. Precisely when Obama signed the secret intelligence authorization, an action not previously reported, could not be determined.

The political operatives at the White House were taking no chances. CIA Director Petraeus was dispatched back to Turkey to ensure that the program supporting the rebels was more tightly controlled and that the Islamic extremists were cut off. According to the Cihan News Agency, Petraeus arrived in Turkey on 2 September:

United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director David Petraeus arrived in Istanbul on Sunday.ā€Øā€ØPetraeusā€™s private plane landed at the Istanbul International Airport with an army flight.ā€Øā€ØHe is expected to hold talks with Turkish officials over the Syria crisis and fight against terrorism.ā€Øā€ØThis is the second unannounced visit by the top US spy to Turkey in the last six months.

The message delivered was directā€“Turkey was to ensure that no further weapons were provided to the Islamic rebels until after the election of Barack Obama.

We have further evidence of the coordination of this effort with the US Embassy in Libya. According to the Accountability Review Board, State Department Commmunicator, Sean Smith, was dispatched to Benghazi. It was anticipated that Ambassador Stevens would be coming to Benghazi within the next week. Smithā€™s job was to ensure he could communicate securely with Washington. Smith went to Benghazi while Stevens remained in Tripoli, awaiting an update/brief from CIA Director Petraeus on the results of the meeting with the Turks.

Unfortunately, someone on the Turkish side let the Islamic rebels know that they were being cutoff and blamed it on America. The info was communicated to them sometime after 4 September. That lit the fuze that led to the attacks on 11 September. Leaders of Ansar Al Sharia and Al Qaeda were going to show the United States that there was a cost for interfering in their holy war against Assad.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton failed to anticipate this result. When the attack commenced, both State and the White House were panicked. They immediately realized that this attack could blow a hole in the Obama narrative that Al Qaeda was on the run. There was no other alternative but to pretend that this was not a terrorist attack and that it had nothing to do with US clandestine support for rebels is Syria.



Syriaā€™s FSA reportedly got surface-to-air missiles, U.N. to convene over crisis

Rebels fighting to depose Syrian president Bashar al Assad have for the first time acquired a small supply of surface-to-air missiles, according to a news report that a Western official did not dispute, as the U.N. General Assembly said it will hold a meeting on the crisis in Syria this week.

NBC News reported Tuesday night that the rebel Free Syrian Army had obtained nearly two dozen of the weapons, which were delivered to them via neighboring Turkey, whose moderate Islamist government has been demanding Assad’s departure with increasing vehemence.

Indications are that the U.S. government, which has said it opposes arming the rebels, is not responsible for the delivery of the missiles.

But some U.S. government sources have been saying for weeks that Arab governments seeking to oust Assad have been pressing for such missiles, also known as MANPADs, for man-portable air-defense systems, to be supplied to the rebels.

In recent days, air operations against the rebels by Syrian government forces appear to have been stepped up, particularly around the contested city of Aleppo, making the rebelsā€™ need for MANPADs more urgent.

Precisely what kind of MANPADs have been delivered to Syrian rebels is unclear and NBC News did not provide details. Such weapons range from the primitive to highly sophisticated.

And even if the rebels do have the weapons, it is unclear whether they have the training to operate them effectively against Assadā€™s air forces in the immediate future, according to Reuters.

Some conservative U.S. lawmakers, such as Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, have criticized the administration of President Barack Obama for moving too slowly to assist the rebels and have suggested the U.S. government become directly involved in arming Assadā€™s opponents.

The White House, at least until now, has taken a considerably more cautious approach.

As of last month, U.S. officials warned that if any Middle Eastern nation was ā€œeven considering giving arms to the Syrian opposition,ā€ it ought to ā€œtake a measured approach and think twice about providing arms that could have unintended consequences.ā€

Nonetheless, even at that time, U.S. and allied officials acknowledged that some Arab officials were discussing whether surface-to-air missiles might help Syrian rebels bring down Russian-made helicopters and other aircraft the Syrian army was using to move troops between trouble spots.

