Pronk Pops Show 35, July 6, 2011: Segment 3: Obama’s Marxist Class Warfare On Millionaires and Billionaires–Tax The Job Creators–President’s Unbalanced Budget Would Result In A Big $1,100 Billion Deficit In Fiscal Year 2012–This Is Obama’s So-Called Balanced Approach–Obama Is Not Working–Fire Obama Right Now!–Videos

Posted on July 6, 2011. Filed under: Budgetary Policy, Business, Economics, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Government, Government Spending, History, Labor Economics, Monetary Policy, Philosophy, Politics, Tax Policy, Technology, Videos, Violence, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , |

Pronk Pops Show 35:July 6, 2011 

Pronk Pops Show 34:June 29, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 33:June 22, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 32:June 15, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 31:June 8, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 30:June 2, 2011

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 34-35

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 30-33

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 27-29

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 22 (Part 2)-26

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 16-22 (Part 1)

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 10-15

Listen To Pronk Pops Podcast or Download Shows 1-9

Segment 3: Obama’s Marxist Class Warfare On Millionaires and Billionaires–Tax The Job Creators–President’s Unbalanced Budget Would Result In A Big $1,100 Billion Deficit In Fiscal Year 2012–This Is Obama’s So-Called Balanced Approach–Obama Is Not Working–Fire Obama Right Now!–Videos

President Obama News Conference

Corporate Jet Subsidies: Welfare Only a Republican Could Love

President Obama on Deficit Reduction

Sen. Rand Paul Speaks Out Against Pres. Obama on the National Debt Ceiling – 6/30/11

Senator Rubio Talks Budget & Debt On Senate Floor

Underwhelming Spending Cuts from Congress and Obama


Red Ink

Despite our nation’s staggering $14.4 trillion debt, there many Members of the U.S. House and Senate who want to raise our nation’s debt limit without making permanent reforms in our fiscal policies.

We believe that this is a fiscally irresponsible position that would place America on the Road to Ruin. At the same time, we believe that the current debate over raising the debt limit provides a historic opportunity to focus public attention, and then public policy, on a path to a balanced budget and paying down our debt.

We believe that the “Cut, Cap, Balance” plan for substantial spending cuts in FY 2012, a statutory spending cap, and Congressional passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution is the minimum necessary precondition to raising the debt limit. The ultimate goal is to get us back to a point where increases in the debt limit are no longer necessary.

If you agree, take the Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge! There are versions for elected officials, federal candidates and ordinary citizens.


I pledge to urge my Senators and Member of the House of Representatives to oppose any debt limit increase unless all three of the following conditions have been met:

  1. Cut – Substantial cuts in spending that will reduce the deficit next year and thereafter.
  2. Cap – Enforceable spending caps that will put federal spending on a path to a balanced budget.
  3. Balance – Congressional passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution — but only if it includes both a spending limitation and a super-majority for raising taxes, in addition to balancing revenues and expenses.

Sign the Pledge: Cut, Cap & Balance. Now.

Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge [FOX: 6-22-2011]

Senator Pat Toomey Explains That Failing To Raise Debt Limit Doesn’t Cause Default

Jim DeMint Balanced Budget Amendment and Republican Presidential Candidate’s

CNN: DeMint Discusses Cut, Cap & Balance Pledge

Brit Humes Commentary – Understanding Debt Crisis [FOX 6-28-2011]

Ron Paul on Bloomberg 6/3/11


Howdy Doody Show Opening Sequence and Theme

Buffalo Bob: Say kids, what time is it?

Kids: It’s Howdy Doody Time!

It’s Howdy Doody Time!

It’s Howdy Doody Time!

Bob Smith and Howdy do

Say Howdy Do to you.

Let’s give a rousing cheer,

Cause Howdy Doody’s here,

It’s time to start the show,

So kids let’s go!


U.S. National Debt Clock

Paul Ryan As Howdy Doody

John Boehner as Buffalo Bob with Howdy Doody


Barack Obama As Phineas T. Bluster Marionette

Joe Biden As Clarabell

Judy Collins Send in the Clowns


Summary of Outlays, Revenues (Receipts), Deficits, Surpluses Fiscal Years 1980-2010(Nominal Dollars in Millions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues (Receipts) Deficits (-), Surpluses
1980 590,941 517,112 -73,830
1981 678,241 599,272 -78,968
1982 745,743 617,766 127,977
1983 808,364 600,562 -207,802
1984 851,805 666,488 -185,367
1985 946,344 734,037 -212,308
1986 990,382 769,155 -221,277
1987 1,004,017 854,288 -149,730
1988 1,064,417 854,288 -155,178
1989 1,143,744 991,105 -152,639
1990 1,252,994 1,031,958 -221,036
1991 1,324,226 1,054,988 -269,238
1992 1,381,529 1,091,208 -290,321
1993 1,409,386 1,154,335 -255,051
1994 1,461,753 1,258,566 203,186
1995 1,515,742 1,351,790 -163,392
1996 1,560,484 1,453,053 -107,431
1997 1,601,116 1,579,232 -21,884
1998 1,652,458 1,721,728 69,270
1999 1,701,842 1,827,452 125,610
2000 1,788,950 2,025,191 236,241
2001 1,862,846 1,991,082 128,236
2002 2,010,894 1,853,136 157,758
2003 2,159,899 1,782,314 -377,585
2004 2,292,841 1,880,114 -412,727
2005 2,471,957 2,153,611 -318,346
2006 2,655,050 2,406,869 -248,181
2007 2,728,686 2,567,985 -160,701
2008 2,982,544 2,523,991 -458,553
2009 3,517,677 2,104,989 -1,412,688
2010 3,456,213 2,162,724 -1,293,489


Monthly Treasury Statement

                                      FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE
                                                  STAR - TREASURY FINANCIAL DATABASE

                                                        ACCOUNTING DATE:  05/11

   PERIOD                                                                     RECEIPTS                OUTLAYS    DEFICIT/SURPLUS (-)
+  ____________________________________________________________  _____________________  _____________________  _____________________

     OCTOBER                                                                   135,293                311,656                176,363
     NOVEMBER                                                                  133,563                253,850                120,287
     DECEMBER                                                                  218,919                310,329                 91,410
     JANUARY                                                                   205,239                247,873                 42,634
     FEBRUARY                                                                  107,520                328,429                220,909
     MARCH                                                                     153,358                218,745                 65,387
     APRIL                                                                     245,260                327,950                 82,689
     MAY                                                                       146,794                282,721                135,927
     JUNE                                                                      251,048                319,470                 68,422
     JULY                                                                      155,546                320,588                165,043
     AUGUST                                                                    163,998                254,524                 90,526
     SEPTEMBER                                                                 245,207                279,813                 34,607

       YEAR-TO-DATE                                                          2,161,746              3,455,949              1,294,204


     OCTOBER                                                                   145,951                286,384                140,432
     NOVEMBER                                                                  148,970                299,364                150,394
     DECEMBER                                                                  236,875                315,009                 78,134
     JANUARY                                                                   226,550                276,346                 49,796
     FEBRUARY                                                                  110,656                333,163                222,507
     MARCH                                                                     150,894                339,047                188,153
     APRIL                                                                     289,543                329,929                 40,387
     MAY                                                                       174,911                232,551                 57,641

       YEAR-TO-DATE                                                          1,484,350              2,411,794                927,444


Obama Spending

Boehner on Hannity Talks Jobs, Debt Limit, & Balanced Budget Amendment

The US economy is failing and a recovery seems uncertain

Cut, Cap, Balance: Sen Jim DeMint (R-SC)

ECONOMY: Blackburn On Cut Cap Balance

Don’t Be a Chicken

Super MariObama

Chairman Jordan: Cut, Cap, & Balance – That’s the Bottom Line

President restarts debt ceiling talks

Tom and the Judge talk Debt Limit

Obama, Dems Negotiation Failure On Spending Cuts

Amid ‘Serious Negotiations’ on Debt, Can Obama and GOP Find Common Ground?

Start Listening to Senator Paul:

3/09/11: Sen. Rand Paul on balancing the budget

03/17/11: Sen. Rand Paul Introduces Five-Year Balanced Budget Plan

S-1 FY2012 Senator Rand Paul

(Nominal Dollars in Billions)

Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues DeficitsSurplus Debt Held By Public
2011 3,708 2,228 -1,480 10,430
2012 3,100 2,547 -553 11,051
2013 3,152 2,755 -397 11,532
2014 3,227 3,088 -139 11,748
2015 3,360 3,244 -116 11,942
2016 3,430 3,349 19 11,997
2012-2016 16,269 15,083 -1,188 n.a.