Following the fall of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, some intelligence experts estimated that as many as 10,000-15,000 MANPADs sets were looted from Libyan government stockpiles. The whereabouts of most of these are unknown.

Many U.S. officials have been wary of the notion of arming Syrian rebels with MANPADs, noting that they could be easily turned on targets other than the Syrian government, including civilian airliners.

After the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, the CIA provided sophisticated shoulder-fired Stinger missiles to Islamic militants seeking to oust Soviet troops.

The missiles proved deadly against Soviet helicopter gunships, but subsequently became a major headache for U.S. and western counter-terrorism agencies when anti-Soviet militants morphed into anti-Western militants.

Recent intelligence and news reporting has suggested a growing number of militants, including some affiliated with al-Qaeda, have traveled to Syria to try to join anti-Assad forces. U.S. officials have said, however, that they do not believe the militants yet play a dominant role in the Syrian opposition.

Meanwhile, the U.N. General Assembly said late Tuesday it will hold a meeting on the crisis in Syria this week and diplomats say it will likely vote on a Saudi-drafted resolution that condemns the Security Council for failing to take action against Damascus.

The 193-nation assemblyā€™s press office said the meeting on Syriaā€™s 16-month-old conflict would occur at 10:00 a.m. EDT (1400 GMT) on Thursday.

U.N. diplomats told Reuters the assembly was expected to vote on a draft resolution that voices ā€œgrave concern at the escalation of violence in the Syrian Arab Republic, in particular the continued widespread and systematic gross violations of human rights.ā€

The latest draft, dated July 30, was penned by Saudi Arabia, which is openly supporting the rebel forces fighting to oust Assad.

The draft resolution would also have the assembly ā€œexpressing grave concern at the Syrian authoritiesā€™ threat to use chemical or biological weapons.ā€ Damascus recently acknowledged having chemical arms, but said it would only use such weapons if it was attacked by foreign powers.

The assembly meeting comes after Russia and China on July 19 used their Security Council veto powers for the third time to strike down a Western-backed draft resolution that would have threatened Syrian authorities with sanctions if they failed to halt the violence.

The Saudi draft resolution would also have the assembly ā€œdeploring the Security Council failure to agree on measures to ensure the Syrian authoritiesā€™ compliance with its decisionsā€ calling for an end to the violence. That condemnation, Western envoys say, is aimed at Moscow and Beijing.

Unlike Security Council resolutions, which can be legally binding, General Assembly resolutions are non-binding. But there are no vetoes in the assembly and only a simple majority is needed to pass them.

Western diplomats say they hope a strong majority vote in the assembly for a resolution condemning Syria and the Security Council would increase the pressure on Russia and China to stop shielding Assad from sanctions.

The Saudi resolution also reiterates the Arab Leagueā€™s calls for Assad to step down and allow a political transition to a democratic government.

The draft text urges both the government forces and rebels to stop the violence, though it focuses its criticism on Assadā€™s government.

Syrian U.N. Ambassador Bashar Jaafari has repeatedly accused Nassir Abdul Aziz al-Nasser of Qatar, president of the General Assembly, of using his position to push the Qatari national agenda.

  • The president ignored a law ā€“ which he signed last year ā€“ requiring him to notify Congress 30 days before releasing anyone from Guantanamo Bay
  • The Obama administration never told Capitol Hill until after Bergdahl was in American custody and the US Taliban prisoners were preparing to leave
  • A former federal prosecutor told MailOnline that while the 30-day-notice law is probably unconstitutional, putting enemy combatants back in a position to harm Americans is an impeachable offense
  • A White House insider said Obama administration officials didnā€™t anticipate how controversial Bergdahlā€™s rescue would be, and compared it to the 1981 release of 52 US hostages in Iran
  • Since Saturday several of Bergdahlā€™s former military comrades have said he was an Army deserter, and some have speculated that he also aimed to join with the Taliban in Afghanistan
  • An official Pentagon report concluded in 2010 that Bergdahl ā€˜walked away,ā€™ so little effort was made to retrieve him, according to the AP

(Daily Mail) ā€“ Barack Obama broke a federal law that he signed just six months ago when he authorized the release of five high-ranking Taliban terror targets from the Guantanamo Bay detention center in exchange for the return of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, senior congressional Republicans claimed today.

And the president may also have written a new chapter in the case for his own impeachment, according to a former federal prosecutor who helped bring the 1993 World Trade Center bombers to justice.


ā€˜The return of senior terrorists to the Taliban [is] ā€¦ a ā€œhigh crime and misdemeanorā€,ā€™ author Andrew C. McCarthy told MailOnline.

His book ā€˜Faithless Execution: Building the case for Obamaā€™s impeachment,ā€™ is set to be published Tuesday.

President Barack Obama made Jani and Bob Bergdahl happy by rescuing their son, but may have put his presidency in jeopardy by ignoring Congress when he released five high-value Talican terrorists in exchange

President Barack Obama made Jani and Bob Bergdahl happy by rescuing their son but was the operation part of a highly suspect maneuvering by the military and White House?

Dereliction of duty? Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel (C) made press statements aboard a military aircraft but failed to notify Congress that five Guantanamo Bay detainees would be walking free

Derelection of duty? Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel (C) made press statements aboard a military aircraft but failed to notify Congress that five Guantanamo Bay detainees would be walking free

Obama ā€˜clearly violated laws which require him to notify Congress thirty days before any transfer of terrorists from Guantanamo Bay, and to explain how the threat posed by such terrorists has been substantially mitigated,ā€™ House Armed Services Committee chairmanĀ Rep. Buck McKeon of California andĀ Senate Armed Services Committee ranking member Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma said Saturday.

ā€˜Our joy at Sergeant Berghdalā€™s release is tempered by the fact that President Obama chose to ignore the law, not to mention sound policy, to achieve it.ā€™

What makes the news more controversial still is that many do not see Bergdahl as a hero. Instead he has been branded a ā€˜deserterā€™ by many of his former comrades.

An official Pentagon report in 2010 concluded that he ā€˜walked awayā€™ from his post, so the U.S. Army did not exert any extraordinary efforts to find him after an initial flurry of searches, according to an insider who spoke to the Associated Press.

And at least six soldiers lost their lives in circumstances related to the Idaho nativeā€™s disappearance from his post on June 30, 2009. Parents of one dead military men were told that their son perished in a mission aimed at taking down a Taliban target, not capturing a deserter.

With the circumstances of Bergdahlā€™s disappearance no longer in any substantial doubt, the remaining outrage has focused on the Obama administrationā€™s decision to trade five high-value Taliban terror detainees for him ā€“ several years after the Pentagon decided he wasnā€™t worth recovering.

Yet it appears the administration believed it would win a PR victory big enough to eclipse any legalistic hand-wringing on Capitol Hill, and whatever objections might surface among the military rank-and-file.

A White House official told MailOnline on Monday morning that Obamaā€™s deputies were caught flatfooted by the intensity of public outrage in some quarters after Bergdahlā€™s rescue by Special Forces.

ā€˜Everyone thought this would be a January 1981 moment,ā€™ the insider said, referring to the negotiated release of 52 U.S. hostages in Iran after 444 days in captivity.

Backlash: Some of the men who served with Bowe Bergdahl are furious that he is being hailed as a hero and claim that he deserted his post
Backlash: Some of the men who served with Bowe Bergdahl are furious that he is being hailed as a hero and claim that he deserted his post

Bergdahl, the last American hostage from the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, was released this weekend in a prisoner exchange that saw five Guantanamo terrorism suspects freed
Bergdahl, the last American hostage from the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, was released this weekend in a prisoner exchange that saw five Guantanamo terrorism suspects freed


The United States won their freedom by releasing about $8 billion in Iranian assets that were frozen during the hostage standoff, and immunizing the Iranian government from any lawsuits that might be filed after the crisis was over.