4/14/11: Sen. Rand Paul Speaks Out Against the Continuing Resolution

Senator Lee explains the enforceability of a balanced budget amendment

Senator Pat Toomey Explains That Failing To Raise Debt Limit Doesn’t Cause Default

Neither the Republican Party nor Democratic Party Fiscal Year 2012 budget proposals are the road to peace and prosperity but a Tea Party budget with balanced budgets most definitely is:

Which Budgets Are Balanced And Living Within The Means of The American People?


4/5/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

Republican Party Budget Proposals

S-1 FY2012 Chairman’s Markup

(Nominal Dollars in Billions)

Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Deficits Debt Held By Public
2011 3,618 2,230 -1,388 10,351
2012 3,529 2,533 -995 11,418
2013 3,559 2,860 -699 12,217
2014 3,586 3,094 -492 12,801
2015 3,671 3,237 -434 13,326
2016 3,858 3,377 -481 13,886
2017 3,998 3,589 -408 14,363
2018 4,123 3,745 -379 14,800
2019 4,352 3,939 -414 15,254
2020 4,544 4,142 -402 15,681
2021 4,739 4,354 -385 16,071
2012-2021 39,958 34,870 -5,088 n.a.

Sen. Toomey Unveils his FY 2012 Budget

Senator Pat Toomey Talks with Michael Medved about his Budget

S-1 FY2012 Senator Pat Toomey(Nominal Dollars in Billions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues DeficitsSurplus Debt Held By Public
2011 3,625 2,230 -1,351 10,351
2012 3,477 2,538 -919 11,418
2013 3,485 2,964 -521 12,217
2014 3,509 3,216 -291 12,801
2015 3,623 3,391 -233 13,326
2016 3,765 3,524 -241 13,886
2017 3,853 3,736 -117 14,363
2018 3,955 3,916 -39 14,800
2019 4,140 4,108 -32 15,254
2020 4,302 4,325 23 15,681
2021 4,493 4,566 73 16,071
2012-2021 38,602 36,304 -2298 n.a.

Democratic Party Budget Proposals

S-1 FY2012 President’s Budget

(Nominal Dollars in Billions)

Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Deficits Debt Held By Public
2011 3,819 2,174 -1,645 10,856
2012 3,729 2,627 -1,101 11,881
2013 3,771 3,003 -768 12,784
2014 3,977 3,333 -646 13,562
2015 4,190 3,583 -607 14,301
2016 4,468 3,819 -649 15,064
2017 4,669 4,042 -627 15,795
2018 4,876 4,257 -619 16,513
2019 5,154 4,473 -681 17,284
2020 5,442 4,686 -735 18,103
2021 5,697 4,923 -774 18,967
2012-2021 45,952 38,747 -7,205 n.a.

Tea Party Budget Proposals

S-1 FY2012 Tea Party’s Balanced/Surplus Budget(Nominal Dollars in Billions)
Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Surpluses Debt Held By Public
2012 2,500 2,500 0 10,900
2013 2,800 2,800 0 10,900
2014 3,000 3,000 0 10,900
2015 3,200 3,200 0 10,900
2016 3,300 3,300 0 10,900
2017 3,400 3,500 100 10,800
2018 3,500 3,700 200 10,600
2019 3,600 3,900 300 10,300
2020 3,700 4,000 300 10,000
2021 3,800 4,300 500 9,500
2012-2021 32,800 34,200 1,400 n.a.

Please sign the cut, cap and balance pledge by clicking on the link below.

This should put some pressure on your Senators and Representatives of both political parties that still believe that massive annual deficits of over $1000 billion can continue for years if not decades into the future.

The U. S. economy has two years or less to increase the growth rate from 1.9 to over 4.0% and reduce the official unemployment rate from 9.2 % to under 7%.

If the total U.S. Government Federal Government outlays are not significantly reduced and brought into balanced with tax revenues by 2013, the U.S. economy will enter another recession and the official unemployment rate or U-3 will exceed 10% with over 15 million unemployed Americans and with over 30 million Americans seeking full-time employment.

The total outlays (spending) and revenues (taxes) must be equal for the Fiscal Year 2014 U.S Federal Government budget and subsequent fiscal years; At most outlays or spending should be less than or equal to 18% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

This is the only way to increase the U.S.’s economic growth rate of Gross Domestic Product to over a 5% and reduce unemployment rate to under 5%.

If this is not done the U.S. economy will first go into another recession followed by a long period of stagflation with little recovery in terms of jobs.

If your representatives refuse to sign the pledge, do not vote for them in the next election.

If your representatives votes for an increase in the national debt ceiling without the terms of the pledge being honored or met, do not vote for them in the next election.

Force the President of the United States to balance the budget in Fiscal Year 2012 by insisting the national debt ceiling not be increased.

Remember that the estimated deficit for Fiscal Year 2011 is $1,650 billion dollars. This is about equal to the total U.S. Federal Government budget in Fiscal Year 1998 when the budget was in surplus!

Through the end of June 2011 the actual deficit for Fiscal Year 2011 exceeds over $1,000 billion with three more months to go.

In other words tax revenues are estimated to be about $2,200 billion with outlays or spending to be over $3,800 billion.

The time has come for your Senators and Representatives to show some spine and fiscal discipline.

If they do not, find someone who will and vote for them in the next election!

Remember the Alamo

Background Articles and Videos

Grant Says New Regulations `Asphyxiating’ U.S. Banks

James Grant and James Turk discuss gold, the Fed and the fiscal situation of the USA

Ron Paul’s Committee Hearing 3-17-11 Part 1/8

Ron Paul’s Committee Hearing 3-17-11 Part 2/8

Ron Paul’s Committee Hearing 3-17-11 Part 3/8

Ron Paul’s Committee Hearing 3-17-11 Part 4/8

Ron Paul’s Committee Hearing 3-17-11 Part 5/8

Ron Paul’s Committee Hearing 3-17-11 Part 6/8

Ron Paul’s Committee Hearing 3-17-11 Part 7/8

Ron Paul’s Committee Hearing 3-17-11 Part 8/8

Bernanke Says Recovery to Pick Up in Coming Quarters

Fed Cuts US Growth Outlook

The Deficit Is Worse Than We Think

Normal interest rates would raise debt-service costs by $4.9 trillion over 10 years, dwarfing the savings from any currently contemplated budget deal.


“…Washington is struggling to make a deal that will couple an increase in the debt ceiling with a long-term reduction in spending. There is no reason for the players to make their task seem even more Herculean than it already is. But we should be prepared for upward revisions in official deficit projections in the years ahead—even if a deal is struck. There are at least three major reasons for concern.

First, a normalization of interest rates would upend any budgetary deal if and when one should occur. At present, the average cost of Treasury borrowing is 2.5%. The average over the last two decades was 5.7%. Should we ramp up to the higher number, annual interest expenses would be roughly $420 billion higher in 2014 and $700 billion higher in 2020.

The 10-year rise in interest expense would be $4.9 trillion higher under “normalized” rates than under the current cost of borrowing. Compare that to the $2 trillion estimate of what the current talks about long-term deficit reduction may produce, and it becomes obvious that the gains from the current deficit-reduction efforts could be wiped out by normalization in the bond market. …”

“…The second reason for concern is that official growth forecasts are much higher than what the academic consensus believes we should expect after a financial crisis. That consensus holds that economies tend to return to trend growth of about 2.5%, without ever recapturing what was lost in the downturn.

But the president’s budget of February 2011 projects economic growth of 4% in 2012, 4.5% in 2013, and 4.2% in 2014. That budget also estimates that the 10-year budget cost of missing the growth estimate by just one point for one year is $750 billion. So, if we just grow at trend those three years, we will miss the president’s forecast by a cumulative 5.2 percentage points and—using the numbers provided in his budget—incur additional debt of $4 trillion. That is the equivalent of all of the 10-year savings in Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget, passed by the House in April, or in the Bowles-Simpson budget plan.

Third, it is increasingly clear that the long-run cost estimates of ObamaCare were well short of the mark because of the incentive that employers will have under that plan to end private coverage and put employees on the public system. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has already issued 1,400 waivers from the act’s regulations for employers as large as McDonald’s to stop them from dumping their employees’ coverage. …”


Michele Bachmann says Obama using “scare tactics” on debt ceiling

“…White House hopeful Michele Bachmann on Tuesday accused President Obama of using scare tactics to convince Congress to raise the statutory limit on how much money the United States can borrow to keep the government running.

“I think these are scare tactics by the Obama administration,” the Minnesota Republican Representative said in an interview on CBS’ “The Early Show,” referring to assertions that financial markets would be face turmoil if Congress does not raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling by August 2.

“Until I see a legitimate, serious reduction in spending, I can’t give my vote” to raise the debt ceiling, Bachmann said, adding “we will be right back at it again a year and a half from now in a worse position than we are today.”

Bachmann noted that the debt ceiling would have to be increased by about $2.4 trillion to last through the end of next year.

She backed a controversial proposal from Sen. Pat Toomey, (R-Pa.) to give bondholders, including China, first dibs on the payments from the U.S. Treasury.