ā€˜Reagan negotiated with terrorists in the weeks before he took office,ā€™ the official said. ā€˜I donā€™t remember anyone objecting at the time. They just wanted our people home.ā€™

What the White House didnā€™t count on was a cadre of Bergdahlā€™s former platoon-mates coming forward and describing him as a dishonorable soldier beyond redemption.

The lawĀ Obama is accused of breaking, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2013, requires Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to ā€˜notify the appropriate committees of Congress ā€¦ not later than 30 days before the transfer or releaseā€™ of detainees from Guantanamo.

Hagel is required to explain why prisoners are being let go, why itā€™s ā€˜in the national security interests of the United States,ā€™ and what the administration has done ā€˜to mitigate the risksā€™ that the terror targets will ā€˜re-engageā€™ in war against the U.S.

Obama signed the lengthy law in December ā€“ it sets budgets and policy for the entire Defense Department ā€“ but issued aĀ statementĀ saying that he thought the notification requirement was unfair.

ā€˜[I]n certain circumstances,,ā€™ he wrote, it ā€˜would violate constitutional separation of powers principles. The executive branch must have the flexibility, among other things, to act swiftly in conducting negotiations with foreign countries regarding the circumstances of detainee transfers.ā€™

Congress had moved significantly in the presidentā€™s direction, compared with the previous yearā€™s NDAA. That law expressly forbadeĀ the administration from spending any money to release enemy combatants to foreign countriesĀ from Guantanamo.

Now Obama can make his move, provided he keeps Congress in the loop ā€“ which by all accounts he failed to do.

Administration officials were quick to assert that an emergency related to Bergdahlā€™s health made convening a war council impracticable.

ā€˜We had reason to be concerned that this was an urgent and acute situation,ā€™ National Security Adviser Susan Rice said Sunday on ABC.

ā€˜Had we waited and lost him, I donā€™t think anybody would have forgiven the United States government.ā€™

But Monday morning on CNN, outgoing White House Press Secretary Jay Carney couldnā€™t back up that assertion.

Prisoner swap: Abdul Waq-Hasiq, left, and Norullah Noori, right, are to be freed from Guantanamo Bay

Former combatants: The prisoners, including Khirullah Khairkhwa, left,  and Mohammed Nabi, right, will remain in Qatar for at least next year as part of the terms of their release

ā€˜Now that you have him,ā€™ host Chris Cuomo asked, ā€˜have they been able to diagnose anything that substantiated the concerns?ā€™

ā€˜Well, you know, I think at this point, Chris,ā€™ Carney said, ā€˜we need to allow for Sergeant Bergdahl to recover privately. Out of respect for him and his family. weā€™re not going to get into details of that process. Weā€™re just thrilled that he is back.ā€™

Itā€™s not flouting the defense law that upsets McCarthy, the prosecutor-turned-author.

War criminal?: Mohammad Fazi is believed to have been at the command of a mass killing

He thinks the NDAA itself is unconstitutional since it forbade Obama from moving chess pieces around the battlefield ā€“ instead of continuing to prohibit him from spending money to do it, which is Congressā€™ job.

But putting senior Taliban leaders back in a position to harm U.S. national interests, McCarthy argues, could be Obamaā€™s undoing.

ā€˜I donā€™t think itā€™s an impeachable offense for violating the NDAA,ā€™ he told MailOnline.

ā€˜Congress unconstitutionally restricted the presidentā€™s war power over the disposition of enemy combatants.ā€™

ā€˜They could have properly done it by using the power of the purse to deny funds for the transfers, but thatā€™s not what they did [this time].ā€™

But transferring the five high-value prisoners to Qatar, as Obama has authorized, ā€˜violates the law against material support to terrorism,ā€™ McCarthy said.

ā€˜And because high crimes and misdemeanors are not statutory offenses but political wrongs that endanger the United States, the return of senior terrorists to the Taliban while we still have soldiers in harmā€™s way is, in my view, a ā€œhigh crime and misdemeanorā€.

Article Two of the United States Constitution provides Congress with a way to remove officials, including the president, from the executive branch.


ā€˜The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,ā€™ it reads in part.

A ā€˜highā€™ crime is one that only a person in a position of power or authority can commit.

American history has seen only three serious attempts at impeachment: Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. Nixon resigned before he could be removed from the White House over the Watergate affair. The U.S. Senate failed to gather the two-thirds majority required to convict (and depose) either Clinton or Johnson.

McCarthy said heā€™s spoiled for choice with Obamaā€™s impeachable offenses, and the Bergdahl affair doesnā€™t crack the top tier.

ā€˜If it was a standalone, I would never impeach based solely on it, but I would add it to a larger indictment,ā€™ he told MailOnline.

That indictment, laid out in his book, includes references to Obamacareā€™s ā€˜multiple unilaterally decreed amendments,ā€™ security failures in Benghazi, ā€˜aĀ Department of Justice that has covered up the Fast & Furious scandalā€™ and the ā€˜selective targetingā€™ of conservative groups by the IRS.

Andrew McCarthy (L) is a former Assistant U.S. Attorney who led the 1995 terrorism prosecution against Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and eleven others.  His book 'Faithless Execution' makes the case that President Obama has repeatedly ignored the rule of law, and that Americans should make their peace with the idea of firing him

Bizarre: Bowe Bergdahl was 'made to dance,' his former ballet teacher told MailOnline of the wayward soldier

Bizarre: Bowe Bergdahl was ā€˜made to dance,ā€™ his former ballet teacher told MailOnline of the wayward soldier


But heā€™s under no illusion that the release of five Taliban in exchange for a U.S. soldier who may have deserted his post and plotted to join with the enemy will suddenly bring out the peasants and their pitchforks.

And the lessons of Republicansā€™ failed effort to remove President Bill Clinton from power, he says, must not be forgotten.

ā€˜The error to avoid is not the endeavor to remove a rogue president,ā€™ he told MailOnline. ā€˜It is the endeavor to remove a rogue president without first having convinced the public that his removal is warranted ā€“ that the punishment fits the crime.ā€™

He wrote Monday in theĀ New York PostĀ that ā€˜at this point, impeachment seems farfetched. ā€¦ You can prove a thousand impeachable offenses, but absent the public will to remove the president from power, impeachment is a non-starter.ā€™

ā€˜The political case for ousting a president must be built. That is a good deal tougher than building the legal case.ā€™

Impeachment, a Bridge Too Far

Patrick J. Buchanan

ncreasingly, across this city, the “I” word is being heard.

Impeachment is being brought up by Republicans outraged over Barack Obama’s usurpations of power and unilateral rewriting of laws. And Obama is taunting John Boehner and the GOP: “So sue me.”

Democrats are talking impeachment to rally a lethargic base to come out and vote this fall to prevent Republicans from taking control of the Senate, and with it the power to convict an impeached president.

Still, Republicans should drop the talk of impeachment.

For the GOP would gain nothing and risk everything if the people began to take seriously their threats to do to Barack Obama what Newt Gingrich’s House did to Bill Clinton.

The charges for which a president can be impeached and removed from office, are “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

With Bill Clinton, the impeachers had a solid case of perjury.

With Richard Nixon, they had a preponderance of evidence that, at least for a time, he had sought to obstruct justice in the investigation of the Watergate break-in.

Article II of the impeachment of Richard Nixon was for misuse of the IRS in what turned out to be futile and failed attempts to have the agency harass political enemies by having them audited.

As yet there is no evidence Obama knew of the IRS plot to delay and deny tax exemptions to Tea Party groups, which would be an abuse of power and a trampling upon the constitutional rights of Tea Partiers, who were denied the equal protection of the laws.

The GOP response to the lost emails of Lois Lerner and crashed computers that went missing should be a drumbeat of demands for the appointment of an independent counsel, not an impeachment committee in the House.

Obama claims he did not learn of the IRS abuse until years after it began, and weeks after his White House staff learned of it.