“The interest on the debt can easily be paid for and that would mean that we wouldn’t default,” she said. …”

“…Toomey’s proposal is popular among the conservative Tea Party wing of the Republican party, but has not been endorsed by the Republican leadership on Capitol Hill.

The Obama administration has warned against Toomey’s proposal, as has Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke.

Earlier this month, Bernanke, who served as a top White House adviser to President George W. Bush before becoming Fed chief, said such a prioritization move would cause unnecessary concerns in the financial markets and would only buy a short amount of time.

“While debt-related payments might be met in this scenario, the fact that many other government payments would be delayed could still create serious concerns about the safety of Treasury securities among financial market participants,” Bernanke said in a speech earlier this month. …”

Howdy Doody – 1949 – (1/3)

Howdy Doody – 1949 – (2/3)

Howdy Doody – 1949 – (3/3)

Howdy Doody

“…Howdy Doody is an American children’s television program (with circus and frontier/Western themes) that was created and produced by E. Roger Muir[1] and telecast on NBC in the United States from 1947 until 1960. It was a pioneer in children’s television programming and set the pattern for many similar shows. It was also a pioneer in early color production as NBC (at the time owned by TV maker RCA) used the show in part to sell color television sets in the 1950s.

Howdy Doody himself is a freckle-faced boy marionette with 48 freckles, one for each state of the union (up until January 3, 1959), and was originally voiced by Buffalo Bob Smith.[2] The Howdy Doody show’s various marionettes were created and built by puppeteers Velma Wayne Dawson, Scott Brinker (the show’s prop man) and Rufus Rose throughout the show’s run.[3] The redheaded Howdy marionette on the original show was operated with 11 strings: two heads, one mouth, one eye, two shoulders, one back, two hands and two knees. Three strings were added when the show returned—two elbows and one nose.

The original Howdy Doody marionette now resides at the Detroit Institute of Arts. There were duplicate Howdy Doody puppets, designed to be used expressly for off-the-air purposes (lighting rehearsals, personal appearances, etc.), although surviving kinescope recordings clearly show that these duplicate puppets were indeed used on the air occasionally. Double Doody was the Howdy stand-in puppet; now on permanent display at the Smithsonian.[4] Photo Doody, is the near-stringless marionette that was used in personal appearances, photos, parades, and the famed NBC test pattern. He was sold by Leland’s Sports Auction House in 1997 for more than $113,000 to a private art collector, TJ Fisher.[5] Other puppet characters included Heidi Doody (Howdy’s sister), Mayor Phineas T. Bluster, Dilly Dally, Inspector John J. Fadoozle (“America’s number 1 private eye”), Sandra the Witch, Princess Summerfall Winterspring, Capt. Windy Scuttlebut and the curious Flub-a-Dub (a combination of eight animals: a duck’s bill, a cat’s whiskers, a spaniel’s ears, a giraffe’s neck, a dachshund’s body, a seal’s flippers, a pig’s tail and an elephant’s memory). The show is also known for its animals like Hyde and Zeke the bears, Mambo the Elephant, Tizzy the dinosaur, Paddle the Gnu, and Tommy Turtle. Howdy Doody dolls were also sold commercially, as well as marionettes of Howdy Doody and Flub-a-dub.

In addition to the original vintage puppets, puppetmaker Alan Semok (at the request of Bob Smith in the early 1990s) created several exact replicas of Howdy, including (thanks to improved materials and new moulding techniques) a more exact marionette replica than had been produced in the past, as well as a new Photo Doody which Smith used in personal appearances until the time of his death. One of Semok’s marionette duplicates appears on a 2005 cover of TV Guide magazine as part of a series recreating classic covers from the magazine’s history. The cover featured Howdy with Conan O’Brien dressed as Buffalo Bob Smith. Another of the Semok duplicates resides in the International Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts, the private museum owned by renowned illusionist David Copperfield.

Bob Smith (November 27, 1917 – July 30, 1998), the show’s host, was dubbed “Buffalo Bob” early in the show’s run. Smith wore cowboy garb, and the name of the puppet “star” was derived from the Western United States greeting “howdy do”, a commonplace corruption of “How do you do?” (The straightforward use of that expression was also in the theme song’s lyrics.) Smith, who had gotten his start as a singing radio personality in Buffalo, New York, used music frequently in the program. Cast members Lew Anderson and Robert “Nick” Nicholson were both experienced jazz musicians.

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