In the absence of those emails, the claim cannot be refuted.

In the Benghazi scandal, the president’s defense is the same.

He had no idea what was going on. And cluelessness appears here to be a credible defense. Two weeks after the Benghazi atrocity, Obama was at the U.N. still parroting the Susan Rice line about an anti-Muslim video having been the cause of it all.

Has the president unilaterally rewritten the Obamacare law, while ignoring the Congress that wrote it? Indeed, he has.

But would a Republican Party that failed and folded when it tried to use its legitimate power of the purse to defund Obamacare really stand firm in an Antietam battle to impeach a president of the United States?

Or is this just “beer talk”?

Impeachment is in the last analysis a political act.

The impeachment of Nixon was a coup d’etat by liberal enemies who, though repudiated and routed by the electorate in 1972, still retained the institutional power to break him and destroy his presidency.

And, undeniably, he gave them the tools.

In the case of Nixon, political enemies controlled both houses of the Congress.

Washington was a hostile city. Though he had swept 49 states, Nixon lost D.C. 3-to-1. The bureaucracy built up in the New Deal and Great Society was deep-dyed Democratic.


Most crucially, the Big Media whose liberal bias had been exposed by Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew were hell-bent on revenge.

All three power centers ā€” the bureaucracy, Congress, the Big Media ā€” worked in harness to bring Nixon down.

No such powerful and hostile coalition exits today with Obama.

In 2008, Obama carried D.C. 24-to-1 over John McCain. The While House Correspondents Association has at times behaved like an Obama super PAC. Liberal Democrats dominate the bureaucracy and control the Senate.

Any Republican attempt at impeachment would go up against a stacked deck. And the GOP would be throwing away a winning hand for a losing one.

For while the American people have shown no interest in impeaching Obama, they are coming to believe they elected an incompetent executive and compulsive speechmaker who does not know what the presidency requires and who equates talk with action.

With the economy shrinking 3 percent in the first quarter, with Obama sinking in public approval, and with the IRS, NSA and VA scandals bubbling, why would Republicans change the subject to impeachment?

The effect would be to enrage and energize the Democratic base, bring out the African-American vote in force and cause the major media to charge the GOP with a racist scheme to discredit and destroy our first black president.

Does the GOP really want a fight on that turf, when they currently hold the high ground? If you are winning an argument, why change the subject?

If the nation is led to believe Republicans seek to gain the Senate so they can remove Barack Obama from office after a GOP-led impeachment, then Republicans are not likely to win the Senate.

Maybe that is why the Democrats are wailing about impeachment.

Republicans should take away the football.


Boehner disagrees with Palin on impeaching Obama

House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) disagrees with Republicans calling for the impeachment of President Obama.

Former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah PalinĀ on Tuesday joined a growing chorus of RepublicansĀ calling for the impeachment of Obama, writingĀ in an op-ed that the influx of young illegal immigrants overĀ the southern border “is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, ‘no mas.’Ā ”

“I disagree,” Boehner said when asked by reporters Wednesday morning. When a reporter pointed out that some House Republicans also are calling for impeachment, Boehner said again: “I disagree.”

Boehner’s comments came afterĀ Palin said Tuesday night on Fox NewsĀ that the speaker’s planned lawsuit against Obama over his use of executive power is a weak maneuver. “You don’t bring a lawsuit to a gunfight,” she said. “There’s no place for lawyers on the front lines.”

Palin is hardlyĀ the first GOP politician to raise the issue of impeachment over the past couple years.Ā As The Post’s Aaron Blake has noted,Ā  others include Sens. James Inhofe (R-Okla.),Ā Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) andĀ Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Reps. Blake Farenthold (R-Tex.),Ā Kerry Bentivolio (R-Mich.), Michael Burgess (R-Tex.) and Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), former congressmen Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) andĀ Ā Allen West (R-Fla.),Ā andĀ the South Dakota Republican Party. Not everyone explicitly called for Obama’s impeachment, but they have suggested that it should be considered.


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